NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

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Thanks , that is true. And perhaps a cure is being looked for now.
Further research is how we survive, and I had not said Ivermectin was a cure.

But it had some thinking it might be.

You keep doing this.

No one with relevant experience ever said it was a cure in humans.

The problem is that people like you keep making out as though it’s an equally valid conclusion as the actual scientists in the field telling you it doesn’t work in humans. It’s not, it never was.
lol got married on Saturday and already 17 positive including the new wife😂.
Some have flown back to Perth and come up positive too.
We were joking about how infamous we would have been as super spreaders back in the day!!

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Interesting legal ruling from SA. The employer's argument that it was a government requirement rather than employer requirement was dismissed. Given that, any employer who implemented a mandatory vaccination policy without government requirement would be totally ****ed if anyone was injured by it.

Due to the extreme rarity of vaccine injuries, it's not going to matter much.

Myocarditis is reported in around 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer), around 2 in every 100,000 of those who receive Spikevax (Moderna) and 3-4 in every 100,000 people who receive Nuvaxovid (Novavax).

It applies to around 2 in every 100,000 people who got vaccinated (also presuming they were working at the time).

It was the correct legal decision. The legislation is intentionally worded harshly against employers where they're pretty much liable for any injury that is connected to work.
I’ve never really got involved when it comes to all the vaccine stuff, couldn’t be bothered I just got it and moved on.
But from the wedding I mentioned above 35 plus people got Covid and then off it went into families etc.
Quite a few unwell elderly people among them and all coped pretty well.
For myself (never had it until early November 2023 and now the second time, I just felt a runny nose and sneezy).
I have an Aunt who is 80 and her and her husband were brainwashed into not vaccinating by my cousin, one of 5 boys (most are anti vax).
They were sold after my uncle (her original husband) died of an aneurysm aged 83, 8 weeks after he got the vaccine. Mind you he lived the life, loved a beer and smoked for a long time.
Each to their own was my view, but it worried me that they got into my Aunts head.
Well bugger me she got Covid at the wedding and is still very, very unwell made worse by the fact that she took somebody else’s anti virals prescribed for something else! The irony!
But sadly I have just found out the very worst is my cousin, the one who In his late 50’s is back living with her and brainwashed her is in hospital from it and really crook.
Why? Asked my Aunt.
So mum basically told her why, after she also got it for the very first time and has had 5 jabs and was mildly sick for one day.
My Aunt is sold now.
Should make for an interesting conversation once my cousin gets out of hospital God willing!
I’ve never really got involved when it comes to all the vaccine stuff, couldn’t be bothered I just got it and moved on.
But from the wedding I mentioned above 35 plus people got Covid and then off it went into families etc.
Quite a few unwell elderly people among them and all coped pretty well.
For myself (never had it until early November 2023 and now the second time, I just felt a runny nose and sneezy).
I have an Aunt who is 80 and her and her husband were brainwashed into not vaccinating by my cousin, one of 5 boys (most are anti vax).
They were sold after my uncle (her original husband) died of an aneurysm aged 83, 8 weeks after he got the vaccine. Mind you he lived the life, loved a beer and smoked for a long time.
Each to their own was my view, but it worried me that they got into my Aunts head.
Well bugger me she got Covid at the wedding and is still very, very unwell made worse by the fact that she took somebody else’s anti virals prescribed for something else! The irony!
But sadly I have just found out the very worst is my cousin, the one who In his late 50’s is back living with her and brainwashed her is in hospital from it and really crook.
Why? Asked my Aunt.
So mum basically told her why, after she also got it for the very first time and has had 5 jabs and was mildly sick for one day.
My Aunt is sold now.
Should make for an interesting conversation once my cousin gets out of hospital God willing!

This is the point. When 90% of people were vaccinated, 90% of those in hospital were unvaccinated.

And the government prioritised the most at risk to be vaccinated first.
Can you supply actual stats for that?

It was a few years ago now. I did a search and found this:

The Summary details the enormous difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated - and governments pushed hardest to get the most at-risk people vaccinated as quickly as possible.

So the bulk of hospital admissions were for otherwise healthy (though maybe not mentally), but unvaccinated people.

