The Terrorism Files - 2015, 2016

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While it'd be ridiculous to paint every Muslim in the same brush and say Islam hates us or something stupid, there are obviously the unhinged and small sections of extremists that would use the faith as a guise for their own violent nature, no different to how every self-serving religious person twist the faith to fit their own prejudice throughout history

Just on the bolded bit, I think the sad reality is that minority isn't that minor, especially when we look at the stats:

Pew Research (2010):

84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
86% of Jordanian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
30% of Indonesian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
76% of Pakistanis support death the penalty for leaving Islam
51% of Nigerian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam

Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda.
Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban.

Pew Global (2006)

68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.

Now you might think ok those aren't westernised Muslims so it's not surprising - but the numbers in the west are alarmingly high too.

Pew Research (2007):

26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified (13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified (25% overall).

When you see those numbers it's no surprising you get regular attacks in Europe like we now see.
When you see those numbers it's no surprising you get regular attacks in Europe like we now see.

Some damning stats, particularly with the numbers on death for apostates.

That said, the same research showed that Muslim majority nations are less likely to support deliberate attacks on civilians than say, peeps in the USA. Non Muslims are actually more bloodthirsty than Muslims, and European and USA citizens think that 'deliberate killing of civilians can be justifed' more often than your average citizen of an Islamic nation does.



Heck, the current US Presidential front runner supports deliberate attacks on civilian children and he's surging ahead in the popular vote to thunderous applause.

Not the only place one finds hypocricy in the argument you pose either:


The left side picture is considered terrorism. The right side isnt. You try and figure that one out.

I can understand the outrage and horror at these attacks. But focus on that, and then consider the above images and numbers, you might be able to undertand why the terrorists are also angry.
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Survey conducted via Muslim American Poll! lol.... surely you got to have a better source than that Mal

It is actually sourced from Gallup:


They a good enough source for you?

Follow the link. Here are some more:


Notice how the US/ Canada believe that 'individial killings of civilians can sometimes be justified' more than anyone else? And how MENA (the middle east group) are at the lower end of the scale (if not the lowest), and are lower than Europe?

The US also think the military are justified in killing civilians more than anyone else:


Results are based on face-to-face interviews with approximately 1,000 adults in each country, aged 15 and older, from 2008 through 2010. For results based on the total sample of adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error ranges from ±1.66 to ±5.8 percentage points.

Like I said, perhaps once we realise we arent actually that different from each other and both sides have legitimate gripes, we might be in a better position than simply hurling bombs and insults at each other.

There is certainly a massive agreement in the Muslim world that killing civilians isnt cool. Heck, every Muslim Ive ever had a chat with agrees, and tends to come from the position that ISIL are fundamentalist nutters that use a literalist and rather widely rejected narrow Salafist/ Wahaabist ultra literal interpretation of the Quran, and prey on young isolated men in pursuit of a political, economic, territorial and strategic goal.

People are not that different from each other, despite what you right wingers would have us believe.
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There is certainly a massive agreement in the Muslim world that killing civilians isnt cool. Heck, every Muslim Ive ever had a chat with agrees, and tends to come from the position that ISIL are fundamentalist nutters that use a literalist and rather widely rejected narrow Salafist/ Wahaabist ultra literal interpretation of the Quran, and prey on young isolated men in pursuit of a political, economic, territorial and strategic goal.

People are not that different from each other, despite what you right wingers would have us believe.

Every Muslim i have ever chatted with think that Islam and the Prophet was perfect too. So what? so now anecdotal evidence is also considered evidence??? Funny how our society has so many vulnerable people yet its the Muslims who blow themselves up. Why is that? are Muslims the only vulnerable people in the society? or we have Hindus' buddhists, sikhs, christians out there too? the fact that islam needs a reform begins with accepting that Islam is not perfect and Islam is a problem will definitely help. Islam is THE PROBLEM, as long as people think Islam is peace this problem will persist. To address the issue you need to start talking about the problem and you cannot talk about it cause then there will be riots everywhere. If Muslims are similarly outraged on these attacks, we will be living in a different world now.

