Connors and Martin off field sanctions

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Don't really care what they have done.

Suspend Connors indefinitely than try for a trade at years end.
Give Martin couple of weeks and refer to malthouse argument that team results are more important, why penalise the club etc.

Lucky Gale has a good relationship with Finnis.

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Dusty's earned a couple of chances yet. Let's actually try and manage the kid before we cut him loose. I've stated that I'd prefer him gone than it to drag the club down over a number of years but we're not quite there yet. I'd be happy to sideline him for the rest of the year if necessary, but if it is as reported, and he's missed training - then a couple of weeks sounds about right.

He could be anything this kid. We need to be tough but fair.
Neither would I, Captain. Would send a damn strong message to everyone we are serious. I am surprised by the level of hypocrisy on here. For the record I have been the strongest of Connors advocates for many years, against most people's own opinions and beliefs, and am to a degree shattered and disappointed he has let himself down again. I was defending him big-time as recently as two weeks and one week ago and feel letdown as a supporter. The club has no other option but to act and show him the door and has rightly done so. But people are being pretty blase on here about Dusty. There have been issues with him before and reading between the lines - and knowing a few media blokes and hearing what they have to say - the Monday incident is pretty damn f***** serious!!! But most are prepared to let one guy hang and the other who is a superior footballer and likely future star can be forgiven for his actions to the point of being overlooked. I have long expressed concerns about Dusty's attitude and appears my doubts are confirmed. If someone was to offer us the #1 pick in the draft and another top 10 pick, or good players, I would take it in a heartbeat. I am all for second and third and fourth chances, but as we have seen with Connors unfortunately, will the behaviour change. On present evidence there are serious doubts Martin will change.

But seriously some consistency in the debate would be appreciated. You can't excuse Martin and not Connors for the same stuff!!!

Yeah maybe we could draft another Tambling.... Connors has form. Martin is a 21 yr old father who can be excused for having a few at his 21st. By excused I mean sanctioned, but not sacked or traded. To trade out Martin would be the equivalent of getting Fiora instead of Pav again. It would also be a smack in the face to Lids and all the others who have signed on... wanting team success soon, not waiting for more and more kids. Hodgey did the same thing at the Hawks.... seems to have turned out ok. No, sack Connors, educate Martin.... To do otherwise is ludicrous.
I'm going to wait until the news is officially revealed in the press conference before I start making my own conclusions. What I will say is that if the alleged stuff is true, the last bits of compassion and sympathy I have for Dan will probably be gone for good. The club has done so much to try and make it work. Would be a sad end to his career.
Jon Ralph just posted an opinion piece on the Herald Sun website. Hints at Dusty following Ben Cousins lifestyle due to being good friends. Surely Benny would tell him to go the other way if they were that close. Cant imagine him bringing young kids into that lifestyle.
Daniel Connors, Well its been said he has been given more than enough chances. You are out! We dont want your attitude around the Club. There are players out there that would kill for that 1 chance to be on an AFL list and guys like Daniel just take his for granted. Lets get him out and bring the new blood in that want to bleed for the yellow and black. Martin pull your head in mate all the talent in the world to be in the top 10 best players in the AFL
Jon Ralph just posted an opinion piece on the Herald Sun website. Hints at Dusty following Ben Cousins lifestyle due to being good friends. Surely Benny would tell him to go the other way if they were that close. Cant imagine him bringing young kids into that lifestyle.

Not a lot of facts in that story.... only quote seems to be saying the opposite to what Ralp is implying. Poor Ralphy, missed the big story and is now playing catch up...

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