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Fauci is now saying he made up social distancing rules
OK. Give us a quote. Because I don't believe he said that.

If this is proven to be a misrepresentation that I had to chase up, I will not be a happy Chiefy.
One ****ing Google search.

It’s true that scientists now know that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, spreads through a mixture of large and small droplets—including extremely tiny airborne droplets called aerosols that can travel farther than six feet. And the six-foot rule was never really characterized as a precise threshold for stopping exposure to the virus. But the notion that distancing was not based on any science is simply not accurate: the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 from an infected person drops the farther one is from that person because the concentration of the virus gets diluted by the surrounding air. And like many respiratory viruses, SARS-CoV-2 can also be spread by larger droplets from coughs or sneezes: these drops tend to fall to the ground relatively quickly, and six feet of distancing was widely seen by experts as a reasonable benchmark for avoiding that type of exposure—a recommendation that was fairly easy to remember and estimate by eye.

So, Dogs_R_Us can you stop just repeating shit from American morons?

Can you do that? Just for little ol' me?


When the COVID-causing pathogen emerged, it was a virus that was completely new to science, and authorities understood very little about its transmissibility or any other features. They knew from work with previous respiratory viruses, such as seasonal coronaviruses and influenza viruses, that SARS-CoV-2 was likely spread via droplets expelled from the mouth and nose.

Before you bring up some bullshit about masks:
In this environment of uncertainty and rapidly shifting available information, some emergency decisions were made that later proved to be errors and were corrected when frenetic research provided more information. The World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were slow to recognize that the virus was also spread through aerosols. But when emerging findings showed that it was, the WHO and CDC recommended wearing face masks and, later, high-quality respirators such as N95s. There is now extensive evidence that masks work—and that mask mandates saved tens of thousands of lives in the U.S. alone.

In conclusion Swingin' Marge is a moron leading morons.

the science is clear: SARS-CoV-2 was and is a threat to human health. And at a time when vaccines and effective treatments weren’t available, masking and social distancing helped curb the damage, saving countless lives.

Aseem Malhotra?

Aseem Malhotra is a controversial British cardiologist,[1] health campaigner,author, and, contrary to public health consensus, an anti-mRNA vaccine activist. He contends that people should reduce sugar in their diet, adopt a low-carb and high-fat diet, and reduce their use of prescription drugs.

His views on diet and health have been criticized by the British Heart Foundation as "misleading and wrong", and his public questioning of the need ever to use statins has been condemned as a danger to public health.[10] His "Pioppi diet" was named by the British Dietetic Association as one of the "top 5 worst celeb diets to avoid in 2018".[5] During the COVID-19 pandemic, Malhotra published a book called The 21-Day Immunity Plan,[11] which claimed, without the backing of evidence from medical research, that following the diet can quickly help people reduce their risk from the virus.[1] Despite initially campaigning for the COVID vaccine,[12] he later campaigned against the use of COVID mRNA vaccines[13] contrary to the available evidence.

Grifter extraordinaire. Maybe you should buy his celeb diet or his book.

There is literally nothing in the article you posted that links excess deaths to COVID vaccinations.

There is already significant peer reviewed academic papers that strongly imply causation between the excess deaths and a number of factors including side effects from viral infections (dementia and heart disease), the impacts of a new disease coming into being placing extra strain on existing health measures, and (of course) COVID itself.
Aseem Malhotra?

Grifter extraordinaire. Maybe you should buy his celeb diet or his book.

There is literally nothing in the article you posted that links excess deaths to COVID vaccinations.

There is already significant peer reviewed academic papers that strongly imply causation between the excess deaths and a number of factors including side effects from viral infections (dementia and heart disease), the impacts of a new disease coming into being placing extra strain on existing health measures, and (of course) COVID itself.
Aseem Malhotra?

Grifter extraordinaire. Maybe you should buy his celeb diet or his book.

There is literally nothing in the article you posted that links excess deaths to COVID vaccinations.

There is already significant peer reviewed academic papers that strongly imply causation between the excess deaths and a number of factors including side effects from viral infections (dementia and heart disease), the impacts of a new disease coming into being placing extra strain on existing health measures, and (of course) COVID itself.



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NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

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