Lefties like you will brand us Islamophobe, but is Islamophobe as a bad thing as opposed to Muslimophobe? Islam deserves that, its just a shit religion.

According to Maddam, our Belgian expert, Belgium has no Islam problem. I ask myself this are people blind or just stupid? or maybe both? The fact that you said i am a ring wing goes to show you have NFI, i am actually in the middle, you guys are extremists on both sides and both are damaging and its always us in the middle who are getting crushed. So now due to mass migration, and 130k people disappearing in germany, will fall in the hands of the salafists and will be radicalised and then u will blaming it on wahaabists again when its your so called 'LIBERAL' policies causing this...and oh did i mention the rise of the far right?
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You can guarantee there will be fawning political leaders all joining hands, expressing their grief, even Obama and Cameron...hypocrites will come out in force, "Je su Charlie"..getting moments in the spotlight . "The world are standing with them" clichés/flowers...the whole lot.

And then 2 weeks down the track it is back to normal with nothing changed.Muslim immigration will yet again continue unabated. Germany, irony upon irony, nearly destroyed Europe during ww11. This time they can do it by stealth by resettling their 1.5 migrants all throughout Europe. Unless the EU is dismantled the whole continent is doomed.
You can guarantee there will be fawning political leaders all joining hands, expressing their grief, even Obama and Cameron...hypocrites will come out in force, "Je su Charlie"..getting moments in the spotlight . "The world are standing with them" clichés/flowers...the whole lot.

And then 2 weeks down the track it is back to normal with nothing changed.Muslim immigration will yet again continue unabated. Germany, irony upon irony, nearly destroyed Europe during ww11. This time they can do it by stealth by resettling their 1.5 migrants all throughout Europe. Unless the EU is dismantled the whole continent is doomed.

Its scary to see how many left wingers here advocate free migration but are not willing to come up with the funding solutions or solutions for integration, missing refugees, salafism etc etc, the only thing they can say "let them in".. i give them an A+ for the effort but they fail in real life.
They do share info and have for ages (also European arrest warrant etc).
Almost every news I have heard states one of the problems is the the security services in Belgium do not or have not been sharing information with the police.
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Intresting that there have been multiple attacks in Turkey the past couple of months that got piecemeal coverage yet this attack in Western Europe gets rolling coverage with special editions of morning shows. Didn't notice the colours of the Turkish flag lighting up other countries monuments either.
Intresting that there have been multiple attacks in Turkey the past couple of months that got piecemeal coverage yet this attack in Western Europe gets rolling coverage with special editions of morning shows. Didn't notice the colours of the Turkish flag lighting up other countries monuments either.

More importantly, has the government made an official statement on chocolate supplies for Easter yet
Intresting that there have been multiple attacks in Turkey the past couple of months that got piecemeal coverage yet this attack in Western Europe gets rolling coverage with special editions of morning shows. Didn't notice the colours of the Turkish flag lighting up other countries monuments either.
Don't forget Indonesia but that is different as they are killing their own. Not enough reason to get outraged.
Negotiating with extremists is as useless as Rosie O'Donnell's personal trainer. It's time to go hard at these f***ers.

As for the bleeding hearts that say 'let everyone in', if you owned a nightclub would you have the same rules? I mean, I'm all for trying to give a chop out to genuine refugees who are genuinely good people and genuinely want a better life and will genuinely try to assimilate...but hey, if ASIO, the FBI, the CIA, Mi5 and so on can't sometimes distinguish between the good and the bad, what's the answer??? You've got to remember these extremists are sneaky bastards. They don't come riding in to town with a tattoo on their forehead. They can sneak in, infiltrate, can be well dressed, intelligent people with financial backing. But hey, let's just keep opening our doors and take the good with the bad, the very very very bad, because that's what's happening. Harm minimisation...we are never going to be able to get rid of all the bad in the world, I mean ffs we have our own murderers and rapists and molesters etc. BUT reducing or minimising the risk is something we all should be supportive of.

