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I dunno about blaming Labour - it was an election promise. A couple of years ago both LNP and ALP were very close on this. Dutton seen an opportunity to exploit Australia’s track record on race discussions.

The Voice itself is simple. It was the ‘where’s the detail’ bullshit and then leaving the rest to Sky News and news.com to generate enough confusion.

I mean we had Mundine say the Uluṟu Statement was a declaration of war!!! These words matter.
Denying current and inter generational trauma (jacinta price)!! These words matter.
I remember Mabo - I was young but hearing my family talk about how our house would be taken and Aboriginals being allowed to camp in our yard - did any of this shit happen - not even ****ing close!!

you’re voting no to this - then what hope is there for progress for ATSI people.

‘Vote no to save Australia Day’ placards seem a waste? I asked a ‘no’ volunteer today about will Australia Day be gone next year and he said ‘absolutely - it’s the first thing they will do’. This is an outright lie but it’s out there. Again words matter.

The reality is if there were a Voice to parliament then LNP can gut it at the next election if they won or stack it with whomever they want. They just need to have a Voice as it is in the constitution.

It really is a pathetic, little request to say ‘try and listen to us’ and we couldn’t even say yes to this?

As a Port supporter we are used to being called ‘white noise’ now - but it’s just a stupid football game. The club doesn’t want to listen to us but this isn’t even the first time.
When we tried to enter the afl the first time - we were denied a seat at the negotiation table due to the court action of all the other sanfl clubs - we got no say to those who make the decisions about us.

Again - it’s a pathetic football game. Imagine saying - we want a better life, we want to close the gap and we want a say in how this is done? Sorry NO!

The request is simple - the Uluṟu Statement is beautiful and simple. The mainstream media refused to report on the simplicity of the Uluṟu Statement.

The lies from the LNP/One Natuon and Clive ****ing Palmer are disgusting and shameful. Sadly - this is what most people heard and believed.

The biggest winner out of all this - murdoc media and costello. They picked their side and won. There are no other winners from this and sadly for ATSI people - they continue to wait for recognition and a Voice 😞
I dunno about blaming Labour - it was an election promise. A couple of years ago both LNP and ALP were very close on this. Dutton seen an opportunity to exploit Australia’s track record on race discussions.

The Voice itself is simple. It was the ‘where’s the detail’ bullshit and then leaving the rest to Sky News and news.com to generate enough confusion.

I mean we had Mundine say the Uluṟu Statement was a declaration of war!!! These words matter.
Denying current and inter generational trauma (jacinta price)!! These words matter.
I remember Mabo - I was young but hearing my family talk about how our house would be taken and Aboriginals being allowed to camp in our yard - did any of this s*t happen - not even ****** close!!

you’re voting no to this - then what hope is there for progress for ATSI people.

‘Vote no to save Australia Day’ placards seem a waste? I asked a ‘no’ volunteer today about will Australia Day be gone next year and he said ‘absolutely - it’s the first thing they will do’. This is an outright lie but it’s out there. Again words matter.

The reality is if there were a Voice to parliament then LNP can gut it at the next election if they won or stack it with whomever they want. They just need to have a Voice as it is in the constitution.

It really is a pathetic, little request to say ‘try and listen to us’ and we couldn’t even say yes to this?

As a Port supporter we are used to being called ‘white noise’ now - but it’s just a stupid football game. The club doesn’t want to listen to us but this isn’t even the first time.
When we tried to enter the afl the first time - we were denied a seat at the negotiation table due to the court action of all the other sanfl clubs - we got no say to those who make the decisions about us.

Again - it’s a pathetic football game. Imagine saying - we want a better life, we want to close the gap and we want a say in how this is done? Sorry NO!

The request is simple - the Uluṟu Statement is beautiful and simple. The mainstream media refused to report on the simplicity of the Uluṟu Statement.

The lies from the LNP/One Natuon and Clive ******* Palmer are disgusting and shameful. Sadly - this is what most people heard and believed.

