Smokeys 12 week plan

Also, get sleep. A disrupted sleep can impact your leptin and ghrelin hormonal balance (the hormones that control when you feel hungry and full), making you feel hungrier. If you get a bad night sleep, a 20 min or 90 minute nap should suffice.

A HUGE problem for me, 30 years of shift work has left me able to operate for days at a time with very little sleep.
A HUGE problem for me, 30 years of shift work has left me able to operate for days at a time with very little sleep.

I did shift work for 20 years, for me, as i got older or the longer I did it, it really *s with your circadian rhythm.

I look forward to the day it's banned, it will happen.
I did shift work for 20 years, for me, as i got older or the longer I did it, it really ****s with your circadian rhythm.

I look forward to the day it's banned, it will happen.

The way it's going, more employers want people to work on a shift basis, but not pay shift penalties (mine, the Federal Govt, is trying to cut our penalties for working day shift). When they stop paying penalties, a lot of shift workers will stop working shifts.

A NSW Firey mate of mine has just gone from 4 on 4 off, 14 hour nights, 10 hour days to 24 on - 24 off - 24 on! Now I know firies can sleep on nights, but I still don't want my house to be burning when a second night crew is working that shift!
Shouldn't be a problem, as CVD by sugar is due to insulin resistance (diabetes), and type 2 diabetes (non-genetic) is mostly seen in overweight people.

Just be careful with it, because sugar can easily be one of those things that become more and more and more, as it can be addictive in large amounts.

I'm highly addicted to sugar

I'm just trying to work out whether it's worth stopping because I enjoy it so much. My general theory has been as long as I'm in a healthy weight range then it's mostly my teeth I have to worry about
I'm highly addicted to sugar

I'm just trying to work out whether it's worth stopping because I enjoy it so much. My general theory has been as long as I'm in a healthy weight range then it's mostly my teeth I have to worry about
You might want to worry about your pancreas as well!
I'm highly addicted to sugar

I'm just trying to work out whether it's worth stopping because I enjoy it so much. My general theory has been as long as I'm in a healthy weight range then it's mostly my teeth I have to worry about
I'm a little unsure, but from the limited research I did, you really have to worry about the empty calories, obviously the degradation onto your teeth, and the high blood sugar. As long as you stay in a healthy weight range, the first and 3rd reasons shouldn't be a problem, although it is entirely possible to become diabetic through constant high BGL without being overweight, but it isn't the norm.
I did shift work for 20 years, for me, as i got older or the longer I did it, it really ****s with your circadian rhythm.

I look forward to the day it's banned, it will happen.

I look forward to the 40 hour hour week being the maximum legal number of hours per week permitted by any man, women or adolescent.

I'm doing that amount in 3 days. Feel rooted but I can manage. I know a few guys who do 90 hours a week almost every week.
Week 1 update - Managed to fit in 3 strength and 6 cardio sessions last week, and have lost another 800 grams (2.2 kg total), tried on my work pants (that were getting a little tight) and now they're a good fit.

Booked in for a PT session tomorrow, if I don't survive it's been nice knowing you all, thanks for all the support:)

P.S. Must be 3 weeks since I've had a cake or biscuit, having some cravings but a big drink of water helps with that.
Week 2 Update - Bugger, put on 400 grams, I've decided (with no evidence) that I'm going to say I've put on muscle to keep myself motivated. Either that or I'll blame the 1 icy pole and 1/2 a cheeseburger I ate this week for the gain and sue McDonalds.

Anyhow, looks like it's time to pull out the measuring tape and do a full measure so I have other areas of comparison.

Exercise plan this week is 6 cardio sessions (sounds silly, but I'll walk a couple of K to the Gym then do an hour on the treadmill - having issues with calf tightness on the uphills, so I figure I can control the incline on the treadmill and at worst just switch over to the bike) 3 Strength sessions (Mon Wed Fri) and a PT session on Wed morning(and just quietly, I'm dreading that:eek:).

