LuxBet have stolen my content

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I've had the situation a few times where organisations have ripped off my content, mostly overseas operators. I've had my logos stolen and repurposed - they took the trouble to cut them out, resize them and combine them with other elements but it is still quite a shock to see it happen. You could choose to view it as "the sincerest form of flattery". In your position, because it's a local operator I would write to them and ask for the resolution you want. Then move on and keep producing great content that gets noticed.

I appreciate all of the comments so far, but since you've been in the same position as me, this is especially appreciated.

I have also had my work ripped off before, sometimes blatantly, other times a little less so - such as an image that I know I purchased from a stock photos website and removed the black background, since I'm no graphic editing expert, you could see that this person had either the exact same ineptitude manipulating graphics than myself, or more likely, stole from both me, the stock photos website and the original creator since he/she would have got a cut when I purchased their work from the stock photo website.

The major difference in this case is the size of the company. It appears to me after reading your reply and speaking with a law firm specializing in intellectual property, that the current laws are designed to protect the interest of large companies with money to burn and do not represent the "little guy", or content creator who doesn't have a huge bank balance and army of lawyers.

I think this is ass-backwards and I've been openly critical in the past when file-sharers, for example, are sued by large corporations for huge sums of money. I still have a "STOP THE MPAA" sticker on my filing cabinet.
I think they will just take the content down and say come at me bro.

I know of a situation where a big company used an image on their shop window not knowing it was copyrighted. The owner of the image contacted them and asked for a nominal fee (in the hundreds) to keep the display. The big company didn't want to set a precedent whereby they paid out any time they used a picture for a promotional purpose so they actually paid more than the requested fee to have the image scraped off the window.
The major difference in this case is the size of the company. It appears to me after reading your reply and speaking with a law firm specializing in intellectual property, that the current laws are designed to protect the interest of large companies with money to burn and do not represent the "little guy", or content creator who doesn't have a huge bank balance and army of lawyers.

welcome to the real world.

until a dispute reaches a certain scale, it doesn't make sense commercially to run it. sophisticated defendants know this and will play off it.

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Why not try and work with them to get something from it. Ring them up, tell them what's happened and that you were disappointed it was done without your approval but as they liked your content would they like to come to some agreement for you to write future articles they can use on a freelance basis. In return either on the payroll or free bets at a negotiated amount.
welcome to the real world.

until a dispute reaches a certain scale, it doesn't make sense commercially to run it. sophisticated defendants know this and will play off it.

I can understand why you and others have this simplistic view of the situation. I realise that I was probably misguided at best and naive more likely in thinking that I could actually benefit from pursuing this, but that is the problem I have the most issue with.

I have to get really drunk tonight and probably delusional before I decide my next move. Leave it with me.
If they wanted to profit from giving out Browlow advice they would be telling people something like its a ruckmans medal and to only back Richmond players.

Very simplistic way of looking at it. They want losers (in the betting sense) throwing some hard earned on the medal. Those very general rules won't make you any money it's just a really rough guide and doesn't give much away. They know theses 'losers' will punt on anything and everything and lux will always come out in front because 99% of punters really have NFI what they are doing.

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I have yet to contact them, been a bit busy since the Brownlow Medal. I hope you all picked mop head and cleaned up. He was paying well, but one of my tips says to pick a player from a team who finishes in the top 8, if you followed my tips you probably would have had Selwood.
How are you too busy to send an email? Pissweak :$

I did have a draft written up, then I received legal advice, and advice inside this very thread which after consideration, I decided to spend my time working on new projects and spending with my family. I never claimed I was a strong individual, at first I was more shocked than anything else, as I have stated.

Sending a potentially legally important email to a multi billion dollar ASX listed company and posting on a message board about one of my interests in my spare time are two completely different things.
I did have a draft written up, then I received legal advice, and advice inside this very thread which after consideration, I decided to spend my time working on new projects and spending with my family. I never claimed I was a strong individual, at first I was more shocked than anything else, as I have stated.

Sending a potentially legally important email to a multi billion dollar ASX listed company and posting on a message board about one of my interests in my spare time are two completely different things.

I don't think it had to be war and peace, just a simple 'Hey what's the deal here' you didn't need to bang on their door with a cease and desist. You could at least have asked the question. It would only take five minutes.

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