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  1. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    The whole thing is bollocks now.
  2. JackFlash

    Streaming The Orville - Seth MacFarlane

    Voyager was good, but Seth is a funny guy, the first two seasons of Orville were great, but i understand why they haven't renewed it
  3. JackFlash

    Streaming The Orville - Seth MacFarlane

    It's just turned into Voyager...
  4. JackFlash

    Streaming The Orville - Seth MacFarlane

    The Orville has lost its humour
  5. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Channel 10 in the mud

    Haven't watched it for years, i gave up on them as it was absolute crap. With reality shows that are horrendous to The Project which is abhorrent, I am not surprised by this news, free to air is doomed. Is Ch 7 next?
  6. JackFlash

    What movies do you think could go well with a remake?

    Fantastic Voyage Rope Jason and The Argonauts Forbidden Planet Caligula (done properly)
  7. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Exactly like George's shirt button. Larry David is a genius and to have done all of this over the past 25 years is something we all should be forever grateful for.
  8. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    A superb show and extremely rewatchable. They were right , it's exactly how the Seinfeld finale should've ended!
  9. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Larry's going to do time for being a not such a nice bloke, his social insensitivities will lead him to becoming a social pariah... and just like the Seinfeld ending which was not popular with fans, he will also end up in the slammer!
  10. JackFlash

    Movie Worst decisions in movie history

    Seriously, the worst movie decision of all time is having John Wayne play Genghis Khan in The Conqueror.
  11. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    A sad day, i loved every minute of the banter, arguments and general behaviour between Larry David and the wonderful Richard Lewis.
  12. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    It's been great so far, i'm still having a chuckle from last week and Leon's classic line "That little M********* is going to come out with a mustache and bad credit"...Larry's engagements with Mr Takahashi is definitely leading up to something! No disgruntlement here.
  13. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    The Tardis has a flat battery and needs some jumper cables...
  14. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Indeed it is adios. However, it must be said that Neil Patrick Harris was fantastic in a show that has no similarity to the show I grew up with.
  15. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    The Doctor is on his last legs...thankfully we still have Old Who, Nu Who has completely gone off the rails. It's only going to get worse from here.
  16. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Ah the insult response in an argument, the go too by someone doesn't have one. The mastermind behind the renaissance of Doctor Who has criticised ‘rubbish’ television screenwriters obsessed with diversity. Russell T Davies, the chief writer and producer of the show’s 2005 reboot, said many...
  17. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Scriptwriters are just putting their own political point of view in it and woking it all up at the expense of the story itself. The new Doctor is a black actor, no problem with that, but he will also be gay and have a transgender companion. I don't know if i will laugh or cry at this. I wonder...
  18. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    The show has always been that way in the reboot, i guess i was hoping they were not going to go too far down that path, they did well with Tennant, Smith and Capaldi and it was possible to put some of this nonsense to one side and just enjoy the show. More recently and currently it takes...
  19. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    The Star Beast...holy meepness. One of these days TV producers and film makers in general will start making shows for entertainment value and give the woke police nothing to complain about. Pesronally i don't care, but it was pretty obvious this epsiode went overboard in order to push buttons...
  20. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Ads that piss you off (3)

    The natural confectionary company with that annoying little girl singing "superwoman"...
  21. JackFlash

    Movie Jurassic World Dominion

    Straight out of the Hollywood enviromentalist propaganda code book, this is what we're gonna get from now on with any future Blockbuster movie. The Dinos were secondary to the ideology.
  22. JackFlash

    Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)

    Yes, i reckon you're right, he's an omnipotent character and yes he doesn't glide. Does Christensen wear the suit or is a stunt double guy? Christensen is a tall guy!
  23. JackFlash

    Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)

    He's not as imposing?
  24. JackFlash

    Streaming The Orville - Seth MacFarlane

    Great first two seasons, but why so serious all of a sudden? Seth has lost the plot of his own show. It's three episodes into the new season and although the 3rd one was interesting to a point, it's short on jokes and is really just another Star Trek show... It's jumped the space station IMO...
  25. JackFlash

    Movie Top Gun: Maverick

    Can Tom Cruise fly a fighter jet? All the actors underwent extensive training and although you wouldn't want them flying over the Ukraine, they did a good job. It's a good thing they didn't hire Tom Hanks for a role, he would have to pass on it. At least Cruise knows he's making a fictional...
  26. JackFlash

    Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)

    Has Darth Vadar all of a sudden turned into a midget? He's shrunk!
  27. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Elba would be a better M, Bond's ethnicity has already been established. The choice for Dr Who has me more puzzled age-wise than anything else, but Producers have been lost for years. Elba would be a great Time Lord.
  28. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    There appears to be a dearth of mature age actors in Britain, the show jumped the shark a long time ago! Is Idris Elba too busy and too expensive?
  29. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    There were lots of script ideas that were tossed when Roger Delgado died, unfortunately. Some were kept and re-worked for Baker's first year and some never saw the light of day. A Captain Yates back story would've been good. I've always liked the Pertwee era, he was an authoritative Doctor with...
  30. JackFlash

    FTA-TV Doctor Who

    Pertwee is without one of the best Doctors and the saviour of the series with an almost perfect tenure in the role. Great stories, companions and the best villain.