Scandal Alastair Clarkson whacking port fan

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I've been hit by both. Open hand did more damage. There's a reason they are banned in most martial arts and combat sports.

Settle pettle, I support your coach, I just want a clear up a misconception that an open hand is much better than punching someone. They are in the same category.

What a load of shit.

Open hand strike might 'hurt' more but a fist will cause far more structural damage.

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But it's the truth. It is also the only information I have to form an opinion.

He may be a better person than his bullying and agressive behavior indicates, but based on available evidence he seems like a campaigner.

So he now seems like a campaigner? Not necessarily is one? And the available media information (exaggerations) and your over dramatic reactions to them don't make them the truth. They grow legs well beyond reality of the actual situations.
I don't think this flog should even be called a fan.
Whilst in the ground he is.
Once in the public domain he is just another flog whom should be prepared for what comes his way after behavior like that.

Headline should be no more than "Clarkson uses excusable force to remove aggressive drunk from personal space!"
Why exactly?

The law doesn't protect your right to beat the shit out of people who antagonise you. It happens regularly if you go out and the vast majority of people can deal with minor annoyance without resorting to violence.

What Clarko did wasn't over the top, but suggesting the person got off lightly is.

You are preaching to the wrong bloke mate, I would've snotted him fair and proper
So he now seems like a campaigner? Not necessarily is one? And the available media information (exaggerations) and your over dramatic reactions to them don't make them the truth. They grow legs well beyond reality of the actual situations.
He seems or is based on information available.

Has had a go at coaches, fans, umpires, media staff, players and even the blimmin coaches box, so just about any potential target. That is a pattern of behavior, not a lone incident.
No, I still think that.

I can redefine belted if you like though, I mean a clip around the ears, not having the shit kicked out of them.
That's fine. Belted has a pretty explicit meaning, but if that is not what you intended, then ok.

However, if "clip around the ears", means punch someone, then it is still silly, excessive and likely to get you into trouble.
He seems or is based on information available.

Has had a go at coaches, fans, umpires, media staff, players and even the blimmin coaches box, so just about any potential target. That is a pattern of behavior, not a lone incident.

Having a go at someone doesn't make you in the wrong. It didn't last night and it didn't when that AFL cockroach who wound him up at the airport on the way to a GWS game got a serve. Even the thing with the ump at the kids footy game is a convenient excuse for people to sink the boots in who take no actual context of the story behind what happened.

Putting a hole in the wall is the weakest argument of the lot. How many coaches have smashed phones, thrown their bottles etc? I throw my remote at times which is a silly reaction but it happens sometimes. Doesn't mean I'm a campaigner, even though some may disagree.
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It was excatly what players do in a game of footy to break someone trying to impede them. Forcefully push them off. It wasn't a strike at all.

It looked more forceful, like a strike to me. We will never really know when all we have to reference is shitty quality phone video.

I would like to reiterate that I don't think Clarkson did anything worth punishment or apologising for, I just don't believe it was a harmless push. The best way to protect yourself on camera is with words. Be the bigger men. He wasn't getting jumped in a back alley.
I can't believe how many people are defending a drunk idiot who invaded clarksons personal space, shouted in his ear and filmed it just so he could make a quick buck out of the media frenzy.

Who is defending him?

Even though I haven't read every post in this thread, I'd happily wager $100 that you can't find one post defending him.

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What a load of shit.

Open hand strike might 'hurt' more but a fist will cause far more structural damage.

Bullshit. A fist will break your nose.

An open hand to the same face will break your nose, knock your teeth, and clean up your chin and jaw too when done properly.
He was just that for mine, a drunken yob. Annoying as ****, they always are, but you don't have the right to just belt them because they're annoying you.

He'd walked with them the whole pathway and there was nothing physical. He gets right to the door and suddenly feels the need to protect himself with a jab to the throat?

Unfortunately for public figures they have to put up with this shit all the time. They don't all respond with violence.

Clarko has anger issues and it's only ever a matter of time until the next time he does something stupid.

You are a reasonable bloke Bunk ( EFC aside ) don't let bias cloud your judgment.

Imagine it was you and your missus walking from a club when 3 stooges start following you, harassing you.

You tell them 3 times to **** off then old mate starts yelling in your face.

