Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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Progressives have and are throwing the baby out with the bathwater regarding the west and the amazing country we live in. Some of the things they have fought for and seen change have no doubt been a good thing. Now it is descending into lunacy and a complete lack of acknowledgement of what makes our nation one of the best in the world.

Our isolation has helped buffer us against some of the major issues over time, however, a tipping point is coming.

My level of hope of a tipping point being reached in the short to medium term is quite low.

Have a look at the state of the democrat run cities in the US having being run under these leftist policies for some time and have descended into wide spread lawlessness, drugs, homelessness etc etc.

Why aren't the mayors of these cities looking over at successful cities in Texas, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and South Carolina and emulating their policies and why do people in these failed states like California keep voting in politicians like Gavin Newsome for more of the same failed policy sending their cities further into decay?

In my opinion the mind virus that has captured many of these lefties has a long way to go before enough of them stop and realize just how wrong their ideological way of thinking is destroying their country and everyone in it.
You should expect that when people move they bring their values with them and then vote in line with those values to influence the new location's political system.

It happens within nations too.

A generation or two later there is very strong integration into the culture of the new destination as long as there isn't an identity game played with that local nation's politics reinforcing the differences between people by pointing out constantly the racial difference - polarising people into being firmer versions of their own stereotype. You'll see this best in high school where young people lean into their special status identity.

...and the end result is that our nation has now lost it's identity.

A very sad state of affairs.
I believe that it is an intended outcome of the push to remove religion from society that it then drives humans into new Community groups giving purpose.

The issue is that most of the battles are won, the freedoms are won and it's really just rights of unborn humans left to fight for.

So they need causes to get behind to get the same feeling of fulfilment in their community that would previously have been provided by religion (or sport). This is where ever more fringe causes being fought for come from.

Add to that the lives of those with Down Syndrome. We are quietly killing them off in society. An inconvenient truth.

Also - this sentence might be one of the most factual written in all of this thread.

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Geez if I needed to qualify my statements with, 'I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory' I probably wouldn't post the garbage online.

What started out as a 'defence' of one religion has fairly quickly turned into an attack on another. Some pretty disgusting generalisations made about people's nature or views in here. Reminds me why I avoided this thread for so long.

Interesting that you didn't say anything about a comment last week that all religious people are fools and whacko?

It is also important for people with other views to engage as it pulls people back from the far reaches of their echo chamber, or should do. Please post rebuttals or challenge aspects of posts rather than rubbishing everything being said.
I'm loath to ask, but what's the data?

A correlation between an increase in immigration rates and the rate of certain crimes?

Yes - gangs, crime, violent crime and rape all increasing at rates not seen previously and mainly committed by immigrants.

Why would you be loathe to ask? I would have thought that as someone who cares for others you would want to get to the bottom of the issues.
My level of hope of a tipping point being reached in the short to medium term is quite low.

Have a look at the state of the democrat run cities in the US having being run under these leftist policies for some time and have descended into wide spread lawlessness, drugs, homelessness etc etc.

Why aren't the mayors of these cities looking over at successful cities in Texas, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and South Carolina and emulating their policies and why do people in these failed states like California keep voting in politicians like Gavin Newsome for more of the same failed policy sending their cities further into decay?

In my opinion the mind virus that has captured many of these lefties has a long way to go before enough of them stop and realize just how wrong their ideological way of thinking is destroying their country and everyone in it.

In politics as it is in business, it is easier to blame someone else than take responsibility. In the examples you give it is easier to blame racism than it is to police these cities and stop spending stupid amounts of money.

San Francisco is going through interesting times at the moment. Asians and tech workers being attacked in the streets. Who else is left to blame?

Businesses moving out, people leaving. It was a very left but stunning city. It is on the verge of something you would read about in a dystopian novel.
Yes - gangs, crime, violent crime and rape all increasing at rates not seen previously and mainly committed by immigrants.
Got a link to the data? Or are we in 'trust me' territory once again?
Why would you be loathe to ask? I would have thought that as someone who cares for others you would want to get to the bottom of the issues.
I was loath to ask because the recent exchange on this thread is not something resemblant of a conversation based in fact. Rather, we've seen people posting disparaging opinions about a particular group. Disparaging would be putting it politely too.

