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  1. Y

    Eureka Back Bar

    The only rumour I hear going around WildJohn is that you've depleated the pornography stocks of Geelong's Adult Shops and this combined with the fact that you getting an actual girl into a sexual situation is out of the question you have resorted to making scenarios up like the one above to "get...
  2. Y

    Eureka Back Bar

    I'm glad the ride was enjoyed Wild because I've been told that it will be the last one offered to you. Should have taken a photo of "the great rack" as it will be the last time you are seeing it for a while...
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    Eureka Back Bar

    Haha. I was actually at the famous Back Bar on Friday night and felt that if I returned on the Saturday it would be detrimental to my well being. I know who put you up to this pumpitlowther and believe me its time for a neutering. Also have you boys found your premiership cup yet last time I...
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    Eureka Back Bar

    Any stories out of this weeks venture to the Back Bar...
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    Eureka Back Bar

    Well? Still waiting...
  6. Y

    Eureka Back Bar

    What its a town!! I just thought he thought that was the name of the Bell Park Football Club ... You wouldn't happen to be selling a plasma screen would ya mate? ;)
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    Best players in Country Vic

    Only one name out of that list can be described as one of the Geelong leagues greats and thats Cail. Its been years since Wilde played at Leopold (or as you quiet aptly put them Leoplod) and currently wouldn't be in the leagues top 50 players. As for Clark and O'Leary, playing well againts...
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    Eureka Back Bar

    Grow up (Not So) WildJohn, I was merely trying to get the discussion going and as this was a Eureka backbar-esque story I thought it would go well. I didn't mention any clubs or names so I don't know what ships are being sunk. I do also remember you telling a story of a little home renovations...
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    Eureka Back Bar

    Interesting choice of a thread name. I'd have to say I've never been to this place... If only that was true :( . How bout I get the ball rolling.. Well I recently attended a end of season footy trip to the beautiful town of Coogee Bay. Now the thing is Coogee has a higher than usual amount...
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    Games For Mad Mondays and Stories

    My club had its Mad Monday yesterday and it was a pretty poor turnout out with only about 12 of us. As the day wore on we decided it was almost time to go from the pub we had sat at all day. One of my teammates needed a ****, but as he couldn't be bothered walking 10 meters to the toilet he...