Current Disappearance of 3yo William Tyrrell Pt 2 * FM guilty of assault & intimidation

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Continued from PART 1

Criminal charges the former foster parents currently face as at 15 April 2022 include:
  • Apprehended Violence Orders on both (AVOs)
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster mother *Not Guilty
  • Lying to the NSW Crime Commission on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • 2 x charges of assault against a child on former foster mother *Guilty
  • 1 x charge of assault against a child on former foster father *Not Guilty
  • Stalking &/or Intimidation on both *Guilty
  • Dummy bidding real estate fraud *Guilty

Where's William Tyrrell? - The Ch 10 podcast (under Coroner's subpoena)

Operation Arkstone
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Did the fosters ever hire a private investigator to find William and his kidnapper/s?
Nah, I shouldn’t think so.

I would say that generally it would be thought that a foster parent wouldn’t have the means to do so, but we know these two are comfortable.

So if they haven’t, why?

I would think that would be an interesting line of questioning for police.

Maybe they could argue they were already doing everything in their power to find him, such as putting the billboards up on highways and wearing ribbons, et al.
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It's a tough one. Shanelle's memories recalled under hypnosis were not permitted to be used in evidence against her father. There is a lot of debate and controversy about this type of evidence. In the Dawson case, he was convicted on other evidence anyway.

So, it would be difficult to see any successful prosecution proceeding on the basis (only) of William's sister's recollections if they were to be done under hypnosis. It might be different if she came forward as an independent adult witness (when she is legally entitled to do so), and presented a story different from what we have been told so far. Even then, I am fearful that defence lawyers would put her through the wringer under such circumstances. It would take incredible courage and determination on her behalf.

It's more likely that she has no clear recall of events, or has become confused or misled by the various narratives which emerged since the event.
I think what people don’t understand is that W sibling has already been cross-examined by top defence barristers in Court and has held up well. We know the other cases against the foster parents had “nothing to do with William” so I just wanted to make that perfectly clear also.

I am fearful that defence lawyers would put her through the wringer under such circumstances. It would take incredible courage and determination on her behalf.
This person has already shown incredible courage and determination but we don’t read about it due to
Suppression laws and
Closed court.

Let’s not forget that there’s another 5 year AVO against the foster parents protecting this child that was renewed earlier this year by Magistrate McIntyre.

This kid is ‘Crown witness material’, imho.
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I assume by "William's parents", you're referring to his biologicals? Yes, it does make you wonder. Where are they lobbying? When are they being heard, do they contact media on Mother's Days or Christmases, for example? How are they fighting for William? I wonder what they are doing now.
Maybe William’s biological parents are following the advice of NSWPOL, and their silence in the media and in public is strategic, not uncaring.

It’s easy to assume that it’s only the foster parents have lawyers, etc. but it’s possible that the bios are receiving some type of legal or procedural advice of their own.

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Maybe William’s biological parents are following the advice of NSWPOL, and their silence in the media and in public is strategic, not uncaring.

It’s easy to assume that it’s only the foster parents have lawyers, etc. but it’s possible that the bios are receiving some type of legal or procedural advice of their own.

I'd like to think that William's real parents have access to whatever legal support they are entitled to. Not entirely sure that they do.

I don't believe any parent ever 'gets over' the loss of a child, especially one so young. But I'd like to think that William's real parents are able to move forward with their lives in the best possible way. These people have made mistakes and poor choices, (haven't we all?) but I don't believe they have ever acted truly maliciously to anyone, and if they have, they have probably more than paid their dues. There are no winners here.
Yeah, maybe.
I would expect to see his family when the inquest resumes. IMHO, the decent thing to do would be to turn up to support their son.

Let’s wait until then before casting aspersions.