What would you do
I can see why Clarkson did it, but at the same time it is not in line with the image the AFL is trying to cultivate. It will be interesting to see how this is all dealt with.

Was listening to Triple M before and the guys on The Rub were very much on Clarkson's side. I find Carey's opinion on it to be a bit hypocritical though. The guy quite often goes on the Breakfast show with Eddie Mcguire and is very strong on pointing out how violence is not acceptable under any circumstances. Next thing you know, he's saying that the idiot got what he deserved (which for the record, I think he did as well). Can't have it both ways media.
Actually, plenty of people advocated a more violent response and said they would belt someone in a similar circumstance. Even "cave their head in". Lots of posters, you included have engaged in a tough guy act.

You seem unhinged.

Examples please

So you think when someone says "belt someone in a similar circumstance" that they want to put him in hospital with braindamage... or do you mean actually kill them?

Do you think that when people say "Belt the living suitcases out of someone" that actual suit cases come flying out of wounds from being belted up..... really mate FFS.

I have seen no one on this thread seriously want see anyone hurt.

I can have a good guess on a couple of things though..... You do not have brothers, you did not go to boarding school, you have never played a contact sport.
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You are a reasonable bloke Bunk ( EFC aside ) don't let bias cloud your judgment.

Imagine it was you and your missus walking from a club when 3 stooges start following you, harassing you.

You tell them 3 times to **** off then old mate starts yelling in your face.

What would you do
You are aware Clarkson wasn't on his own and it wasn't his missus he was defending?

Just checking.
Having a go at someone doesn't make you in the wrong. It didn't last night and it didn't when that AFL cockroach who wound him up at the airport on the way to a GWS game got a serve. Even the thing with the ump at the kids footy game is a convenient excuse for people to sink the boots in who take no actual context of the story behind what happened.

Putting a whole in the wall is the weakest argument of the lot. How many coaches have smashed phones, thrown their bottles etc? I throw my remote at times which is a silly reaction but it happens sometimes. Doesn't mean I'm a campaigner, even though some may disagree.
So all are excusable?

How about punching a bloke from behind? There is a clear pattern of behavior.

Basically, anyone you have to walk on eggshells around, for fear of an agressive or physical response is a fair campaigner. Given the way his supposed friends talk about him, often implying that he has anger problem, there is probably a fair bit more that never makes the press. As for the ump at the footy game it wasnt a one off.
You're cool with common assault?

What of the law?

The fan assaulted Clarko. You're cool with that, but not with Clarko defending himself? Self-defence aside, provocation would be a defence here anyway, in the highly unlikely event that Clarko faces any charges.
So all are excusable?

How about punching a bloke from behind? There is a clear pattern of behavior.

Basically, anyone you have to walk on eggshells around, for fear of an agressive or physical response is a fair campaigner. Given the way his supposed friends talk about him, often implying that he has anger problem, there is probably a fair bit more that never makes the press. As for the ump at the footy game it wasnt a one off.

No, they aren't all excusable. But many are nothing incidents that just get trotted out to exaggerate a rap sheet.

The punch from behind in 1987 was awful. It was also many, MANY years ago in an era of football completely different to now and which his remorse has been expressed. It really has zero relevance to the situation last night and some of the others you listed where he has reacted angrily to people who have warranted an angry reaction. Giving someone a spray is hardly an offence.

People don't need to walk on egg shells around him. More melodrama. The guy was the complete opposite last night to that, and that's why he got a reaction. the AFL reporter acted as ******** to him, and thus was called on (off camera mind you in a private interaction between the two of them). As for the wall, it never provoked him and I hope Clarko apologised to it.
Examples please

So you thubk when someone says "belt someone in a similar circumstance" that they want to put him in hospital with braindamage... or do you mean actually kill them?

Do you think that when people say "Belt the living suitcases out of someone" that actual suit cases come flying out of wounds from being belted up..... really mate FFS.

I have seen no one on this thread seriously want see anyone hurt.

I can have a good guess on a couple of things though..... You do not have brothers, you did not go to boarding school, you have never played a contact sport.
They have been quoted previously.

The rest of your post is hard to understand. I also do have a brother and grew up in a handy neighborhood, likewise years of amateur kickboxing/muay thai probably counts as a contact sport. I am just not a boofhead and er on the side of self restraint or the law.

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