Search results for query: Mihocek

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  1. Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4652.jpg

    Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4652.jpg

  2. Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4654.jpg

    Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4654.jpg

  3. Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4649.jpg

    Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4649.jpg

  4. Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4651.jpg

    Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4651.jpg

  5. Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4652.jpg

    Brody Mihocek IMG_5D4B4652.jpg

  6. Jazny

    Congratulations to Brodie Mihocek for winning Mark of the Round!

    Easily won the mark of the round :)
  7. Saveloy Rockstar

    Think Tank Post here if your team scored more goals than Brody Mihocek this round

    Brody kicked 4 against the Hawfs on Friday night, surely your team could manage more than that between 22 players? Checking in for Collingwood
  8. The Nostradamus

    Recommitted Brody Mihocek [re-signed for 3 more years]

    Will probably fly under the radar with pies still having to sign Moore, pendles, de Goey, Cox etc but this tassie guy also out of contract and has become a very capable key tall forward someone from Collingwood you would think have to make way ala Aish the year before and if it’s not one of...
  9. F

    Analysis Mihocek-Cox-Reid: Yes, No, or Maybe going forward?

    Given suspension and injuries, this was a forward line I was curious to see tried out. (I was actually curious going all the way back to Reid coming back into the side). Looking at the stats from tonight, these three combined to kick 6.1, took 16 marks, (of which 6 contested, 7 inside 50), and...
  10. FadeAway

    Universal Love My nickname for Brody Mihocek

    Hey Everyone, Need your feedback on this one. I’ve become a bit of a fan of Brody Mihocek over the course of the season. I think it was queens birthday and in the middle of the match I nicknamed him ‘The Log’ because of his huge quads / Legs. So anytime he goes near the pill now I scream this...
  11. Mihocek


  12. TradeDraft

    Player Watch Brody Mihocek

    Profile Page:
  13. CoggaRules

    Brody Mihocek

    Question to the draft gurus...whats the story with this kid? ...thinking he might be a good fit for our defence. ;)
  14. strauchanie59

    Draft Profile Brody Mihocek

    What is everyones thoughts on this guy? Made AA in under 18's this year as a defender. Can play both ends and was in the best for Tas in most games.