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  1. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Nah mate, I never take any of this personally. I’ve enjoyed my afternoon dust up with yourself and WalshistheGOAT so it’s all good as far as I am concerned. As long as you both show your vax records we can have beers.👍
  2. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Just those who I am suspicious of mate.😉
  3. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Fair enough. Simple misunderstanding. I am quite relaxed.👍
  4. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Where is your evidence that I don't have a flu vaccination? I won't bother with the rest of your strawman.
  5. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    So some of your friends went down the "rabbit hole" and moved away, did they? Clearly they were struggling with this and probably had some mental health issues that drove them that far. Yet you are "happy to see the back of them." How very caring and understanding of you. In light of the...
  6. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    And again, there are actually legitimate reasons why some people have cut them off. I understand that a person can only take so many precautions but the obvious ones (such as unvaccinated people in one's circle) can be mitigated against. Yes, it's sad that the unvaccinated feel isolated by...
  7. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    And you concluded that I was a heartless prick without understanding my position and why. You may feel that you have some sort of moral superiority but that is just an illusion that you have created to justify yourself.
  8. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    In certain circumstances, yes. You do understand why they blocked unvaccinated people from visiting nursing homes and the like, don't you?
  9. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    And you really are laughably ignorant. I have explained to you that I have immunocompromised family members. You seem to think that the mental health of unvaccinated people should allow them to put those family members in danger. Explain to me why you think this is acceptable.
  10. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    So for all of that, how is it that you cannot understand why I wouldn't want unvaccinated people around immunocompromised family members? What is it that gives them the right to compromise others?
  11. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Based off you know, the fact that you are a sovereign citizen whackjob. Or at the very least an apologist for such parasites.
  12. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Fine. I make no apology whatsoever for not wanting unvaccinated people around immunocompromised family members. If people, friends or otherwise are that abhorrent that they will put their own ignorance ahead of others welfare then they can frankly GAGF. I don't a expect a sovereign citizen...
  13. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    No, I really don't. They don't give two fcuks about me. It goes both ways. And what comment about caring for their welfare?
  14. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    And you know what sport, I don't give a sh!t. I'll put the wellbeing of myself and my family ahead of any of my "friends" who make the uneducated but very conscious decision to compromise that. They made their choice.
  15. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    Imagine being the anti-vaxxer who compromises the welfare of your friends.
  16. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    You have no idea how to interpret data so best you bugger off and leave the adults to chat.
  17. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    And here we have the new village idiot folks. As the old adage goes, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
  18. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    "Maybe use..." "why do use..." Fork me dead, you can't argue with genius like this folks. :D
  19. The Cryptkeeper

    AFL star’s anti-vax views cost him friendship

    The line in bold means that your sanctimonious carry on can be dismissed as drivel. You have absolutely no way of proving any of that. I mean, making such claims is just laughable. You have no idea who most of the people on this forum are. Or what their lived experience is. What utter arrogance...
  20. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Amazing isn't it? Truly astonishing.
  21. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Links only the very few studies/articles/comments that collaborate his conspiracy theory. Check. Disregards the literally tens of thousands of same that disprove his nonsense. Check.
  22. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Just the usual anti-science tin foil hat wearers linking propaganda articles, long since debunked. And sensible, logical people calling them out on it mate.
  23. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    And there you go proving my point.
  24. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Just relying on that immunity that other vaccinated children provide for yours. You are truly pathetic.
  25. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Any wilfully unvaccinated person who has no legitimate medical reason for being so is a social pariah. End of. Not sure why you decided to weaponise a female footballer but it’s pretty gormless. And irrelevant. And yes, Varnhagen is a parasite.
  26. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    I’m not the one spreading propaganda without a basic understanding of statistics. Educate yourself.
  27. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Personally I am scared of simple idiots like you who spread lies, propaganda and don’t have a year one understanding of basic mathematics. People like you are actually very dangerous.
  28. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    I would tell him exactly my thoughts. You reckon I am scared of an anti-vaxxing bottomfeeder like Liam Jones? A guy too scared of facing up to his social responsibility to do the right thing? He’s already pissed his pants.
  29. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    Oh piss off. Anti-vaxxer quits and you want sympathy for the parasite? Over 5 million deaths globally so you can be buggered if I am going to be defending social terrorists who have left decent people to do their heavy lifting. Liam Jones is a grub. As is everyone else scabbing themselves off...
  30. The Cryptkeeper

    Carlton player Liam Jones refusing vax - Update: Jones retires from AFL

    You actually think this is about freedumbs?