Health How often do you do drugs?

How often do you use recreational drugs?

  • Regular user - dependent/addicted

    Votes: 11 5.6%
  • Regular recreational user

    Votes: 29 14.9%
  • Only on certain social occasions /events

    Votes: 59 30.3%
  • Never use

    Votes: 96 49.2%

  • Total voters

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If you have any anxiety concerning acid then that's the wise move, as jake said, if you go in with a negative head space and worry about having a bad trip then you absolutely will have a bad trip. If you ever do try it it's extremely important to be with people you're completely comfortable with in a place you're completely comfortable with.

I always much preferred acid to shrooms because I felt I had more control and the nausea I'd experience from eating shrooms would often lead to some rather hellish hours. Ideally you'd have shrooms in capsule form so you don't taste it at all. Just my experience though and I remember most of my mates always much preferred mushies to LSD tabs.

Sorry to go off on this tangent but acid and mushies really do go hand in hand for those trying out hallucinogenics, for those who want to try tripping I'd always recommend trying mushies first.

The same can be said with DMT I suppose to? I tried Ayahuasca but went in with a pretty negative headspace, although with people and a place that I was completely comfortable with, ended up not tripping as much as I thought I would. It was also my first and only time doing a hallucinogen. Do you reckon the lack of trip had to do with either of those aspects? As I understand DMT is way stronger than LSD or shrooms right?
I've taken acid a few times and every time it's a deeply moving experience. The main thing I remember from the first time was being in awe of the visuals and different thought patterns; it honestly felt like I just stepped into a Disney Blu-Ray film. Visuals seem sharper, have stronger depth to them and are more intense, but surreal. Reality, your imagination and your subconscious all merge which lets you see through another lens giving you self-clarity, a new perspective and understanding of the world.

Another time I just had great time with friends and enjoyed music. I got lost in the euphoria and had a great time. You live in moments where past moments seem a lifetime ago. Because you can't sit still, you create an adventure that would never happen without taking it. I remember these nights more clearly than any other night out. I remember at the end of the night early morning lying in the garden listening to insects, birds, the smells of the plants and flowers, I have never felt as one with the natural world before. I know this sounds like wank if you haven't tried it, but this was my experience.

The last time I did it was on Xmas this year with friends. All our families live in different states, so we had an adopted Xmas and decided to jazz it up. We all turned into 8-year olds and played silly games for hours. It was great fun, and it was fun bonding with friends on another level.

Like others have said on here don't do it if you're not in a good headspace. I've seen a few bad trips, and it's pretty much the worst thing. If you have a bad thought or a negative epiphany about yourself, you'll live it out deeply for hours. I'd recommend having a little bit of MDMA before taking acid, it's pretty much is the bad trip's kryptonite.

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I remember these nights more clearly than any other night out. I remember at the end of the night early morning lying in the garden listening to insects, birds, the smells of the plants and flowers, I have never felt as one with the natural world before. I know this sounds like wank if you haven't tried it, but this was my experience.

I had the most intense conversation with this giant peppercorn ( i think ) tree one night - Can't remember if it was shrooms or LSD but holy hell, the tree told me all about itself - The things it has seen, the animals and insects that it houses, and it's general thoughts....
I had the most intense conversation with this giant peppercorn ( i think ) tree one night - Can't remember if it was shrooms or LSD but holy hell, the tree told me all about itself - The things it has seen, the animals and insects that it houses, and it's general thoughts....

lol yeah... If you have a powerful imagination, it can take you to some weird places. I took a shower in Amsterdam after taking truffles I could have sworn I was at the bottom of the Victoria Falls.
Visual hallucinations aside, how does acid, shrooms etc differ to getting high from good quality weed? I'm talking along the lines of opening up the subconscious and imaginative/artistic areas of your brain and meandering through your own thoughts.
Visual hallucinations aside, how does acid, shrooms etc differ to getting high from good quality weed? I'm talking along the lines of opening up the subconscious and imaginative/artistic areas of your brain and meandering through your own thoughts.

Your brain just doesn't stop. You have all these profound ideas, form opinions about things, interpret your experiences through a closer lens. You feel so connected to the world around you and just feel amazing.

So good dropping with a couple of close mates.
Done pingas a few times, mdma cap in miami had me pinging my nuts off. done coke and ket once, was pretty fun. also smoked weed a few times most recently in vegas where i was high as **** sitting in hooters hotel that was fun. probably couldn't afford coke or ketamine here, but interested in trying acid
Visual hallucinations aside, how does acid, shrooms etc differ to getting high from good quality weed?

In all honesty, they really don't compare -

Maybe initially, when shrooms or LSD first start to hit (normally 1 hour + after taking it), it'll be like you've had a joint where you'll giggle and laugh and generally feel 'high', like you do when you smoke weed... however once it really sets in, it's something else entirely....

In a weird way, I feel like trying to describe what an LSD or mushroom trip to someone who hasn't had it before would be like attempting to describe a colour to a blind person....
I've had acid twice and shrooms plenty and I've never come close to a bad trip. Just do it with good mates and you'll have a blast.