But for now, they’ve maintained a dignified silence in the public and in the media since 2021, which I think has been wise and beneficial to the case of missing William Tyrell, and other matters.
I would expect to see his family when the inquest resumes. IMHO, the decent thing to do would be to turn up to support their son.
I hope they can be there but would certainly understand if they cannot or choose not to.
My understanding is that neither had the financial wherewithal to attend the original inquest, and required assistance with transport, and accommodation. Not to mention lost income and the responsibilities of looking after other children. They are not wealthy people who can afford to drop everything for several weeks or even days. My understanding is that William's father has undergone some mental health issues brought about by, or at least exacerbated by William's demise.
Subjecting these people to an inevitable barrage from media clowns and the public in general may not be exactly good for anyone.
I hope they can be there but would certainly understand if they cannot or choose not to.
My understanding is that neither had the financial wherewithal to attend the original inquest, and required assistance with transport, and accommodation. Not to mention lost income and the responsibilities of looking after other children. They are not wealthy people who can afford to drop everything for several weeks or even days. My understanding is that William's father has undergone some mental health issues brought about by, or at least exacerbated by William's demise.
Subjecting these people to an inevitable barrage from media clowns and the public in general may not be exactly good for anyone.
Yeah, exactly. That’s very true.
Nah, I shouldn’t think so.

I would say that generally it would be thought that a foster parent wouldn’t have the means to do so, but we know these two are comfortable.

So if they haven’t, why?

I would think that would be an interesting line of questioning for police.

Maybe they could argue they were already doing everything in their power to find him, such as putting the billboards up on highways and wearing ribbons, et al.
Or she could’ve told the operator on her 000 call about the dodgy cars & ‘red necked man’ or whatever she eventually said she saw - also the police when they arrived - and the investigation may’ve had a two-pronged focus from the beginning
Or she could’ve told the operator on her 000 call about the dodgy cars & ‘red necked man’ or whatever she eventually said she saw - also the police when they arrived - and the investigation may’ve had a two-pronged focus from the beginning
Yeah she could’ve told them about the weathered looking man, who just looked at her and she looked at him like “I see you,” blah blah blah.

That would have been helpful, I’m sure.
Yeah she could’ve told them about the weathered looking man, who just looked at her and she looked at him like “I see you,” blah blah blah.

That would have been helpful, I’m sure.
Or she might have been more specific about when William disappeared and when and where she had already looked. Or about whether he was wearing shoes. Or about distinguishing features ( a discrete freckle on his head is not going to identify him from a distance, but a bright red and blue Spiderman suit might! ).

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Or she might have been more specific about when William disappeared and when and where she had already looked. Or about whether he was wearing shoes. Or about distinguishing features ( a discrete freckle on his head is not going to identify him from a distance, but a bright red and blue Spiderman suit might! ).
Her 000 call for help wasn’t probably as helpful as it could have been. I do understand she may have been extremely stressed, but when I listen to that call, her voice sounds quite measured and she seems to have her whits about her.

It’s interesting that she didn’t know the cross road to Benaroon Drive even though her parents had lived in that house for about 20 years, and she had visited regularly.

Was she being evasive on purpose ?
Her 000 call for help wasn’t probably as helpful as it could have been. I do understand she may have been extremely stressed, but when I listen to that call, her voice sounds quite measured and she seems to have her whits about her.

It’s interesting that she didn’t know the cross road to Benaroon Drive even though her parents had lived in that house for about 20 years, and she had visited regularly.

Was she being evasive on purpose ?

I’m not too concerned about her confusion over street name - I've lived at my address for over 20 years & get the name of street across confused ! even when not in a stressed state !

But I did find the rest of her call ‘odd’. I agree she sounded totally in control, but failed to mention what imo were crucial points. e.g. as per 31550 - where, when, how he went missing, where she’d already searched, who else was there & was searching etc. obscure mole on his head ? As if it was to identify a dead body !
…. and I can’t believe FGM & his sister just carried on as usual on the deck, while all this was going on. . FGM & sister could’ve been involved in searching for him, gone through the house calling & looking for him. Those were some of the things that didn't sit right for me ..
…. and I can’t believe FGM & his sister just carried on as usual on the deck, while all this was going on. . FGM & sister could’ve been involved in searching for him, gone through the house calling & looking for him. Those were some of the things that didn't sit right for me ..
Agree. That's another point where the narrative breaks down.
FM does not account for William's sister's whereabouts at all in any of her narrative, from the time William jumped off the deck until the time she rang 000 - no mention is made of William's sister.
FGM is quite vague about William's sister's whereabouts too - "I think she probably followed me".