Diet plan is almost the same, except no icy poles or 1/2 cheeseburgers, and increase my water intake from 2.25 to 3 litres per day. Might try and eat a vegetable too:$.
Week 2 Update - Bugger, put on 400 grams, I've decided (with no evidence) that I'm going to say I've put on muscle to keep myself motivated. Either that or I'll blame the 1 icy pole and 1/2 a cheeseburger I ate this week for the gain and sue McDonalds.

Anyhow, looks like it's time to pull out the measuring tape and do a full measure so I have other areas of comparison.

Exercise plan this week is 6 cardio sessions (sounds silly, but I'll walk a couple of K to the Gym then do an hour on the treadmill - having issues with calf tightness on the uphills, so I figure I can control the incline on the treadmill and at worst just switch over to the bike) 3 Strength sessions (Mon Wed Fri) and a PT session on Wed morning(and just quietly, I'm dreading that:eek:).

Diet plan is almost the same, except no icy poles or 1/2 cheeseburgers, and increase my water intake from 2.25 to 3 litres per day. Might try and eat a vegetable too:$.

Don't weigh. Measure and fat pinch test. Weight isn't always accurate.
Week 2 Update - Bugger, put on 400 grams, I've decided (with no evidence) that I'm going to say I've put on muscle to keep myself motivated. Either that or I'll blame the 1 icy pole and 1/2 a cheeseburger I ate this week for the gain and sue McDonalds.

Anyhow, looks like it's time to pull out the measuring tape and do a full measure so I have other areas of comparison.

Exercise plan this week is 6 cardio sessions (sounds silly, but I'll walk a couple of K to the Gym then do an hour on the treadmill - having issues with calf tightness on the uphills, so I figure I can control the incline on the treadmill and at worst just switch over to the bike) 3 Strength sessions (Mon Wed Fri) and a PT session on Wed morning(and just quietly, I'm dreading that:eek:).

Diet plan is almost the same, except no icy poles or 1/2 cheeseburgers, and increase my water intake from 2.25 to 3 litres per day. Might try and eat a vegetable too:$.
Yeah, sounds like you're "swapping" fat for muscle, keep going.:thumbsu:
Hi Guys and Gals,

I've mentioned in another thread (what will you do) that I'm taking 3 months of work and dedicating myself to getting a little bit fit.

I'm going to use this thread as motivation, to make sure I do something everyday (except Sunday,my day of rest).

My current weight is about 105kg, I was about 15 kilo lighter a year ago, but things went wrong and I've managed to put on a s**t load of weight. My long term goal is 75 kg, short term (12 weeks) is a loss of .75 kg per week, so about 9 or 10 kg before I go back to work.

I'll be exercising 6 days a week, and will update this thread daily, so if you've got a hankering to hear about a fat mans pain, check in regularly:)

My current problem - shin splints, so I'm icing my legs post exercise but I'm need your suggestions to help me get over this issue.

Good luck Smokey. Im currently doing my PT course through the Australia Institute of Personal Fitness so if you want any help, advice hit me up mate.
Smokey's Fitness plan, Personal Training log;

Episode 1: "Mummy, please make the bad lady stop!"

Scene 1 : It was quiet, too damn quiet.

Well, today was my first "real" PT session, and I was both excited and more than a little nervous about it, to the point that I had (what I assumed at the time) a little nervous vomit just after going to bed last night. More on that later.

So, this morning, I was up early, after a bit of a rough nights sleep ( A dream about taking on the mafia over garden sprinklers?? - analyse that Dr Freud!), had a very light breakfast (just a protein shake, 2 slices of a nice cheddar, and my old man medications) and set off for the 1.5 k walk to the gym, arriving half an hour early. Feeling a bit listless (so would you after battling the Sopranos all night) I grabbed a small sugar free energy drink and a sugar free chocolate bar to fill the hole, then went to the gym warmed up with a few light stretches and a couple of minutes on the bike. All was good in the world.

Scene 2 : Enter the Beast!

Saw my PT (a nice young, unassuming lass, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth type, I'll change her name to protect her identity, so lets go with "She who is feared by Satan") finishing up with her previous client (who was still alive - a good sign:thumbsu:) So after sucking in my gut and puffing out my man boobs to look slightly less decrepit I approached her and the games began!

Scene 3 : Funniest home videos - aka unco old man on x trainer.

