Are we wasting our breath ??

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Team Captain
Feb 8, 2001
In the cyber woods
AFL Club
St Kilda
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Boston Celtics
Has Grant Thomas already got the job? I sure hope not. Nothing against the man, but we don't need another Tim Watson right now. Chris Connerley (or how ever you spell it) is actually willing
to take us on, but because Grant is mates with half the board he is considered a 'front runner'. What other team allows this to continue? I thought when Blighty came, things had turned the corner, but the tail seems to be wagging the dog again.

The suporters deserve to get some stability for a change instead of accepting the up's and down's of St Kilda. We have been more than patient in the past. The move to Colonial; the Tim Watson era; Sacking of Stan Alves; Losing the 'un-loseable' Grand name a few.

It's about time the supporters weren't spat in the face. Harsh but true.
Originally posted by thegoldenbear
It's about time the supporters weren't spat in the face. Harsh but true.

all the noise from the saints board suggests that grant thomas is the front runner to coach us next year, appointing him would be a huge huge huge mistake.

it is inconceivable to me that they would be considering another untried, unproven coach with absolutely no coaching credentials at the elite level. i don't care if he is a great 'leader of men' he is unproven and should not be considered. if he wants to coach at the elite level then he should become an assistant coach for a few years and learn what is required of a senior coach from inside the football department.

they said that the mistake they made when hiring blight was that they didn't carry out the rigorous tests they had used for the other coaching candidates. if they appoint thomas they are making the same mistake.

thomas's involvement in the sacking of blight and the fact that he is a close friend of rod butters and an employee of the company rod is buying into with his brother is another reason why the club must not appoint him coach. if he is appointed senior coach it suggests to the football world that the board are a bunch of amateur lightweights who are giving jobs to 'mates' rather than finding the best person to coach us. the board have to vigorously explore all options in their endeavour to find the best possible man to take our club forward, not just go for the quick and easy solution of giving the coaching job to a 'mate' who they believe is a 'good leader of men'.

if we appoint thomas the club will be a bigger laughing stock than it already is at the moment. the morale around the place is at a low ebb and a lot of members have once again lost hope for our future prospects. the club must appoint an outsider such as connolly, royal etc not only because these men have served their apprenticeships but because the club must be seen to be doing all it can to move the club forward from the mess it is now.

if the club appoint thomas as coach we will be perceived by the whole football world as a poorly managed rabble. this perception will hinder the critical pursuit of major sponsors, lead to a decrease in corporate support and a decline in membership. it will also make it impossible to entice players to the club and make it difficult to hold onto the decent players we already have.

the st kilda board should tell us immediately what they are planning. they have already set us back 12 months by their disastrous appointment and sacking of blight. as members we shouldn't just blindly support the board. we should question and demand answers when they have made mistakes. i have written to the club to express my views and requested a response on how the board intend to move our club forward in the future. as yet i have not received a reply.

if they intend to appoint grant thomas as coach then my voice will join the growing chorus to replace this board.
The statement about the hiring of Blight gets me.IF THEY HAD GIVEN BLIGHT THE TESTS it was more than probable he would have passed with flying colours.He has proved that he had the necessary mental strength in his career as a player and a coach.Its like riding a bike you dont lose this ability!

The disaster occurred when Butterss,Watt and Thomas came to the club.They have inflated egos as to their importance.The sooner they are departed the better.Getting Blight was based on their ego.Firing him was the same.

The team has improved this year despite all this. Gehrig and Hamill have been good additions and Koschitzki and Reiwoldt look great.Without the injuries and the coaching fiasco I think we would have ended the season on a good positive note.

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I saw Grant Thomas interviewed on Channel 10 News and he certainly spoke as if he would be the Coach next year. Stewie Loewe announced he would play on next year.
By all means keep Thomas on as our Director of Football.

But I agree that we really do need to appoint an outsider. Like STL said, a coach that has served a long apprenticeship and has a genuine desire to coach a club that is in a rebuilding stage.

I have no problem with Grant Thomas coaching us for the remainder of the season. I do think he has copped a fair bit of unwarranted criticism. Tim Watson was quick to dismiss rumours that Thomas had ousted him while the support for him from someone like Allan Jeans does a lot to enhance his credibility in my opinion.

Having said all that, if Grant Thomas is appointed our senior coach at the end of the season ahead of some of the quality assistant coaches available, I too would have serious doubts over what has taken place.

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