Plibersek - Opposition arse clown

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No and that would hardly bother me

Yes they have and that's why we have so many dud pollies on both sides. As for losing touch, tools like Tanya were never in touch with the real world because they have never worked in it.
I survive in the jungle and I don't expect you to pay for it. I don't leech off taxpayers and get a limo to chauffeur me around at your expense. I don't hate her, I just think she is someone of no ability who isn't fit to be in charge of a 7/11 let alone a ministry.
I don't have a dog in the Palestine fight.
Gods 3rdvx versus 4thvx. No interest.
Just wish you were as strong on your criticisms of Abbott, Pyne and Bishop then might take you more seriously.
Seems your biggest objection against her is that she hasn't held a 'real' job, rather silly I think.
Wonder what Plibersek makes of the state election result?

3 inner city seats in or adjacent to her Federal one went to Greens and an independent.
Who held the seats before? So much missing information, if Libs held the three seats then I would question what the federal Libs would be thinking right now.

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I survive in the jungle and I don't expect you to pay for it. I don't leech off taxpayers and get a limo to chauffeur me around at your expense. I don't hate her, I just think she is someone of no ability who isn't fit to be in charge of a 7/11 let alone a ministry.
I have it on good authority that Meds used a road once in 1994. Bloody leecher.
Seems your biggest objection against her is that she hasn't held a 'real' job, rather silly I think.

Hardly stupid. People like her in parliament make laws that affect peoples livelihoods, yet they are utterly ignorant on how damaging their policies are.

If more alp (and libs for that matter) mp's had worked in the private sector /owned a business they would realise how utterly stupid their IR policies, carbon tax, mining tax etc were.

At least Martin Ferguson smelled the coffee. See the old Hawke ministry with Johns, Cohen etc Far more in touch.

As for Abbott, you can make exactly the same criticism of him. Ditto Pyne (two years as a solicitor). Not sure re Bishop
Hardly stupid. People like her in parliament make laws that affect peoples livelihoods, yet they are utterly ignorant on how damaging their policies are.

If more alp (and libs for that matter) mp's had worked in the private sector /owned a business they would realise how utterly stupid their IR policies, carbon tax, mining tax etc were.

At least Martin Ferguson smelled the coffee. See the old Hawke ministry with Johns, Cohen etc Far more in touch.

As for Abbott, you can make exactly the same criticism of him. Ditto Pyne (two years as a solicitor). Not sure re Bishop
You have still offered nothing to support your view that she has 'no ability'.
Tone, on the other hand has gifted you numerous examples of his 'incompetence'-silence from you.I don't get it. Is it just bias?
Who held the seats before? So much missing information, if Libs held the three seats then I would question what the federal Libs would be thinking right now.

STATE electorates: Sydney city Indie seat was Indie before, Newtown ALP (but boundaries changed), Balmain has been ALP forever, but won by Greens last election and retained. ALP was very bitter about losing Balmain - thought that had an excellent chance.

Plibersek's seat covers most of these areas - could be in trouble.

Acting federal Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek has made an error of judgment in pushing for her Labor colleagues to be forced to vote for same-sex marriage legislation.
As a strong supporter of marriage equality, Ms Plibersek's public pressure for a binding vote on MPs will hinder moves toward justice for many thousands of loving couples and caring parents still denied the legal right to marry. We thought Ms Plibersek had the makings of a future Labor leader. Her latest decision weakens that faith.

While Opposition Leader Bill Shorten was out of the country, she made what looks like a political gamble to gain the upper hand in a factional debate at Labor's biennial national conference in July. She knew full well that Mr Shorten supported a conscience vote. She knew the right of the Labor Party would object. She knew, too, that the conscience vote emerged in the 1950s in an effort to keep Catholic members in the party.
Another split with Labor's social conservatives cannot be ruled out if Ms Plibersek's proposal comes to fruition. Some will argue that's a good thing for a progressive Australian political party. Others, however, will see how dangerous that is for the future of same-sex marriage recognition.