SWIFBS nicely and gently lead me to the cross trainer for a gentle warm up. For the uninitiated this is a machine very similar to Mr Garrisons "entity", a machine that not only requires a basic level of fitness to operate, but also the level of co-ordination of a 3 year old child - I lack both. My only previous experience with this device (other than that one night at Mistress Mildred's house of Beauty and Bondage) was late at night when I had the gym to myself and I decided to try it out because it was the machine that all the cool kids used - I quickly discovered that I am neither cool, nor a kid, so the cross trainer has been on my "only to be used for the cup holder" list ever since.

Back to the facts. After a couple of minutes warm up, including a couple of 20 second bursts of quad burning agony (I think I failed to finish one of these bursts, not sure, I may have blacked out), stuttering motions and trying to start walking backwards, I was directed to the back room for some slightly less public torture.

Battle ropes (only a little difficult for the co-ordinationally challenged person) followed by some shoulder presses with decidedly whimpy looking weights (that still caused me great pain)and it was back to the cross trainer for some more cardio.

Scene 4 : It came from below

It was on the way back to the Gym proper that I noticed a little tickle in the back of my throat, had a little cough and realised that last nights nervous vomit may have been something else, like maybe the week old ham I had for dinner last night may not only have looked a bit and smelt a bit dodgy, it may actually have been on the turn. After dashing to the vomitorium and attempting to expel the evil spirit from my body (was a dry argument:() It was back to the torture, this time on the far more familiar treadmill. Nice and slow (4.5 kph, when I walk I try and keep to 9 minute kilometres, so it wasn't too difficult) Then back into Satan's den for some more private humiliation.

Scene 5 : I can taste purple.

Started with some squats with an inflated elephants testicle between my back and the wall, this wasn't overly taxing (by comparison) and then it was on to step ups, and as I regularly take the stair option instead of lifts or escalators, I was in my element.....NOT! By the end of doing 10 left and 10 right, my hammies where in agony - very strange for something that's supposed to tax the quads?
After that, back to the treadmill, more squats and more stairs - by the end of that my heart rate monitor was calling the union looking for double time.

Scene 6 : Light at the end of the tunnel (vision)

Stretches, discussing my work out plan and trying a new exercise, hows the serenity:)

Scene 7 : The long march

1.5 k up a slight gradient to get home, usually it takes around 10 or 12 minutes with a few kilo of groceries on my back, 8 if I'm trying to dodge an approaching thunderstorm. Well, after having a nice sit down (pass out) and bottle of cold water, with legs of jelly, I set off. Well, having no feeling below the waist, my gait approximated something similar to C3PO with a trouser load, and 20 odd minutes later I entered my abode and collapsed in the massage chair (I wish) and after an appropriate amount of time (when feeling returned to my fingers) I began documenting my experience in this mighty tome.

(fade to black)

P.S. If you made it this far, I promise the next installment will be a lot shorter.
P.P.S. I booked another session with her next week o_O
Good luck Smokey. Im currently doing my PT course through the Australia Institute of Personal Fitness so if you want any help, advice hit me up mate.

Pricey, I asked my PT to give me 3 strength circuits to keep me busy Monday to Saturday evenings, she's given me 2, and I have a couple of issues (squats and leg presses on the same day, and leg presses the following day, chest presses and lat pull downs in in both. I did the 2 workouts 2 days in a row and couldn't even consider following up on the 3rd, my quads and delts where way too sore to follow up.

Is it ok if I give her a workout plan that suits me, and ask her opinion, or would that be a breach of etiquette?
Pricey, I asked my PT to give me 3 strength circuits to keep me busy Monday to Saturday evenings, she's given me 2, and I have a couple of issues (squats and leg presses on the same day, and leg presses the following day, chest presses and lat pull downs in in both. I did the 2 workouts 2 days in a row and couldn't even consider following up on the 3rd, my quads and delts where way too sore to follow up.

Is it ok if I give her a workout plan that suits me, and ask her opinion, or would that be a breach of etiquette?
Monday to Sat & you did 2 in a row?

