The Terrorism Files - 2015, 2016

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So how would you have an "open and honest" discussion about religion in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan etc?

How would you start this conversation.
Would you do what Asia Bibi did and drink from the same water cup as a muslim, and then be accused of blasphemy.
Would you risk 10 years in jail in Algeria?
Or death in Pakistan for saying what you are saying now?
You would be in jail right now in those countries posting what you just posted.

to begin with i start with showing it as an example of the absolutely disgusting underbelly of countries ruled by Islamic laws which extends far beyond those countries even Indonesia a "moderate" country has despicable laws and i find reprehensible that we allow trade with such filth.

likewise the religious laws being passed in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Israel, Italy and russia are utterly disgusting. which see's people locked up for years (or worse) for so much as "offending someones religious beliefs" (the full list is much much longer) and see it as eroding the very foundation of western values.

but you don't care about any of that shit because its not being pushed by muslims. you want to condemn religious laws condemn them all, unless of course you actually support the laws which saw a man arrested in russia about a month ago for "offending the russian orthodox church" for something he wrote on his irrelevant blog.
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How many would you consider before you would consider it an issue? I am sure the vast majority of Muslims in Brussels are fine people. They are not the ones I am concerned about.
Why do you think they couldn't find the initial terrorist for over 3 months?
He was in Brussels for much of that time.
Which community hid him and then rioted once he was caught?
Why wasn't the riot mentioned in the media?
The agenda is to destroy the west. The governments of the west are playing their part beautifully.
Ancient Rome had a death wish around 400 AD.
Western Europe has a death wish around 2016 AD.
The cultural elites...Turnbull, Obama etc... they have an agenda.
It's becoming a bigger and bigger cluster**** and the core of the problem is the fundamental justification of violence in parts of the quran and just a historically violent nature of Islam in general

While it'd be ridiculous to paint every Muslim in the same brush and say Islam hates us or something stupid, there are obviously the unhinged and small sections of extremists that would use the faith as a guise for their own violent nature, no different to how every self-serving religious person twist the faith to fit their own prejudice throughout history

While you can go about tackling it like, bomb the middle east more, refuse refugees, ban Muslims, I believe the more you isolate and sorta demonize Islam rightly or wrongly, the worse the reaction and the worst the violence could escalate. It has become a problem that probably doesn't have a total solution

In the end, religion's just bad and the world would be better off without it

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How about you answer the question?

You stated many... I'm asking you what your idea of many was, when you wrote it.

I'd say a single one, is an issue.
But it does not mean that the entire people are an issue... It means that one is an issue.

  • (36 vs 64) 64% of Muslims in France believed it could never be justified, 19% believed it could be justified rarely, 10% sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often.
  • (30 vs 70) 70% of Muslims in Britain believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 12% sometimes, and 3% thought it could be justified often.
  • (17 vs 83) 83% of Muslims in Germany believed it could never be justified, 6% believed it could be justified rarely, 6% sometimes, and 1% thought it could be justified often.
  • (31 vs 69) 69% of Muslims in Spain believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 10% sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often.

So between 10-20% think their is some justification for terrorism. I think that 'many' is a reasonable description.
Why ban someone's clothing?

There should be a ban on forcing someone to wear something for religious reasons. But if they choose to wear it, why ban it?
I think in situations where they need to be properly identified it is entirely acceptable to ask to remove head coverings.
If, in some situations, they are unable to do it in public, the same way most people would be uncomfortable being strip searched in public, they should be taken to a private room to do so.
Do you have any problem with this idea?

No, religion should not impose on the health of our society.

What about Islamic schools? Are they teaching extremism???
Governments intervene in case of child abuse. If a parent/parents are abusing their child, the Government should step in.

I actually agree with you on most of your points.

Would you consider extremist religious teachings child abuse?
The questions I would rather answers to are:
Should the EU have free access to other countries in Europe?

Why do people feel so marginalised that they convert to Islam, and support ISIS? A number have been shown that are not born to Islam. What attracts these sick cowards?

Why does the EU not have a more co-ordinated security force for terrorism?
Did the recent arrest contribute to this latest attack?

So distressing to hear the victims, again cannot imagine how the families must be feeling.

Should EU have free access? Personally I think it's stupid but its not really up to me. If they were more homogeneous it would make more sense.

A sense of power? Feelings of rebellion? A need for direction? Many reasons though I would of preferred the old school option of running away to join the circus rather then ISIS.

EU is not coordinated because they are a varied bunch of countries who have their own goals and directions. The latest arrest might well have contributed or accelerated the timetable for an attack but there was really no choice but to arrest.
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This is thrown about a lot... but how different would it be, when asking certain questions to people of any religion?