While the Labor policy platform has supported same-sex marriage since 2011, it has rightly allowed MPs to exercise a vote against change in all good conscience.
She does seem to have strong feelings on gay marriage and Palestine, two areas that I share but perhaps may need to save them for the party room.
At least the Labor party have strong views on matters other than terrorism.
I for one am looking forward to hearing about policies from the next government.
She does seem to have strong feelings on gay marriage and Palestine, two areas that I share but perhaps may need to save them for the party room.
At least the Labor party have strong views on matters other than terrorism.
I for one am looking forward to hearing about policies from the next government.

What are her 'strong' views on Palestine?

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Could the double backflip be on? Originally she said Israel was a 'rogue state'. Then she became a friend of Israel. Now she's meeting the Foreign Affairs Minister of a state Labor does not recognise at Federal level.

If she got on the bandwagon for Labor recognising Palestine she would be going against Shorten and Victorian Labor Right falafel faction. Could get very interesting.
Wonder what Plibersek makes of the state election result?

Not a great deal one would think. Open other side instruction on a milk carton would tax her mind.

She does seem to have strong feelings on gay marriage and Palestine,

Yes pro Palestine on even week days and pro Israel on odd ones.
Not a great deal one would think. Open other side instruction on a milk carton would tax her mind.

Yes pro Palestine on even week days and pro Israel on odd ones.

One can be Pro Israel & pro Palestinian state. Indeed many Israelis are in this 'camp'. The two are not polar opposites. Its just that the current hard right Israeli Gument is happy to wear the cost of subjugating the Palestinians & illegally occupying their land.

This wont be forever. Palestine will end up with their own state at some stage. The two will co-exist at some stage. To not do so is unsustainable in the long term.

I refuse to believe otherwise, because I dont believe that people can be utterly stupid forever. Neddy Yahoo will die, either politically or in reality, at some stage. Then the right sort of people will at some stage get lead both nations & will develop the right relationship that would be sustainable & peaceful.

Dont ask me when, but it will.
One can be Pro Israel & pro Palestinian state. Indeed many Israelis are in this 'camp'. The two are not polar opposites. Its just that the current hard right Israeli Gument is happy to wear the cost of subjugating the Palestinians & illegally occupying their land.

This wont be forever. Palestine will end up with their own state at some stage. The two will co-exist at some stage. To not do so is unsustainable in the long term.

I refuse to believe otherwise, because I dont believe that people can be utterly stupid forever. Neddy Yahoo will die, either politically or in reality, at some stage. Then the right sort of people will at some stage get lead both nations & will develop the right relationship that would be sustainable & peaceful.

Dont ask me when, but it will.

There's other threads to discuss all that.

There is potentially looming a major difference of opinion between Labor NSW pro-Pally and VIC pro-Israel on whether to recognise Palestine. It's absolutely clear that none of the players - Shorten, Plibersek, Burke, Foley have a principled positioned on the issue. They are flip-flopping around just to catch votes (and shekels).
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Dont ask me when, but it will.

Palestine is controlled by Hamas, Hamas have vowed to destroy Israel.
Hamas is backed by Iran. Iran has vowed to destroy Israel.

Hamas was elected by the Palestinians, Hamas has cancelled all future elections. Hamas kills opposition to its rule.

You have better chance at winning the lottery than peace in the middle East.
There's other threads to discuss all that.

There is potentially looming a major difference of opinion between Labor NSW pro-Pally and VIC pro-Israel on whether to recognise Palestine. It's absolutely clear that none of the players - Shorten, Plibersek, Burke, Foley have a principled positioned on the issue. They are flip-flopping around just to catch votes (and shekels).

Well you've just described both Libs & Labs. Thats how party politics works. Its called Pragmatism. Theirs no money in Idealism.:rolleyes:

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