Interesting that you didn't say anything about a comment last week that all religious people are fools and whacko?
Firstly, because I didn't see the comment.

Secondly, because I'm under no obligation to weigh in on every comment posted here.

And finally, because the description of people as 'foolish or whacko' doesn't carry the same implications of accusing an entire group of people of being rapists or wife beaters who want to take over the world and destroy western civilisation.
Got a link to the data? Or are we in 'trust me' territory once again?

I was loath to ask because the recent exchange on this thread is not something resemblant of a conversation based in fact. Rather, we've seen people posting disparaging opinions about a particular group. Disparaging would be putting it politely too.

Firstly, because I didn't see the comment.

Secondly, because I'm under no obligation to weigh in on every comment posted here.

And finally, because the description of people as 'foolish or whacko' doesn't carry the same implications of accusing an entire group of people of being rapists or wife beaters who want to take over the world and destroy western civilisation.

I will send through the data. The fact you refuse to believe Boomers had it more difficult than this generation is mind boggling. I find it so ridiculous it isn't worth digging for data. Your mum had less than you, had less things, no internet etc. It is obvious that the internet was a life and economic changing thing to the tune of the industrial revolution. Do you deny that?

No one has accused an entire group of being rapists or wife beaters. You should read posts again. It is either complete delusion or you are lying if you believe that non western nations don't have higher rates of domestic violence and rape than western nations. Older cultures, outside of Jewish/Christian nations have massive issues with both of those. I have daughters. I wouldn't feel safe with them dropped randomly without protection in any city in the world. And I would choose some cities over others. Why is that? And if I couldn't choose a city but had to choose a nation I would choose a western nation over a Muslim one or Northern African or most Asian nations (apart from Japan - they would be near the top of the list). If you or others here are honest you would do the same.

And it isn't all of them, and it is more of an issue in many of those nations and people groups than it is here. So when thousands of young men from those cultures migrate to western nations there will be issues. Language, culture, crime and how women are treated.

Pretending this isn't an issue, doesn't help those immigrants long term and more importantly it endangers those we should be protecting in our society. Women and children. That is not and should not be controversial.

The left is quick to point to inequality... of course.. because racism.

They finally get round to acknowledging that the areas with the crime have a lot of immigrants towards the end of the article. Personally I think that bringing in a lot of untrained men, from a different culture, who cannot get work will lead to issues. Young men who are idle in any nation or culture are an issue. The added ideological issues add to the problem.
I will send through the data. The fact you refuse to believe Boomers had it more difficult than this generation is mind boggling. I find it so ridiculous it isn't worth digging for data. Your mum had less than you, had less things, no internet etc. It is obvious that the internet was a life and economic changing thing to the tune of the industrial revolution. Do you deny that?
I never said that or anything to the effect. I said I question whether boomers had more disposable income available to them and how they spent it.

Perhaps you should take your own advice:
You should read posts again.
Regarding the below comment:
No one has accused an entire group of being rapists or wife beaters.

I guess we are pretending you didn't just make the following comment?
Not only do they think domestic violence is fine they believe it is their right. It goes beyond what is and isn't fine. They also have little care to whether rape is right or wrong in many instances.

And, as for the remainder of your comment, you've put a number of propositions which I simply have not addressed. And, you've tried to paint my earlier comments where I requested that you provide data as me somehow denying that violenece against women occurs in certain countries. That's fine if you want to engage in debate like that but I won't.

Just provide the data and spare me of all the dramatic bullshit. You're getting worked up over very little and accusing me of some pretty problematic things.

I am finding left wing commentators for you.

Listen from 6:47-7:56

'Left will say blaming immigrants for rising crime is racist, yeah but is it true?'

And that is the question that needs to investigated thoroughly. The safety of our communities depend on it. Police them all hard. Not just the side that differs from you ideologically.
They finally get round to acknowledging that the areas with the crime have a lot of immigrants towards the end of the article.
All I saw was an acknowledgement early on that the areas with high crime rates contained second and third generation immigrants.