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Harm minimisation...we are never going to be able to get rid of all the bad in the world, I mean ffs we have our own murderers and rapists and molesters etc. BUT reducing or minimising the risk is something we all should be supportive of.
I very much doubt that there is anyone on this site that wouldn't agree with that, however if you look at the events in Belgium and France, the perpetrators are most likely people that have either lived in those countries for years or born there.
Malcolmnn Turnbull has been critical of the Schengen Agreement in Europe. Tightening European country borders would be a massive win to the cowards though- they want us to live in fear and remove our freedoms.

We're hardly terrorist proof even with s strong immigration policy and geographical advantage ourselves.
So all of a sudden you are a big believer in polls?

I posted it to refute some other biased data. The same data you have previously posted.

So now anecdotal evidence is also considered evidence???

Yeah, it says so right on the tin.

Funny how our society has so many vulnerable people yet its the Muslims who blow themselves up. Why is that? are Muslims the only vulnerable people in the society? or we have Hindus' buddhists, sikhs, christians out there too? the fact that islam needs a reform begins with accepting that Islam is not perfect and Islam is a problem will definitely help. Islam is THE PROBLEM, as long as people think Islam is peace this problem will persist.

You keep on tarring all Muslims and all of Islam with the same brush like its some kind of monolithic bloc.

Can you at least conceed that there are different branches of Islam with widely different beliefs, comprising of widely different ethnic groups? And that the problems you refer to come from a particular hardline minority (Salaffist Wahabbists) who have an economic, political and territorial goal.

Unless you think Usman Kwaja, Bachar Houli and Waleed Aly support what happened yesterday or some equally absurd crap.

To address the issue you need to start talking about the problem and you cannot talk about it cause then there will be riots everywhere.

What the heck are you talking about? Arent we not talking about it right now? ISIL (a hardline Wahabbist Islamic fundamentalist group) have conducted another terrorist attack in Europe.

If Muslims are similarly outraged on these attacks, we will be living in a different world now.

What utter bullshit. Can Catholics stop the Westborogh Baptist church? Should Protestants bear the burden of the Catholic church's failures with vulnerable children?

Of course Muslims are outraged by ISIL you wally. Who do you think has been bearing the brunt of ISILs attacks to date? Shia Muslims in particular, folowed by non Salafist or even just moderate Sunni Muslims (i.e the majority of them).

According to Maddam, our Belgian expert, Belgium has no Islam problem.

Belgium has a problem with having a higher proportion of Salafist Jihadis per capita than anywhere else in Europe (Turkey being a possible exception).

I know if you had your way, in your righteous indignation you'd round up all people of the Islamic faith and lock them up in work camps, use forced deportation, and bomb the crap out of the Middle East, but (for mine) that makes you no better than the Salafists.
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Intresting that there have been multiple attacks in Turkey the past couple of months that got piecemeal coverage yet this attack in Western Europe gets rolling coverage with special editions of morning shows. Didn't notice the colours of the Turkish flag lighting up other countries monuments either.

Probably because it's their problem.
This whole thing reminds me of Bill Hicks' joke on gun control, where here outlined the obvious correlation between guns and violence and then sarcastically claimed there was no connection and you'd be a fool to make one. Substitute Islam for guns, it's the same deal.
Malcolmnn Turnbull has been critical of the Schengen Agreement in Europe. Tightening European country borders would be a massive win to the cowards though- they want us to live in fear and remove our freedoms.

We're hardly terrorist proof even with s strong immigration policy and geographical advantage ourselves.
"Don't you guys get it??? Isis WANT you to protect yourselves!!!!!"

Is this real life?

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