Certified Legendary Thread 34 Essendon* Players suspended for doping violations - No opposition fans. Check OP for thread rules

If Essendon* gets slapped on the wrist with a wet lettuce leaf, I will .......

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1. The sticker is wonky - all illegal drugs are still made in high class laboratories, not some guys gagrage, so the stickers still look like actual medication, with dosage and a brand name etc

2. The font is calibri - the standard font of microsoft word, a copyrighted font that would never be used on a label

3. This is a photo of a printed out photo - who the **** prints out photos anymore, especially of a vial

4. Why take this photo? They take photos of what they are injecting but cant provide any records of what they were injecting?

This is clearly, 100% fraudulent. Just like Dank back dating emails this is perjury at its finest.

Also even if this was real it proves nothing

A photo of a vial of thymodulin does not mean they didnt take thymosin beta4

Also thymodulin is a powder I am fairly sure, it is important to remember that Thymosin A1 - TB4 and Thymodulin are all different things.

I believe the offical essendon story was Thymosin Alpha 1 - that Dank incorrectly reffered to as Thymodulin, but even that doesnt stack up with the vial being called thymodulin, especially when Thymodulin is a powder

If anything this proves Essendon was trying to cover up the usage of TB4 as this is a clear hoax

FBI are you saying that Dank could be ..................lying?

He now has the evidence to prove everything is legit and is taking the AFL to court, after all this time-amazing

undeniable proof...

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Photo could have been taken anywhere, by anyone, of anything. Could even be a stock photo taken straight off google.

Does anyone have Wallis' fingerprints on file? We need to cross reference them!
This is the script as I wish the upcoming decision to Turd and co. goes...


Hird, Tania and Dank are subdued by the imprisoning rings. Hird stares out at his captors making subhuman noises of rage and frustrations. Tania is hunting around trying to find her notebook. Dank is looking for his cyanide capsule stashed in his pocket.

Zoom into Hird's face..

AFL Commissioner (voice over) :
"James Hird. A warped, would-be dictator. His only feeling is contempt. His only desire is to do whatever it takes"

Zoom into Tania's face..

AFL Commissioner (voice over) :
"Tania. Her only feeling is for the vicious Hird. Her only desire is to take notes and rule at his side."

Zoom into Dank's face..

AFL Commissioner (voice over) :
"Dank. He is without proof of injections and without thought. He is a dangerous force. Hird need only command him to inspire this monster to acts of countless injenctions.

Zoom into all three..

AFL Commissioner (voice over) :
Together these three are responsible for the darkest episode in the AFL's history, the one attempt at insurrection against our code, our livlihood. How do we find these three....?

Fitzpatrick: Guilty
Gillon: Guilty
Demetriou: Guilty
Wilson: Guilty

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For those interested in what this "Thymomodulin" vial actually means this is a post I made on the HTB about it

What actual information can we get from this "evidence" ???


1) Whoever is holding the vial is holding it between his thumb and index finger giving you some idea of the size of the vial. It is likely to be a 2 ml vial so no it wouldn't be one of the ones supplied by Alavi. Also being from July 2012 you would expect that the first supply would be long gone.

2) The concentration appears to read in the "thousand microgram" concentration range (x3 0s visible and mcg is microgram) so it is likely to be at 1000-9000 micrograms/ml (or 1-9 mg/ml). Typical doses of Thymomodulin appear to range from 80-120 mg so the vial wouldn't contain enough for a single shot (well assuming that it is at 10,000 micrograms (no-one would ever use those units, you would state it as mg) and the vial contains 2 ml of extract then you would need 4-6 vials/dose.) Interestingly TB4 is used at the 2-4 mg/ml range ..............

3) The photo was taken after Dank "discovered" that TB4 was prohibited and after he tried to manufacture documents saying that Alavi produced Thymomodulin. If Dank is capable of producing fraudulent backdated paperwork for the purchase of Thymomodulin then it would be logical to conclude that he would also be capable of producing fraudulent photos for its presence at the EFC. Ditto with the "Spreadsheet" which appeared a day after the fraudulent paperwork

4) I am still yet to see a single reference to "immunostimulation" during the design or implementation of the program. If this was going to be the "cornerstone" of the program then you would expect it to be extensively discussed in the correspondence between Dank and Hird/Alavi. Instead we hear about soft tissue injuries, and recovery from injuries in general, not players fighting off the flue ........

There is so much which stinks about the "Thymomodulin" story that it is laughable that anyone could take it seriously .........

Long story short if I could blow holes in the story in 10 minutes based off of a poor quality photo in a newspaper image what professionals would have done after a couple of hours of analysis of the original. There is a reason that ASADA ignored it and are changing Dank with trying to cover up PED use .....
To carry on from the discussion in the rumour file (which I have moved here because it is the appropriate place):

Jamie007 - numerous times appeal courts reverse initial decisions. Appeal Courts often split 3-2 on decisions. Hell the High Court sometimes splits 4-3. It is certainly not unusual for an initial decision to be reversed on appeal and then have a higher court go back to the original decision. Anyone who thinks the law is clear cut doesn't understand it. Unless your set of facts is on point or very similar to a previous case decided by at least the Supreme Court of Appeal or Federal Court of Appeal - it is often a role of the dice. That is why so many disputes are settled out of court - parties factor in the uncertainty of litigation.
To carry on from the discussion in the rumour file (which I have moved here because it is the appropriate place):

Jamie007 - numerous times appeal courts reverse initial decisions. Appeal Courts often split 3-2 on decisions. Hell the High Court sometimes splits 4-3. It is certainly not unusual for an initial decision to be reversed on appeal and then have a higher court go back to the original decision. Anyone who thinks the law is clear cut doesn't understand it. Unless your set of facts is on point or very similar to a previous case decided by at least the Supreme Court of Appeal or Federal Court of Appeal - it is often a role of the dice. That is why so many disputes are settled out of court - parties factor in the uncertainty of litigation.
But my question was, out of the 4 cases you were involved in, how many were reversed in appeal?
Its my understanding (and I maybe wrong), that you can only appeal if you have new evidence... I don't see anything new that Hird will bring to the table that will reverse the original decision.. Middleton made it pretty clear that even if he had have awarded in Hirds favour (which was highly unlikely), that ASADA could have just re-investigated.. He was very strong in his judgement for ASADA. Its almost like he laughed Hird and Essendon out of court...
All hell will break loose if Hird gets off
I think that if Hird gets off and is allowed to carry on his merry way... the rest of the clubs need to do something in protest.

While a forfeit when playing against Essendon* would mean that Essendon won the game, it would be sufficient to make a mockery of the league and Essendon*.
So what has come out regarding the tribunal? Closed doors? Any dates?
Chip Le grand tweeted dec 15 and going for 3 weeks. To make the silly season sillier still. I guess they want Hirds appeal result known beforehand and also people distracted by the Christmas new year period.

Lots of whispers about players being found not guilty.
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