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  1. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    There's a polar difference between representing your culture and representing your party. If an indigenous person is elected to a seat, they represent their electorate. If their party line on a particular issue is against a stance put forward by opposing aboriginal groups, then they are...
  2. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    In fairness, they were the one line of work which seemed to be unanimously pro-voice...they might be feeling a bit miffed...!
  3. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    No, and this is the bit that was never going to be aired by either side because it had the potential to backfire either way - the legalities. The referendum in 1967 set things in motion, but it was Mabo in 1993 that was the biggest bomb. It was now certified in law that actual people counted...
  4. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    They're intelligent enough. Just lazy. If someone with a strong enough persona gets in your ear, you listen...
  5. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Champion, can you see that the fair go doesn't occur if the group in question is "in pain" and is denied the opportunity to express where they think the ailment is? For 235 years, mainstream governmental Australia has told aborigines what they will do about their problems, and thrown a lot of...
  6. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    That's fascinating. Was she Yes or No?
  7. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Treaty v Voice. The notion of division is a very overrated part of the breakdown into Yes and No aboriginal thought. Price and Mundine are a tiny minority, and they're echoing their party line like good little LNP employees - the majority of aborigines want a treaty, and the means to get it...
  8. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    I'll argue against that. As time goes by and the temperature cools, the analysis will lose the current Sky News arrogance and the emotionally cringy left appeals to humanity, and they will see a tactical battle where a simple question was buried amongst a campaign of deflection and...
  9. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    I'm on the Cassowary Coast, also FNQ, and that isn't the impression I had at all. I'm a high school teacher, and the community I see, long term local indigenous, are quite strongly in favour of reform. Not trying to diss...I'd be very interested to know which town you're in and why you say...
  10. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Some of the most Conservative voters you'll find anywhere are in our multicultural communities. You will find huge undercurrents of Chinese, Italian, Greek, a huge range of nationalities - immigrants who historically came to the country for their own progression, studied up only on the history...
  11. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    I've often used the argument that I love my country more than those who argue for a monarchy, the No vote or keeping Jan 26 as the national day, because unlike them, those people who say the status quo works for them and that anyone who differs should fit in or **** off, I'm prepared to perform...
  12. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    You don't need that. All you need to know is that the constitution is the document which determines what can and can't be law in this country, and that to change it you need a referendum. If you want further detail, it's the easiest thing to find, and if you have the ability to read you should...
  13. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Right here, you could unpack the entire campaign. They talk about the lack of bipartisanship. They made it a government v opposition battle, when it was always a question beyond that. The Gay marriage debate didn't turn into this, because the dominant battle was between Conservative doom and...
  14. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Who's louder - aboriginal peak bodies voting yes or media outlets run by Murdoch voting no? Ask the average pleb which peak body made a convincing case for the yes vote recently, and then ask them what was the latest newsflash they saw on any form of media. Most likely, it was NineMSN or some...
  15. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Some do. Most don't. All should.
  16. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Nothing. He's already said he'll revisit the entire concept, supporting the notion but as long as it's not Labor, which right there proves the campaigneriness of the man. The difference in your scenario is that Dutton would have chosen the members of the Voice. There is conjecture (interpreted as...
  17. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    The common factor is that these are all white driven, and it's a long history of white Australia either telling aborigines what they need or simply paying for it, something, whatever the **** it is. That's why you see indigenous liason officers driving around in government sponsored cars in the...
  18. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Read my other one to Kram. You have as much evidence of the Voice working as any other predictive telling of the future...but what's happened so far hasn't worked and this should...!
  19. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    Yes it will. The current scenario is that indigenous affairs and programmes are administered and paid for using committees and groups that might only exist through political expediency. There are countless examples of white men deciding what aborigines need and then blindly paying for it - we...
  20. Gibbke

    Play Nice Referendum - Indigenous Voice in Parliament - Part 2

    There are three reasons you'd vote No: 1) You're a racist. 2) You're a capitalist with vested interests. 3) You're ignorant. The first this day and age, the idea that "black people are below us so they can stay there" is something our society doesn't embrace anywhere near the extent it...
  21. Gibbke

    Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

    Environmentalism is smart people advocating the right approach and who have been telling you and proving these things to you for ages, swamped by bandwagoning fellow supporters who might have the same beliefs but who rub everyone else the wrong way and have no clue how not to alienate every...
  22. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    Anyone got an exact breakdown of who voted for what on Aug 16, 2004 in the 38-6 Marriage Amendment Act vote...?
  23. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    Where's a "wtf, how does he not get this?!?" smiley icon when you need one...
  24. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    I'm a bit more optimistic than that. 2/3 voted for SSM, noone's happy about the refugees, climate change, corruption, any of the issues going around at the moment. The people are fine, mostly, but those in Canberra who want to represent that properly are swamped by politicians driven by agenda...
  25. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    It was exacerbated by the plebiscite. Sure, there are c###s regardless who will indulge in a bit of gay bashing no matter what's in the official rule book, but conducting this worthless process gave an open license to them under the guises of "free speech" and "protecting religious freedom"...
  26. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    Well, we need to replace Australia Day with something...
  27. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    The plebiscite wasn't the traumatic bit for these people. The scrutiny, judgment and abuse was what they didn't want to go through...
  28. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    Who said anyone was neglecting any of the other issues? You bet your arse people are up in arms about every single one of them... What you're confusing with the priorities of the "millennial rainbow march", however, is the priorities of the media and political parties, who go hand in hand...
  29. Gibbke

    Marriage Equality Achieved - (SSM Debate Part 4)

    Maybe. Any time I feel down, or the kids at school are having a grizzle, the curse of being one of those people who bothered to read a bit or look at the world in years past kicks in, and mental images of starving kids in Africa or a Jews getting on trains in 1939 negate any right I have to a...
  30. Gibbke

    Marriage equality debate - The plebiscite is on its way. (Cont in Pt 3)

    Takes a while for things to make their way to Mission Beach, so our postal surveys finally got done yesterday. I'm glad I got to express my precious opinion on other people's married lives. My wife was especially happy, because this time she didn't have to fork out $7 on battery acid quality...