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Surely if you work for Cash Converters your job is to know what stuff is worth. If an XBOX360 is going for $100 or whatever then you want to try and buy it for $20 then re-sell it and hopefully make a margin while there is a market for it. I'd be surprised if many people go into Cashies, buy stuff then go home and re-sell it on Ebay for a profit.

I took an unwanted music keyboard to cashies last month - the guy looked up the going price on ebay...offerred me $10 less for mine ... he'll add $20 and put it in the store
Tassie is the land of the op shop ... Beaconsfield near where we live has 2! ... plus 2 second hand stores.

It only has one pub!
List of Cash Converters stores in WA:

Osborne Park
Perth City
Phoenix Park
Port Kennedy
Rockingham Furniture
Victoria Park


Only 3 here in Tas, one near Launceston...2 near Hobart. 3 other pawn broker/pay day loan businesses in Launceston

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I took an unwanted music keyboard to cashies last month - the guy looked up the going price on ebay...offerred me $10 less for mine ... he'll add $20 and put it in the store

Which is the way it should be.

Like old mate 'lemme get a buddy of mine to take a look at this' from Pawn Stars explains nearly every episode he can only sell something for what it's worth and needs to make a margin on it to make having a shop worthwhile. You're always going to get people trying to offer you $20 for something they will try and get $200+ for, but you're not going to get someone offering you $200 for something they plan to sell for $200.

Slight tangent but I've noticed selling a couple of things on Gumtree (and hearing others' tales) that there are a lot of people out there looking to low ball the shit out of anything either to just be dicks or to try and get stuff to on sell. **** they are annoying.
Some people across the road saw my folks throwing out some ugly dresser that was in the place they’d bought. Yeah sure, grab it, take it off our hands, saves us the drama - it was ugly, what’s the point trying to get anything for it?

Next day I’m at home and see a car rock up and the woman we gave it to take a $50 note and help load it into someone’s car!

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A family member told me a similar story about a kid's cot. They had one they no longer needed and did it up a bit then put the feelers out that they would give it to any new parent that was doing it tough. A girl came and picked it up and was really appreciative etc then nek minit it's up on Gumtree for $100 or whatever.

If I have anything I don't need and don't see a lot of value in I'm happy for someone to take it and good luck to them if they can sell it or upcycle it etc.
Some people across the road saw my folks throwing out some ugly dresser that was in the place they’d bought. Yeah sure, grab it, take it off our hands, saves us the drama - it was ugly, what’s the point trying to get anything for it?

Next day I’m at home and see a car rock up and the woman we gave it to take a $50 note and help load it into someone’s car!

On iPhone using mobile app

I love this
I had stuff out for council hard refuse pick up. A 6x4 trailer size pile allowed. Over a weekend I put 3 piles out ... people just kept clearing it.

One item, a TV...dude knocked on my door "hey mate you got the remote for that"

One item was a broken ceramic bird. Guy was crying and says to me "oh man they're worth heaps in good condition."

Ah I have 2 ... $100 he gave me
... wow

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Leach Highway near Norma Road. It might have been part of what was where the JB hi fi is now or one of those older shops directly east of Norma. Can't quite remember..

I don't remember it. Used to love poking around Cash Converters stores when I was a kid and had no money anyway. There's some new homewares shop next to JB now in among all the other homewares shops. There's a cafe with a giant 'CAFE' sign on the roof between the expensive leather couch shop and BCF. Doesn't strike me as the sort of place a cafe would thrive but it's been there for years so must be doing OK.
I don't remember it. Used to love poking around Cash Converters stores when I was a kid and had no money anyway. There's some new homewares shop next to JB now in among all the other homewares shops. There's a cafe with a giant 'CAFE' sign on the roof between the expensive leather couch shop and BCF. Doesn't strike me as the sort of place a cafe would thrive but it's been there for years so must be doing OK.
No I mean before that complex was even built. There was definitely a Kleenheat Gas place there. The cafe probably survives because everyone who works in that complex eats there.

Just googled it. It used to be unit 3, 260 Leach. Looking at street view I reckon it used to be where Rays Outdoors now is.
I remember looking at a couple of power tools once and they fit the bill of being really expensive. If I'm buying a second hand circular saw or something I expect it to be pretty cheap even if it was a good model brand new.

If you are doing a DIY project you are better off just getting a cheap new saw from Bunnings anyway and a decent blade.
Heard numerous stories from other musos about getting bargain guitars that Cashie's hadn't realised were worth way more than what they were selling them for. Also personally new someone who stuck some Fender stickers on his el cheapo strat knock off and hocked it for much more than it was worth. This was back in the days before the internet was a thing though. Probably doesn't happen any more and certainly whenever I went in to check out their stock hoping for one of these Penthouse Forum type stories to happen to me all that was there was ridiculously overpriced crap.
Heard numerous stories from other musos about getting bargain guitars that Cashie's hadn't realised were worth way more than what they were selling them for. Also personally new someone who stuck some Fender stickers on his el cheapo strat knock off and hocked it for much more than it was worth. This was back in the days before the internet was a thing though. Probably doesn't happen any more and certainly whenever I went in to check out their stock hoping for one of these Penthouse Forum type stories to happen to me all that was there was ridiculously overpriced crap.
So they didn't call in an expert like those fat guys on TV do?
Yep, the above is how I figure the world of pawn shops is now. If someone brings in a 'genuine 1959 Les Paul used by Jimmy Page to record Stairway to Heaven' then somewhere on the interwebs every last serial number and technical detail is going to be recorded somewhere. One of my old teachers had an acoustic be bought for $200 or something in the 90s from Cashies. Didn't look anything special to me but was apparently worth a few grand then.

I'd be surprised if many people these days still had guitars worth thousands then sold them for peanuts not knowing what they had given how easy it is to Google stuff. I wouldn't be surprised by people selling guitars 'worth' $20k for example for maybe $10k or less for the sake of convenience. Like the Pawn Stars dudes and their buddies say a lot of stuff is worth a premium to the right buyer but not much to most of the population. Bit different when you are selling game consoles, power tools etc. that are functional and common.
A few years ago Cash Converters was a great place to pick up bargains from the Gamecube/original Xbox/PS2 era. I managed to get Killer 7 for GC and The Last Story for Wii for about $8 each. Both going for about $100 on Ebay.

Unfortunately they're much more switched on these days with their pricing. Original Xbox games sometimes still slip through the cracks though.

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