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I slept on Frieren and Apothecary diaries and only just started and finished them recently (Apothecary just now in fact). I heard they were good but was not prepared just how ****ing amazing they ended up. Having two masterpieces in the same season... unbelievable, just speechless. A must watch for anybody.

Wait. Pluto got animated? I know what to watch next then!
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On a recommendation from James Colorado I got the DVDs of Another. Such a great anime.

I've also ordered in the first 2 seasons of Tokyo ghoul to watch after I finish up with another
On a recommendation from James Colorado I got the DVDs of Another. Such a great anime.

I've also ordered in the first 2 seasons of Tokyo ghoul to watch after I finish up with another

Another is elite!!!!

I'm watching Monster on Netflix atm; very good, but at 74 eps it's a big commitment (I'm about 18 in).
Another is elite!!!!

I'm watching Monster on Netflix atm; very good, but at 74 eps it's a big commitment (I'm about 18 in).
I've heard about that. A lot of people are in on it.

I might have to give it a go because I don't want to miss out lol

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