Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

Thread Rules:

I recognise that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

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  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
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Play nicely, all.
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not so sure the jewish peeps on the right side of history and who are prepared to stand up to the lie machine are there in big numbers. one can only hope.

not so sure the jewish peeps on the right side of history and who are prepared to stand up to the lie machine are there in big numbers. one can only hope.

All makes sense - the Zionists are white Europeans that converted to Judiasim to get the benefits of the religion. They have usurped the Torah for their own gains and now see themselves as a benevolent race that, ironically, excludes Semites.

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|ran has retaliated and declared it's the end of the matter.

This was a 'show' and the speed in which Iran declared the matter confirms this. It also involved drones which can be easily shot down rather than ballistic missiles as far as I know. Iran doesn't want direct conflict with Israel, it would almost certainly lose. Heck, why should it, when it's got it's friends doing it's dirty work.

not so certainly , they have all military too deep underground for Israel's nukes to damage them , they (one assumes) have the Russian+Chinese hypersonic missile , one thing for sure is the Persian people and Israeli people would die in millions and make Rafa look like a skirmish if they don't pull it back , they close hormuz with built-in battery , Yemen/houthi close red sea route , American economists have a heuristic of every$30millionUS reduction in GDP = cost one life , so .... what are the numbers on many dozen trillions on world economy if energy shipping closes(one of routes) for upwards of 12 months , this would be devastating , Tehran TelAviv DC need to pull their head-in

But this may be self-fulfilling as all agents and vectors are enabled and incentivise this .s.o.l.u.t.i.o.n. *

some folks here will need to offer penance this way <japaneseemoji:fingerpointsatsternum>

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Interesting ...don't think Biden was too impressed with Israel attacking the Iranian embassy in the first place.
Israel might respond with air strikes on Iran but can't see it going further than that. They might try and hit the nuclear sites.
dont conflate Brandon's words for.domestic constituency and backchannel dialogue

look what he does not what he says

this is Brandon's and Blinken's proxy war on the persians and russians
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I can't believe that he thinks he can get away with what he's doing.
I can't believe that he seems to be getting away with what he's doing.

If it was Australia the Governor General ( or even our silly king ) probably would have stepped in by now.
have you seen Brown University estimates ? guess what , governorgeneral never stepped in , Alistair Campbell stepped up

sköl umlaut
All makes sense - the Zionists are white Europeans that converted to Judiasim to get the benefits of the religion. They have usurped the Torah for their own gains and now see themselves as a benevolent race that, ironically, excludes Semites.
<japaneseemoji:rolleyesifjapanesecanrolltheireyes> #shlomosandplagiarism

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But this may be self-fulfilling as all agents and vectors are enabled and incentivise this .s.o.l.u.t.i.o.n. *

some folks here will need to offer penance this way <japaneseemoji:fingerpointsatsternum>


@ CIA Whitehouse apparatchik in Nixon admin RayMcGovern MICIMATTcomplex


MiCIMATT all vectors in alinement////||||

nope , this is an antisemitic trope for midwits , the Americans have Ukraine and Israel doing their bidding , not the other war around
That is 100% right for Ukraine - USA are loving Russia depleting their military.

Not sure it is the same for Iran. Iran are just a pest like North Korea. The USA are not going to war with either any time soon.
None of those are allies of Russia.

Russia's only allies are Iran, Nth Korea, Syria, Belarus & Eritrea. A fine assortment of human rights loving states.
Xi is definitely Russia's ally (or potentially master), Xi approved and has funded the attack on Ukraine, protected them in the UNSX, has funded Iran to channel weapons to Russia and now is encouraging Iran to cause more trouble (Israel just as guilty of course with their overreaction) in order to weaken and divide the West so Taiwan and the Philippines are left unprotected

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
Xi is definitely Russia's ally (or potentially master), Xi approved and has funded the attack on Ukraine, protected them in the UNSX, has funded Iran to channel weapons to Russia and now is encouraging Iran to cause more trouble (Israel just as guilty of course with their overreaction) in order to weaken and divide the West so Taiwan and the Philippines are left unprotected

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app

Xi isn't Russia's ally. He wants a weakened Russia so he can pilfer natural resources on the cheap from them while taking over as the dominant power in Central Asia and eventually returning Vladivostok back to Chinese rule.

It is in the strategic interest of Xi for Russia to become a pariah state and exhaust itself.
That is 100% right for Ukraine - USA are loving Russia depleting their military.

Not sure it is the same for Iran. Iran are just a pest like North Korea. The USA are not going to war with either any time soon.
Russia can restock materiEl at greater rate of NATO , the US materiEl low cos they send to Israel each 36 hours , war-of-attrition in Russia's favour by multiples
Xi isn't Russia's ally. He wants a weakened Russia so he can pilfer natural resources on the cheap from them while taking over as the dominant power in Central Asia and eventually returning Vladivostok back to Chinese rule.

It is in the strategic interest of Xi for Russia to become a pariah state and exhaust itself.
They are Allies in the same way Hitler and Stalin is - Allies of convenience until as you say Xi moves on Central Asia and Siberia after he takes Taiwan and what he wants of Philippines and Japan - figuring the West will be too weak and too addicted to Chinese money to take any action for long.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
They are Allies in the same way Hitler and Stalin is - Allies of convenience until as you say Xi moves on Central Asia and Siberia after he takes Taiwan and what he wants of Philippines and Japan - figuring the West will be too weak and too addicted to Chinese money to take any action for long.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
Not convinced that China is actually eyeing off more than Taiwan in terms of making it part of China. They're eyeing off everywhere in terms of economic opportunity, but Taiwan is different -it's the One China dream.
They are Allies in the same way Hitler and Stalin is - Allies of convenience until as you say Xi moves on Central Asia and Siberia after he takes Taiwan and what he wants of Philippines and Japan - figuring the West will be too weak and too addicted to Chinese money to take any action for long.

On SM-A125F using BigFooty.com mobile app
err, you do realise USSR and Germany were the biggest 2 players against each other in the European theater in WWII - not allies
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