Would you think you would get the same level of responses if you asked similar questions to groups of the other major faiths?

I agree that it is child abuse so do we then start taking the children away from the parents?

Will answer in the morning got an early start.
Should EU have free access? Personally I think it's stupid but its not really up to me. If they were more homogeneous it would make more sense.

A sense of power? Feelings of rebellion? A need for direction?

EU is not coordinated because they are a varied bunch of countries who have their own goals and directions. The latest arrest might well have contributed or accelerated the timetable for an attack but there was really no choice but to arrest.
Not saying anything about the arrest except well done to the police.
Not up to me either but think it is a poor idea if they don't start controlling their borders.
I would have thought as part of the EU, the would have set up a security force made up of the countries involved.
It seems to me from media reports they don't share or coordinate information very well.
This latest incident surely will change a few things for the better.
As to the radicalisation, have no idea how they will handle that especially if they are already citizens of a country that are born and bred there as was the one they recently arrested.
No he isn't.
I think if you re read his post he added 'who kill' which you omitted.
Look, I'm a staunch atheist. I'm no fan of religion. I'm also very much anti-extreme religion (but am also all for allowing people choice).

I just found his post a tad hypocritical in the sense that he criticised religion and 'faith' three times in a rather general/stereotypical fashion, whilst criticising those that make generalisations about 'brown' people.

We'll have to disagree here.

At any rate, you're 100% correct in your comment Maggie, about how people use a horrific situation like this to push agendas, without thought to victims.

I remember people doing this after the Lindt Cafe Seige and found it disgusting (remember Rupert's post?)
Western Europe is trying its best to destroy itself. What a shame.

The fact that Abdeslam was able to hide for so long suggests there's more than a 'handful' of people who subscribe to this way of thinking in Belgium. The French have been on the receiving end, the Spanish, the English and now the Belgians. What's gonna be the spin on this one? They didn't give migrants a chance at a better peaceful life? Or is it because they arrested a dangerous criminal? Geez when it goes down in Germany, Merkel better be ready. I doubt the South Americans are going to extend an invitation to her like it did to past German politicians no longer welcome at home.
Look, I'm a staunch atheist. I'm no fan of religion. I'm also very much anti-extreme religion (but am also all for allowing people choice).

I just found his post a tad hypocritical in the sense that he criticised religion and 'faith' three times in a rather general/stereotypical fashion, whilst criticising those that make generalisations about 'brown' people.

We'll have to disagree here.

At any rate, you're 100% correct in your comment Maggie, about how people use a horrific situation like this to push agendas, without thought to victims.

I remember people doing this after the Lindt Cafe Seige and found it disgusting (remember Rupert's post?)
Thanks, it really does distress me that some use these situations to push agendas.
I think of those that won't be returning home to their families tonight.
It seems to me from media reports they don't share or coordinate information very well.
This latest incident surely will change a few things for the better.

They do share info and have for ages (also European arrest warrant etc). Its too late to change things. Radical Islam is part of Europe and only getting worse with recent arrivals. How can the police and security services keep a close eye on hundreds of thousands of radicalised and potentially dangerous Muslims? They cant, its impossible.

At least Australia has the chance via sensible immigration to dramatically lessening the chance of such attacks.

Thanks, it really does distress me that some use these situations to push agendas.

Bit rich to have a go at people who want to save lives in terror attacks which are a result of government policy.
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They do share info and have for ages (also European arrest warrant etc). Its too late to change things. Radical Islam is part of Europe and only getting worse with recent arrivals. How can the police and security services keep a close eye on hundreds of thousands of radicalised and potentially dangerous Muslims? They cant, its impossible.

At least Australia has the chance via sensible immigration to dramatically lessening the chance of such attacks.

Bit rich to have a go at people who want to save lives in terror attacks which are a result of government policy.
Heard on TV tonight that Belguim has 16 different police forces and in the past weren't that much into sharing.
Not rich at all, some used it as a springboard to continue with their bile not really lingering very long with any thought of victims.
Not sure that a number of your posts have saved any lives.
Heard on TV tonight that Belguim has 16 different police forces and in the past weren't that much into sharing..

Individual countries share intelligence.

Not rich at all, some used it as a springboard to continue with their bile not really lingering very long with any thought of victims.
Not sure that a number of your posts have saved any lives.