I think this article completely disproves your argument. It highlights socioeconomic factors rather than cultural background as the main cause of crime.
I never said that or anything to the effect. I said I question whether boomers had more disposable income available to them and how they spent it.

Perhaps you should take your own advice:

Regarding the below comment:

I guess we are pretending you didn't just make the following comment?

And, as for the remainder of your comment, you've put a number of propositions which I simply have not addressed. And, you've tried to paint my earlier comments where I requested that you provide data as me somehow denying that violenece against women occurs in certain countries. That's fine if you want to engage in debate like that but I won't.

Just provide the data and spare me of all the dramatic bullshit. You're getting worked up over very little and accusing me of some pretty problematic things.

Oh you pulled out the word problematic. Please.

I guess we are pretending you didn't just make the following comment?
I was referring to muslim immigrants in those areas being discussed, not all Muslims. Is that clear for you?

I never said that or anything to the effect. I said I question whether boomers had more disposable income available to them and how they spent it.
The discussion was about the boomers having so much and how unfair it was that to use your language 'an entire generation was locked out of housing'.

I pointed out that boomers had less and grew up with less than people have today. That is my claim. It is a broad claim about income, travel, possessions and quality of life. You are arguing it is false because you think they would have had more disposable income.

If you think my broad claim is wrong, prove it. Or say you disagree, but, I think you agree. It just goes against your narrative that the older generation should be taxed more and more because you only want to live in certain suburbs. You could move to Midland. 25 mins from the city. Why won't you?

you've tried to paint my earlier comments where I requested that you provide data as me somehow denying that violenece against women occurs in certain countries.

If you will not admit that living conditions and rights for women and children are worse in those nations, that crime against them is worse in those nations, we will not have an honest starting point for the discussion.

It is needed as a starting point as if as Germany did, we bring in a few hundred thousand men from Afghanistan, and they way they view women is drastically different than a western nation, there will be issues. Pretending there won't be problems will not protect the women and children there. In the name of anti racism, we would be committing empathy suicide or death morality at the expense of the group who is always the first to suffer. Women and children.

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All I saw was an acknowledgement early on that the areas with high crime rates contained second and third generation immigrants.

I think this article completely disproves your argument. It highlights socioeconomic factors rather than cultural background as the main cause of crime.

Ah so it says the areas with the high crime rates are the areas with high numbers of immigrants and second and third generation immigrants, but that is nothing to do with the issue.
All I saw was an acknowledgement early on that the areas with high crime rates contained second and third generation immigrants.

I think this article completely disproves your argument. It highlights socioeconomic factors rather than cultural background as the main cause of crime.

See how you didn't quote the full meaning to make your point. So to highlight that here you are:

While these areas do have high proportions of residents born outside Europe and second- and third-generation immigrants, they have been shaped by socioeconomic circumstances over a long period of time, a factor which experts say is of far greater significance to the current situation.

Why did you miss the first part of the quote in your rebuttal?
All I saw was an acknowledgement early on that the areas with high crime rates contained second and third generation immigrants.

I think this article completely disproves your argument. It highlights socioeconomic factors rather than cultural background as the main cause of crime.

Yes I am using left biased sources for you. And while they refuse to see the issue as connected, the data shows that there are many first gen immigrants in those areas. Is that a coincidence?

I also said any young men who are idle, no work and no purpose cause issues in society. This has been true of every culture throughout history. And is referenced in all ancient near east religions as a cause for sickness in the individual and society.

Add to that a different culture and beliefs about how women should be treated and there are going to be further consequences.

How is any of this controversial?
If you will not admit that living conditions and rights for women and children are worse in those nations, that crime against them is worse in those nations, we will not have an honest starting point for the discussion.
An honest discussion begins with you not falsely attributing views to me. It does not begin with me refuting views that you falsely attribute to me. Cut the shit out.

New figures revealed that 60 per cent of suspects involved in organised crime do not have German citizenship. Clans in major cities such as Berlin are a key focus, alongside Italian mafias and Eastern European gangs.
An honest discussion begins with you not falsely attributing views to me. It does not begin with me refuting views that you falsely attribute to me. Cut the s**t out.