Should always have a days break between doing weights as far as i know.
It's ok to do two days in a row as long as your working different muscle groups. But yes definitely shouldn't work same muscle group two days in a row.
Yes but that isn't that what Smokey did, unless I've missed something. Quite possible at this time of night.:D
Monday to Sat & you did 2 in a row?

Should always have a days break between doing weights as far as i know.

What happened

Friday - squats and leg press, chest press (plus 8.5 k walk)
Sat - leg press and chest press (plus 3k walk)
Sunday - quads in agony, pecs in moderate pain.

I think I failed to get my intentions stated clearly to my PT. I want to do 6 strength workouts / week, but have 3 workouts to do, so I'd do 1 on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 1 on Thursday etc.

I'll do up a little plan and show her, it might make more once it's translated from my head to paper, rather than my head via my lips:)
What happened

Friday - squats and leg press, chest press (plus 8.5 k walk)
Sat - leg press and chest press (plus 3k walk)
Sunday - quads in agony, pecs in moderate pain.

I think I failed to get my intentions stated clearly to my PT. I want to do 6 strength workouts / week, but have 3 workouts to do, so I'd do 1 on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 1 on Thursday etc.

I'll do up a little plan and show her, it might make more once it's translated from my head to paper, rather than my head via my lips:)
According to what you have written above Smokey you worked your chest on consecutive days. It is widely accepted that you should give any particular muscle group a minimum of 48 hours rest after working it. You may want to tweak your programme so that your not working the same muscle groups on consecutive days.
Also it is now widely accepted that more is not necessarily better when it comes to weight training. You may be super keen at the moment but you could be reducing the effectiveness of your training if you start trying to do too much. The rest period in weight training is super important as it is during this stage that the muscle "repairs itself" and this is where you get the extra muscle mass and strength from.
Pricey, I asked my PT to give me 3 strength circuits to keep me busy Monday to Saturday evenings, she's given me 2, and I have a couple of issues (squats and leg presses on the same day, and leg presses the following day, chest presses and lat pull downs in in both. I did the 2 workouts 2 days in a row and couldn't even consider following up on the 3rd, my quads and delts where way too sore to follow up.

Is it ok if I give her a workout plan that suits me, and ask her opinion, or would that be a breach of etiquette?

Hey mate
I wouldnt be giving her one you have done as its really her job and she should be putting together a program that is going to work for you. Its completely normal for programmes to be reassessed after a couple weeks so if you have any concerns do tell her though.
I'm a little concerned that you are doing leg press 2 days in a row this early as you were always going to be sore. I mean i just started doing a circuit a couple weeks ago and my legs are fried for the rest of the week and i trained them once a week. To be honest you really need 48 hours for those muscles to recover.
Thanks for you input guys, and apologies for taking so long to respond:)

I had a very quiet week this week, had to catch up on some of my day to day duties that I'd been neglecting, take a couple of days to travel to a mates farewell, and I was a bit scared about working too hard and making myself too sore:(

Anyhow, I missed last weeks PT session, have rescheduled for this week, same time, same place. I'll book an extra 1/2 hour with her sometime this week to discuss my issues (I won't hit her with a full workout plan, just mention how sore I was after all the quad work) and get her to "check my form" on some of the machines I like to use. I've found I'm able to push a lot more weight on some exercises (arm curls) that can't be explained (rationally in my mind) by an increase in strength. Knowing that I'm a lazy genius, and will find the easiest way to complete a task, I'm assuming that I'm in some way cheating, and failing to maximise my workout time.

Numbers wise, I've lost a total of 2.7kg, my work pants fit a little bit more loosely, and I've reduced a big bad habit - Yes, Smokey is a smoker, but Ive reduced the amount I smoke per day by 2/3rd's, quit day is 1 Dec. I've also worked out a diet that includes only one choc/banana tim tam per day!

I sense that I'm rambling along because I'm drunk, so I'll just end here.

Vodka and caffeine free diet Pepsi:)
Eat an apple instead of the tim tam. Keep nothing fattening at home so you are not tempted. By Burgen's weight reducing bread if you must eat bread. Have a stock of apples for snacks. Get rid of cheese, buy low fat milk. Maybe get a dietician rather than a personal trainer.