Multiplat Evolve

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I think its to do with testing server load as well. It's not a bad game, would be good with a group of us although longevity could be the problem with it, but in saying that i have only played one game mode.

Found that if the monster gets to level 3 you are pretty much stuffed.
You only need 1 bad support of trapper and you will just run around in circles chasing the monster, i was medic earlier and i was tagging the monster but the trapper didn't trap the thing in the dome so we couldn't get anything on it in the early stages, it evolved and smashed us later on.
Also think the monster at level 3 is way too hard to get away from, jetpack fuel runs out way too fast to dodge.
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It's not a bad game but i dont think it's worthy of a buy at full price, unfortunately if you wait for a price drop i reckon the community will be dead though.
Yea I think the game is unbalanced in if you have 1 bad apple against a 3rd level monster you are absolutely stuffed, no questions asked.

Also not sure I want to support a dev that has the dlc pre order incentives it has, it's just wrong and will unbalance the game even more.
Yea I think the game is unbalanced in if you have 1 bad apple against a 3rd level monster you are absolutely stuffed, no questions asked.

Also not sure I want to support a dev that has the dlc pre order incentives it has, it's just wrong and will unbalance the game even more.
On the first point yes a good monster at level 3 will easily kill an unbalanced team, but I also saw a few average monsters (myself included on my first attempts) who were caught early on level 1 or 2 and were taken out pretty easily.

And yes I totally agree on the dlc/pre-order issue
For those getting this there is a 3GB day 1 Patch
We already noted this in an interview with Turtle Rock’s Chris Ashton, but we are constantly adjusting things in the background so that every Hunter and every Monster is finely tuned. What we learned about what’s being done to Wraith alone was eye-opening. A lot of the data gathered from the Big Alpha and Open Beta weekends helped us make these tweaks.

As we strive to push the engine and cram as much as possible into your Evolve experience, we’re also working are to optimize performance on your system. These improvements range from load times to improving matchmaking and network bandwidth optimizations.

During the Big Alpha and Open Beta periods we asked you – our community – for your help and feedback. We are addressing bugs found during our tests and we have you to thank for making Evolve that much stronger with this patch.

After the Big Alpha, we wanted to rework the Elite skins for Hunters and Monsters based on feedback we got from the community. The results of those requests are right here in this patch. We’ve updated or outright replaced the assets that were already in the game. All you need to do to unlock them: earn them.

This patch adds connectivity to work with Evolve Hunters Quest. We recently unveiled the game / companion app for Evolve. In one respect, it’s a fun Match-3 puzzle combat game. But it also has ties into the main console game through the my2K servers. Earn experience and watch overhead match replays through the app. Best of all, it’s free for iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
I'm not getting it anymore because of all the shady pre order bullshit and $20 DLC for one monster. 2K have killed the game before it even launched.

That and it looked very boring.

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The monetisation scheme irks me too, also I'm not sure how enjoyable the game will be when different classes require good cooperation.

However, I reckon that I'll be doing most of my Monster Hunting on 3DS, rather than with this game.
Don't think I'll be picking this up from the gameplay I've watched.

Don't, it's a terrible game.NOt sure what it is about the Cry Engine but as amazing as CE games look, they don't play very well. Kinda clunky. That includes Crysis. Not sure what it is about this engine.

But man, I played the Alpha and the Beta of Evolve and boy was I bitterly disappointed. I was really looking forward to it too. Can't quite put my finger on it but it's just....boring. I think it's a game that lives or dies by the team you're with. You basically HAVE to play this with 4 friends to have any semblence of fun.

Some monsters aren't even included in the season pass either, that's just disgraceful.

I can understand the high price for monsters. All DLC maps will be free I believe so they need to make money somewhere I guess.
Yeah, from selling the game.

Don't forget, Turtle Rock would be caught between a rock and a hard place.

They most likely want to give away all the DLC for free, but 2K would want to milk the DLC for every cent they can. So I feel this compromise is the best one for the consumer.

Maps are free.
Monsters are not.

Normally I'd say Maps being free is better, but given the way thisd game plays and the fact that each monster plays fariyl differently, they probably should have gone the other way.
As far as I am concerned, anything that is ready and available to use on launch day, should be included in the purchase price. Sell skins or what ever, purely cosmetic shit, but anything that effects the game and is ready should be there included with purchase from day one. Anything after that sure, release as a paid DLC (which is shit too, but another time)

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