Search results for query: Coleman-Jones

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  1. Aristotle Pickett

    Think Tank Hey tanking Kangashite, how's Callum Coleman-Jones working out for you?

    So far this season CCJ has had 4 disposals, 1 mark , 2 hitouts and 1 tackle in 5 games. Is this trade blunder one of the worse trades North have done? Inside the strip club where CCJ led Sydney Stack astray which almost destroyed Stack's career.
  2. Taylor

    Club Focus North Melbourne 2021 - Greenwood, Coleman-Jones, Horne-Francis, Goater, Curtis, Bergman, Archer
    Threadmarks: North Melbourne club thread

    Spreadsheet created by Lore and Taylor, using data from footywire and AFL Tables. Version above maintained by giantroo. To check the draft order see the thread here.
  3. video-richmond-sydney-stack-callum-coleman-jones-fight-gold-coast.mp4


    Callum Coleman-Jones and Sydney Stack Incident on the Gold Coast
  4. Cleric

    Traded Callum Coleman-Jones [Traded to North Melbourne with 42, 47 and a future 4th for Tarrant, 40 and a future 2nd]

    Since Lynch has joined the Tigers CCJ has been spending most of his time in the VFL where he has been playing well. Might be worth shaking his tree to see if wants more opportunities somewhere else.
  5. Grockadoc

    Player Watch #40: Callum Coleman-Jones

  6. Callum Coleman-Jones

    Callum Coleman-Jones