Bile? Wow, how about criticise the Muslim community that sheltered these people rather than people pointing out the stupidity of Merkel and others policies. If you had your way Australia would have the same policy and same issues, you need to have a good hard look at yourself and start caring about others rather than simply defending your co religionists at every step.
"This is a gigantic problem, apart from prevention we should also focus on repression," [Prime Minister Charles Michel] said, adding his nation had suffered from a "laissez-faire" attitude and were now paying the price.

Laissez-faire, eh? Sums up the attitude of one half of our own political spectrum.

Who will be Australia's Donald Trump? Who will restore the right to speak truthfully without persecution?
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Schengen will come under even more pressure as will Merkel. Wouldn't be surprised if there are huge repercussions in Europe from this.

Police are also hunting for a suspect known until recently under the alias Soufiane Kayal but now identified by Belgian investigators as Najim Laachraoui, believed to have travelled to Syria in February 2013. He presented false papers under the alias when he was checked at the Austria-Hungary border on 9 September, and was travelling with Abdeslam and Mohamed Belkaïd, a 35-year-old Algerian who was shot dead on Tuesday during a police raid in Brussels. The three men had posed as tourists heading to Vienna on holiday and did not raise suspicions.

But the network will include many others. It is clear from the amount of time Abdeslam spent on the run that he was looked after by dozens, if not scores of contacts. This is the reality of contemporary Islamic extremism in Europe. It is not about so-called lone wolves or solitary actors, but about a small but significant number people who are deeply embedded in broader communities or neighbourhoods
Individual countries share intelligence.

Bile? Wow, how about criticise the Muslim community that sheltered these people rather than people pointing out the stupidity of Merkel and others policies. If you had your way Australia would have the same policy and same issues, you need to have a good hard look at yourself and start caring about others rather than simply defending your co religionists at every step.
Wouldn't you think that having so many police forces in the country where so many home grown terrorists live might be a problem?
You do realise that some of these people weren't born into Islam don't you?
Nah, you need to let go some of that hatred and have a good look at yourself and go back over your posting history.
Wouldn't want to judge Australians on some of the posters on this site, it has been a real education for me.
Fortunately I have not come across people like you and your ilk in real life for many, many years.
Didn't commandeer national public unrest the way Trump has.

He commandeers nothing but his own self serving purposes. Anyone who is dumb enough to really think he represents and works for the people are exactly the gullible crowd he's looking to con. He probably laughs at his supporters on how stupid they are privately, he says a few outlandish crazy things and they lap it up like he is Jesus. Just like Palmer he's only doing this for his own ego and other benefits

Anyway enough about Trump, anyone who uses these Belgium attacks as a way to further Trump can go and do one anyway, it has nothing to do with him whatsoever
He commandeers nothing but his own self serving purposes. Anyone who is dumb enough to really think he represents and works for the people are exactly the gullible crowd he's looking to con. He probably laughs at his supporters on how stupid they are privately, he says a few outlandish crazy things and they lap it up like he is Jesus. Just like Palmer he's only doing this for his own ego and other benefits

Anyway enough about Trump, anyone who uses these Belgium attacks as a way to further Trump can go and do one anyway, it has nothing to do with him whatsoever

It's a related issue whether you want to admit it or not. Trump has won support partly through hardline talk on immigration - the opposite to what has allowed terrorism to thrive in Brussels.

Trump is a product of the Left. He couldn't exist without them.
It's a related issue whether you want to admit it or not. Trump has won support partly through hardline talk on immigration - the opposite to what has allowed terrorism to thrive in Brussels.

Trump is a product of the Left. He couldn't exist without them.

It is not, it's Belgium/Europe getting bomb, US election has **** all to do with it. Leave the political point scoring elsewhere particularly off a tragedy, it's a low thing to do

Trump is a product of the crazy dumb hard right, don't pretend otherwise.

I'll leave it at that, continue with your Trump fapping all you want but don't do it on the back on the dead and injured
It is not, it's Belgium/Europe getting bomb, US election has **** all to do with it. Leave the political point scoring elsewhere particularly off a tragedy, it's a low thing to do

Trump is a product of the crazy dumb hard right, don't pretend otherwise.

I'll leave it at that, continue with your Trump fapping all you want but don't do it on the back on the dead and injured

I'm not necessarily a Trump fan, but he does have some appealing qualities. For instance, I like that the establishment can't control him.

How about Cruz?

"Radical Islam is at war with us. For over seven years we have had a president who refuses to acknowledge this reality. And the truth is, we can never hope to defeat this evil so long as we refuse to even name it. That ends on January 20, 2017, when I am sworn in as president. We will name our enemy — radical Islamic terrorism. And we will defeat it."

The Muslim problem is a factor in politics all over the world.
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