The biggest winner out of all this - murdoc media and costello. They picked their side and won. There are no other winners from this and sadly for ATSI people - they continue to wait for recognition and a Voice 😞

Bloody well said

(But seriously this time)

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I'm not going to bag people who vote no, everyone is entitled to their say, but it's a shame that the yes vote wasn't properly campaigned and that Labor allowed so much confusion around this whole process. Just a giant waste of $450m
The federal government is prohibited by law from allocating funding to either the YES or NO campaigns to promote their cases. The funding and coordination of both the YES and NO campaigns was undertaken via private donations led by community and political activist organisations.

I agree that there is a lot of confusion but would argue the vast majority of this confusion - built on assertions and claims that were often unproven, misleading or just plain wrong - came from the leaders of the NO campaign as part of a deliberate campaign strategy that backed their 'If you don't know - vote no' slogan. And it has worked spectacularly well - not surprising given that the same slogan and focus on 'details' is what was used in the previous (Republican) Referendum.

This included the disingenuous 15 Questions posed by Dutton which mostly deal with the detail of the Voice that will be dealt with by Parliament (him included) if the Voice was to get up, and not form part of the Constitution which is a high level concept and framework document.

Expecting the YES campaign to respond to every question or proposition put forward by the NO campaign is exactly what the NO campaign would have wanted, and fed directly into their line that the YES camp is divided and confused - politics 101.

But I also agree the lack of a single credible and consistent message focussed on WHY a Voice was needed and WHY now - focussing solely on the gap between indigenous and non-Indigenous health and social outcomes is what was needed to convince the undecided.
IMHO the mixed messaging jingoistic feel good stuff that dominated the YES campaign appealed to those who were already socially aware and were never going to vote no.
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That is a bit extreme. Most people I know, some who are indigenous who are voting No are sick of the socialist bullshit and being told to vote Yes when they are struggling to put food on the table and live day to day. If this referendum was held at a different time then the result could be entirely different.
The Voice has been a smokescreen and the messaging around it was basically vote yes or you hate indigenous people.

WTF, is she preparing for Stop The Steal as a back up just in case?

What a disgusting piece of garbage Hanson is

I remember when I was a kid in the 90s she was looked as a complete joke, no one took her seriously apart from a few nutjob Queensland rednecks. The fact she's still around, with a platform that's basically just racism, and has gotten MORE popular is depressing.
Given it only takes a NO majority in 3 states to kill a referendum proposal, I reckon this result will be known within 30 minutes of polls closing in the 3 eastern states with Daylight Saving in place (NSW/Vic/Tas).

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I wish logic and critical thinking was taught as a core subject in schools. There are so many dumb campaigners out there that seem completely unable to apply either and so they're very easily manipulated.
I go on like a broken record and I pulled myself short hoping not to repeat it in that post but I thank you for raising it. Critical thinking people.

It is the bare basis of literacy we are going to need in such a media saturated environment. It should be now.
I voted Yes and am disappointed that it hasn't got up but to say that this is like Brexit is just ridiculous.

To suggest democracy doesn't work as a result of this is also pretty dumb.
This is literally democracy in action.

It was beholden on the proponents of change to get this over the line.
I kind of get the feeling, that if there’s anyone around to study our civilisation in 1000 years, it’s not the era where we scrounged around in the mud working out how to use our fingers, not the generations that tried to heal simple ailments with bizarre barbaric crude methods, it will be the era where an entire population had all the info they need at their fingertips, clear knowledge of what they’ve done, what they’re doing , and still choose to hurtle towards a cliff with utter conviction that they’ll view as the greatest morons this planets ever known.
Interesting post.

I suppose what riles me most is that in 2023 if I drive down to the local shopping centre and buy, say, a $5 can opener that fails to live up to its advertising I am entitled by law to get my money back and the offending retailer obliged to retract the advertising and false claims or risk significant penalties.

But someone, like say Clive Palmer, can spend millions on advertising during a referendum with claims that are (at best) misleading and there is no legislative recourse to have them removed or retract them. And the independent Australian Electoral Commission has admitted that there are so many false claims being made in this referendum campaign - it simply does not have the resources (let alone powers) to investigate, let alone do anything about it within an effective timeframe.

State and Federal Parliaments can of course take legislative action to stop the BS and give the AEC resources to act on blatant lies and false claims. But it is simply not in the interests of the major parties, and most independents to do that.

100% agree

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