Ah so you wont acknowledge it.

If I have falsely attributed something to you, which you have done to me and I don't think I did to you. If I did, I apologise.

There now lets start:

Will you admit that living conditions and rights for women and children are worse in those nations, that crime against them is worse in those nations?

That should be an easy place to start. Nothing being attributed, just a question.
I'd like to discuss ways for which regular people can start getting ahead financially once this discussion has run it's course. Not specific financial advice but general things that certainly weren't taught at school when I was there.

I love this idea - this is one of the areas our education system continually fails.

How would you like it to progress? I am an open book on this stuff, mostly because my very wealthy ($15-100m net worth) friends talk about money a lot (with certain friends) and my poorer friends ($50k-500k nw) won't talk about it at all.
I love this idea - this is one of the areas our education system continually fails.

How would you like it to progress? I am an open book on this stuff, mostly because my very wealthy ($15-100m net worth) friends talk about money a lot (with certain friends) and my poorer friends ($50k-500k nw) won't talk about it at all.

I was thinking of discussing our mistakes and the mistakes of our friends with a view to how situations could be handled better.

I'd like to get an idea on which bad choices are made and which bad choices are forced. For example, I have one friend who insists on living in the area she grew up in, so she now has a debt of seven figures and although she would like to be in investment properties she only wants to buy in that same area she is familiar with.

So now her and her husband are burdened by significant debt and it holds them back from any other opportunities.

Where do we think the very bottom rung of the market is currently?
I was thinking of discussing our mistakes and the mistakes of our friends with a view to how situations could be handled better.

I'd like to get an idea on which bad choices are made and which bad choices are forced. For example, I have one friend who insists on living in the area she grew up in, so she now has a debt of seven figures and although she would like to be in investment properties she only wants to buy in that same area she is familiar with.

So now her and her husband are burdened by significant debt and it holds them back from any other opportunities.

Where do we think the very bottom rung of the market is currently?

That is an example of a choice made which feels culturally forced. One of the best ways to slow down their wealth journey is to have a mortgage and home that is more than 25-30% of net income. The best wealth building tool for most people is their wage, saving an emergency fund, and being able to invest (property or index funds) with the surplus.

She will also slow down her investment journey and time in the market is the best predictor of success.

The other issue is the pressure on the family and marriage, but that is another story, although it certainly doesn't help with earning more. Are they a family that runs a tight budget?

A friend of mine did this as his wife wanted to have a place in Wembley. Only wanted to live in Wembley etc. Every time I have seen him for the last 3 years he has been stressed about it. Most laid back guy I knew before that. She is a Lawyer (part time) and he does business finance.

Where do we think the very bottom rung of the market is currently?

I don't think I understand this question - could you rephrase for me?
The list is long however one major financial mistake I think young couples with kids make is getting get sucked into building mansions in suburbs they can't afford. They saddle themselves with debt that is way higher than their income would dictate and takes them far too long to pay off.

Consequently the extra contributions they could have made into their superannuation when the house is paid off doesn't happen.

Part of the motivation for this is to keep up with the more wealthy parents at their school and not just restricted to their house. They also overspend on cars, clothes, overseas holidays etc etc. Seen it happen at lot when my kids were young.
Are they a family that runs a tight budget?

I wouldn't say they run a tight budget, but her husband is one the hardest working tradies I've ever known so he keeps them afloat. He is far less interested in where they live than she is, but he's terrible with money. Lots of fancy cars and water sport vehicles when we were all early twenties. Was a lot of fun, but he needed her to provide some focus.

No super payments, no investments for the future. Clock is ticking too.

Where do we think the very bottom rung of the market is currently?

I don't think I understand this question - could you rephrase for me?

Let's say you were leaving home with a job that paid you $x and wanted to find the cheapest place you could afford to live, where and what would that cost? Then how much can the minimum spend per week on food and bills be?

I'm trying to work out if building apartments with six bedrooms would be worthwhile for bulk shared housing.

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