Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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and he's published his research on the collapse of the WTCs in which journal exactly? FYI architects draw pretty pictures. civil engineers are the ones that make it happen. you know, like the members of the ASCE (who demanded gage take their logo off the A&E website).

do note that "opinions" are worth much less than peer-reviewed, published research. but i understand you disagree with that.

i note you didn't address the main point of what i said, in that you favour your own gut over professionals.

says the guy that parrots nonsense from tinfoil hat websites, lol.

i have 2 degrees that are relevant to that topic; on the basis of your infantile grasp of geopolitical issues i would say i have a greater understanding than you.

if you wish to make a thread about the iraq war feel free.

it's beyond disingenuous for you to tie the opinions of the commissioners with your nuttiness. none a single one of them shares your viewpoint of a grand government conspiracy, so how can you use them as evidence for your claims?

most intelligent people have moved on from the topic.

want to tell me why this is impossible? you know they found personal effects from the challenger disaster yeah? was that an inside job too? lol.

Hi Long Live HFC
Is this type of response and personal attacks on posters really needed on this forum ?
I'm just asking
Do you think it makes for good discussion ?
Nooo, look at all the eyewitness testimony is what I'd rather do. The really scary thing now of course is we know how fallible it is. Especially the more removed in time from the event. We think we remember things well, we don't at all!

Amen to your description of eyewitness testimony Partridge
In the real world it is the bane of my existence

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i have 2 degrees that are relevant to that topic; on the basis of your infantile grasp of geopolitical issues i would say i have a greater understanding than you.

Perhaps he's angry he can't find a job.. ;)

if you wish to make a thread about the iraq war feel free.

The Iraq war is absolutely relevant to this topic. But you just want to talk about falling buildings right? It's a simple question, you're so experienced in the subject.. so come on, answer it.

it's beyond disingenuous for you to tie the opinions of the commissioners with your nuttiness. none a single one of them shares your viewpoint of a grand government conspiracy, so how can you use them as evidence for your claims?

That's just your opinion, I'm using quotes to backup my points, the evidence presented was inadequate, this is quoted by various commissioners.

most intelligent people have moved on from the topic.

There's more people who don't believe the official story now than there was 5 years ago.

want to tell me why this is impossible? you know they found personal effects from the challenger disaster yeah? was that an inside job too? lol.

Not impossible but incredibly unlikely and almost humorously convenient. LOL.

I don't know what was found re: the challenger, care to enlighten? The challenger didn't get completely swallowed by a building, then explode.
Enlightening as ever LOL!

It's actually because people are more informed and enough time has past that critical thinking and common sense have replaced emotional thought.

That's all well and good, but if critical thinking becomes a commonly held attribute, most conspiracy theories would vanish.

The truth is not established by popularity, but by the weight of evidence.
Critical thinking is allowed only after emotional blockades have dissipated
I would think to question a version of events by use of evidence that contradicts official findings is exactly what critical thinking is
I don't know what was found re: the challenger, care to enlighten? The challenger didn't get completely swallowed by a building, then explode.

well it exploded and disintegrated FYI.

if you actually look at the footage available from the WTC towers, you would note a whole bunch of debris from the plane impacts. no reason why some of that debris wouldn't have been parts of the plane/passengers/cargo. the idea that the Powers That Be deliberately planted a passport is so stupid and immature.

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So why would you want to keep discussing it then?
It seems the subject drives you nuts, if so, why discuss it?

the conceited arrogance of conspiracy theorists gets my goat. their superiority complex due to possessing "secret knowledge" is infuriating.
the conceited arrogance of conspiracy theorists gets my goat. their superiority complex due to possessing "secret knowledge" is infuriating.

That's a bit of a blanket judgement don't you think?
I would say any superiority complex displayed by anyone on here is displayed by those who say they definitely know what happened that day, from either side of the argument
An example is a poster, still a regular lurker in these parts mind you, who as I said yesterday proceeded a long time ago to argue that a government doesn't kill it's own people
I don't see that people who have a differing view of an event to you or me for that matter, have a superior view of themselves
On the other hand someone who resorts to personal attacks when they have nothing else may suffer from an inferiority complex....
By evidence absolutely. Then it comes down to what that evidence is.

Evidence for both sides is plentiful
But being plentiful in an area that brings an accepted judgement into doubt in this case brings doubt to the whole official version
If one determines not to take that evidence on board means that person is ignorant
Ive always thought it was weird that 2 of the fastest growing economies after WW2 were Germany and Japan....... its seems a few middle east countries are doing pretty good after 9/11. Follow the money.
That's a bit of a blanket judgement don't you think?

no. it's based upon a decade's-worth of experience with conspiracy theorists.

10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists
1. Arrogance. They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are trying to discover the truth: sceptics are always "sheep", patsies for Messrs Bush and Blair etc.
And round and round we go with the same circular arguments. It seems pretty obvious that both sides are sticking to their guns and not giving up one inch of ground.

What is also equally obvious is that for every year that passes without a whistleblower coming forward is another nail in the coffin of the "Truth" movement.
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