It does seem quite strange that supervising adults would not keep a close eye on a 4YO girl, while a 3YO boy is missing.
If we are to believe FGM who "instantly thought someone's taken him", wouldn't you keep his sister closely in your sights?
Or if William was thought to have been wandering and got lost, wouldn't you get his sister to help look for him, and call out his name? Would you really just leave her alone on the verandah, drawing?
Where was William's sister when FM took the drive down to Batar Creek Rd? Nobody seems to know for sure.
Agree. That's another point where the narrative breaks down.
FM does not account for William's sister's whereabouts at all in any of her narrative, from the time William jumped off the deck until the time she rang 000 - no mention is made of William's sister.
FGM is quite vague about William's sister's whereabouts too - "I think she probably followed me".

It does seem quite strange that supervising adults would not keep a close eye on a 4YO girl, while a 3YO boy is missing.
If we are to believe FGM who "instantly thought someone's taken him", wouldn't you keep his sister closely in your sights?
Or if William was thought to have been wandering and got lost, wouldn't you get his sister to help look for him, and call out his name? Would you really just leave her alone on the verandah, drawing?
Where was William's sister when FM took the drive down to Batar Creek Rd? Nobody seems to know for sure.
AFAIK, LT has always been missing from the foster parents/FGM narrative around William’s disappearance.

Throughout Lia Harris’/Network 10’s infamous “Where’s William Tyrrell?” podcast,
even during the few episodes in which the FM spoke about LT, the FM and the journalists/podcasters skirted around William’s older sister in opaque terms, and in general they seemed to reduce their commentary around LT as much as possible.

IMO, the older sister was featured a little bit in the Not Her Mantle episode, which seemed to be carefully curated to also fit the narrative that the police weren’t doing enough, etc.

Putting that aside: The aspect that sticks out the most to me is the foster grandmother’s testimony throughout her police walkthrough video, captured in the week that William went missing, regarding LT’s whereabouts at the time of William’s disappearance, as you’ve alluded to 31550 .

Where was William's sister when FM took the drive down to Batar Creek Rd? Nobody seems to know for sure.
That is the Million Dollar question. IMO.
It’s interesting that she didn’t know the cross road to Benaroon Drive even though her parents had lived in that house for about 20 years, and she had visited regularly.
Was she being evasive on purpose ?
Maybe didn't want to appear rehearsed.
They might remember but not be able to recall. In any case their recall of events would be highly unreliable after 10 years, especially with the pollution of various stories and narratives from other people. It's never going to be of any legal consequence.
Agree that events after 10 years would be of no legal consequence. And even interviews of a small child at the time may help with investigation but, IMO, may not stand up in court.

For example, the statement of Senior Constable WH on the day WT went missing, reports that both FM and LT say that William was roaring like a Lion. However in later evidence it seems that WT was playing daddy Tigers and the reference to Lion seems to disappear and he was just roaring. If he was playing Tigers why did his sister say it was like a Lion? LT may have been influenced by FM, or overheard FM saying he was like a Lion. What ever the reason, it may show that any evidence from LT may be clouded, IMO.

WH’s statement: “ ….LT said .…Words to the effect ‘We were on the deck drawing and William was roaring like a lion and·Iooking for daddy to come home, then we started looking for him’…”

WH’s statement: FM said: “I could hear him roaring like a Lion”…

Also it appears from what LT said, that WT was roaring while on the deck drawing, which would fit in with the photo on the deck. But she does not say he was roaring and running on the grass or around the house. At any rate, IMO, it is impossible to know what and when exactly happened that morning.
“No charges are likely to be laid over the disappearance of William Tyrrell until after an inquest into the toddler's death, again putting the long-running case on hold nearly a decade after he went missing.

A review into evidence that the three-year-old's foster mother might have been involved in his disappearance has been suspended after a police request to the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions.

A spokeswoman for the director on Tuesday said the NSW Police Force had asked the prosecutor's office to "suspend its consideration of their request for advice in this matter" until after scheduled inquest hearings in November and December.”

From the Sydney Morning Herald, 21 May 2024 (free but requires log in), quoting from the statement by the ODPP:

"Pursuant to a waiver of legal privilege by the Commissioner of Police, the ODPP can advise that the NSW Police Force asked that this Office suspend its consideration of their request for advice in this matter until after the conclusion of the next tranche of the inquest hearings in November and December 2024.” [bolding by me]

Thank you to the police for waiving the legal privilege so we could be told what's happened.

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