Player Watch Charlie Dixon

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Whats the deal with on trading future draft picks?
Say we trade pick 10 and 2nd and 3rd rnd this year for CD and 2nd round next year... can we on trade that 2nd round of next year to Melb right away for Toumpass? Do we have to wait til next years trade period to on trade that pick? Can we not on trade it at all?
AFAIK there are no restrictions on what you do with future picks.
The only restriction in regards to future picks is if you trade a future first round pick, you are barred from trading any futher picks from that draft. If you trade a second round or later, then you are allowed further trades.
Agree with Rucci (I know weird right), port need to have a strong stance and get along with business. Get the Toumpas deal done and look active.... if they dont take pick 10 then they get nothing, Let them know we are willing to use the national draft but we would rather trade.

They think that in the last minute we will come running giving them everything they want.
AFAIK there are no restrictions on what you do with future picks.
The only restriction in regards to future picks is if you trade a future first round pick, you are barred from trading any futher picks from that draft. If you trade a second round or later, then you are allowed further trades.
You must also have 2 first rounds picks over 4 years

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Agree with Rucci (I know weird right), port need to have a strong stance and get along with business. Get the Toumpas deal done and look active.... if they dont take pick 10 then they get nothing, Let them know we are willing to use the national draft but we would rather trade.

They think that in the last minute we will come running giving them everything they want.

Well their stance has cost them a legitimate attempt at Howe and they may have a chance of nabbing pick 5 so if they're happy to keep missing the boat, that's up to them.
Chris Davies saying GC want another pick, not pick 10 + a player.

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these guys have had 5 weeks since the season ended. There is no middle ground they will agree on.
Mate it doesn't work that way. The Suns have to talk to their targets, work on the Bennell deal, they knew we were offering pick 10 from the get go in this deal so the Dixon deal isn't high priority for them in the scheme of their planning, they know it will get done eventually. Ashcroft said that when the Bennell deal dropped. Rather then be negative with all ya posts in regards to our list management realize it's a 2 week game on play here. Not a quick fix or run by a bunch of f!@wits.
Can we just give them next years 2nd rounder and upgrade our third this year on top of 10 for Dixon

Next years metro side is piss weak anyway so it'll be a weak draft again

Then get on with contemplating other trades
Just a thought for the people throwing out the whole Freo are coming for Charlie, the Crows will throw em pick 5 bullshit. Think for a minute. Charlie is coming to Alberton because he wants Ken in his life as a coach and a father figure. What's the best way to ruin that relationship go behind Kenny's back and go to another club on him. Knowing what we know Ken will never forgive for that as he is a straight up, old school type of a guy. Dixon isn't interested in the money, whatever else. He wants to be with Ken that's why he has taken alot less to play under him. So people need to relax a bit not throw out hypothetical or twitter nonsense. We will have our man its just taking time
Oh and I never want to see another post with just-

It's done...

Mainly when it's total bull. If it's done but it not so grrrrr.
Next years draft is apparently a "super draft"

I thought it was meant to be a superdraft every year. You can never forecast all talent, injuries etc... It should be referenced as a very promising draft crop... Along those lines anyway... Check in a week's time when there may be some progress for this deal... Should really finish tomorrow
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