Edit: Even if you spend the entire time not saying a single word to any of them ;)
I have a friend I went to high school with and it would be atleast 16 years now that we've been good mates - was in a band with him for 8 or 9 of those years and lived together for a while too- Lots of time spent together, lots of tours, lots of close moments -

In all that time, I've only ever seen him without a shirt on once (even when we lived together he'd come out of the bathroom/shower with a shirt on) .... and that one time I saw him without a shirt, was when we were on mushrooms and he was ballroom dancing in the kitchen with the kitchen mop -

That's the kind of beauty these types of drugs produce...
I've smoked high quality weed like Thai buddha and eaten mull muffins where you feel like you're tripping in your head but being stoned you find it hard to get off the couch and move anywhere, just going to the fridge to get a drink is like mission impossible.

With acid you can still move around despite tripping out, in fact you want to get out and go places like a park or beach rather than being stuck on the couch.

Disraeli Gears by Cream was heavily influenced by acid. They went up to the Scottish Highlands, dropped a heap of acid and wrote some killer tunes.


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Anyone not really rate coke? I'd rather a couple pingers.

Maybe I have just had shit, I haven't done coke much.
I've smoked high quality weed like Thai buddha and eaten mull muffins where you feel like you're tripping in your head but being stoned you find it hard to get off the couch and move anywhere, just going to the fridge to get a drink is like mission impossible.

With acid you can still move around despite tripping out, in fact you want to get out and go places like a park or beach rather than being stuck on the couch.

Disraeli Gears by Cream was heavily influenced by acid. They went up to the Scottish Highlands, dropped a heap of acid and wrote some killer tunes.

Ripper album
weed, speed, pills and coke.

These days its more just weed and coke. Speed is just something I don't see much. people say its really gross but if it was around more Im sure I would do it. Pills were great but I started antidepressant medication a couple of years ago and whenever I take them now they don't really have much of an effect on me.

Coke is good but just brings too many problems with it. Price is way too high. 300 for a bag which I can share with another friend, maybe even two but thats still a rip off. then some dickheads will charge 350 claiming its really good but usually its not. I find the first few lines are the best but after that it doesn't do a hell of a lot. Also if people know you have it people are always asking for a bump (maybe i just have mooching friends though).

Weed for me is amazing. I will have a joint probably once a month and I think it effects me more than other people. Ill just do it with a few friends and I make them crack up because I turn into a dribbling mess. Not hallucinations as such but the shit I think of and say to people when Im high is crazy. So as far as bang for your buck I think thats probably the best drug for me. Ive never tried mushrooms or acid but I get the feeling if weed does that to me when that would really blow my mind. Might try mushrooms one day but Im kinda scared that I would see spiders and Im scared of spiders lol
I've smoked high quality weed like Thai buddha and eaten mull muffins where you feel like you're tripping in your head but being stoned you find it hard to get off the couch and move anywhere, just going to the fridge to get a drink is like mission impossible.

With acid you can still move around despite tripping out, in fact you want to get out and go places like a park or beach rather than being stuck on the couch.

Disraeli Gears by Cream was heavily influenced by acid. They went up to the Scottish Highlands, dropped a heap of acid and wrote some killer tunes.

Dunno about Thai buddah but maybe its an Indica strain which has that couch effect. I get mostly Sativa's which have a tendancy to do the opposite. One cone this morning and I've done some painting and mowed the lawn...

So now my lawn look like this


Will probably have a couple more after lunch then so some more work.:D:cool:
How often do you do drugs?

And what drugs do you use?

Why do you do them?

1) Do you count alcohol? If so every/most days

2) Red, beer, few spirits, occasional white (more so if out to lunch)

3) Why does anyone consume? Life is hard, always has been and people have been getting sloshed for thousands of years won't change anytime soon and prohibition has never worked. Also if you haven't eaten all day due to work/stress it is a hell of a temporary energy boost (if completely and utterly fu&* your health in the process).

As for the hard sh*& sure would be curious but I'd be too worried it would leave room for addiction/interfere with the ability to live day to day life.
I have to admit to having a very cynical, tunnel vision view on drug use, and I could benefit from having some other perspectives on it.

I’ve never used drugs. Tried weed a few times and that’s it. I just feel I don’t need to do them. I can have a great time in social situations and get through the stressors of daily life without having to ever resort to them.

I cynically view regular drug users as being mentally weak. They need to resort to using it because they don’t have the self-esteem and confidence to get enjoyment from things without having something to kick things along. It just seems like a sad, pathetic thing to do. To me, it’s a mental health issue and community resolution to drug problems should be about this.

Again do you drink? Have a obliging GP? That is every bit drug use. Bolded may be true but what is your alternative. They buck up/get through life all the other cliched bullshit? Besides you can't deny drug use is an advantage socially. Ever since drinking regularly my ability to handle difficult shitheads/socialise where it is enjoyable instead of nervous anxiety to the point i actually look forward to it and strengthen relationships has gone through the roof. Yeah potentially I will die in a couple of decades (but so does some marathon runner who kicks off with a heart attack) but we all need a crutch/a way to get through. Otherwise many would be dead sooner.

In fact this would make a fascinating economics study. Cost (early death/health issues <I don't count cancer as the treatments are bullshit and run by big pharma/haven't progressed/>, getting addicted>) vs Benefits (ability to cope with life, enhanced confidence and the opportunities that arise, energy, in some cases prolonged life otherwise stress would kill off). In truth what would come out on top.