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Can confirm Crimson doubles is the worst. I don't intend on going back to it this week as I got my shaders in the first 10-15 games I played.

Second game in we play two genuinely good players. Drop each of them within 15 seconds, so they shouldn't have special. Round 2 we both get sniped because the first guy to drop was running a sidearm on the first round. He didn't deserve special and we didn't get any either because we had won the round too quickly.

So we end up at a disadvantage because others bent the rules for special (which will now become common place in Trials so get used to it). Great thinking there Bungie.

Throw in copious amounts of Thorn and the fact that it would spawn us into Doubles matches with lag and it can GAGF. It sucks compared to Trials or even regular doubles.
This again highlights the issues with SBMM. Me and Sledge absolutely hate it as every single match, and i'm not exaggerating, is played against top 1% players so it's just so draining to even play a single game.

SBMM is legit the worst thing to happen to Destiny (Other than Titans)

The beauty of having a mediocre KD I guess :p

What's the opposite of the expression git gud scrub?
Can confirm Crimson doubles is the worst. I don't intend on going back to it this week as I got my shaders in the first 10-15 games I played.

Second game in we play two genuinely good players. Drop each of them within 15 seconds, so they shouldn't have special. Round 2 we both get sniped because the first guy to drop was running a sidearm on the first round. He didn't deserve special and we didn't get any either because we had won the round too quickly.

So we end up at a disadvantage because others bent the rules for special (which will now become common place in Trials so get used to it). Great thinking there Bungie.

Throw in copious amounts of Thorn and the fact that it would spawn us into Doubles matches with lag and it can GAGF. It sucks compared to Trials or even regular doubles.

The special issue is going to be common place in all 3's and Trials though so hardly unique to doubles. I saw far more Ice Breakers last night than Thorns

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This again highlights the issues with SBMM. Me and Sledge absolutely hate it as every single match, and i'm not exaggerating, is played against top 1% players so it's just so draining to even play a single game.

SBMM is legit the worst thing to happen to Destiny (Other than Titans)
oh totally. If I didn't already know how mediocre I was then Bungie's algorithms would have made the point! Haha they must think Lenny and I are ****ing awful because it matched us against a few dreadful teams; like dudes who honestly mustn't have thumbs :D Ah they weren't all like that but we were playing some suspiciously rubbish teams, so clearly SBMM is in full swing. It's funny though, I guess we can take heart, at least we must be at the higher end of crap :D

I keep a close eye on Crucible Playbook reddit as I keep trying to git gud, and the top players there are all the same. Every match is sweaty as all ****, and I can certainly appreciate how draining that would be.

At first I thought SBMM was a great thing, and for players of my ilk hell, it probably is in some ways. But then when I thought about it a few things stand out. One is that it just sets the stage for more lag if it's less CBMM and more SBMM (although of course it's never totally one of the other). But the one that really stood out for me was that it ruins it for friends of different skill levels. If I wanted to play with you (and you know I do Lukas, but you're always teamed up with sledge and solly ;) ) it probably wouldn't work out as I'd get creamed by your 1%er mates. So it ruins the social experience and that isn't fun.

Mind you, it's always been that way to some degree. I always wondered why I'd play with you guys and get my arse handed to me then when I'd rage quit and play a few games by myself I'd mysteriously start winning gunfights. But that was back when I was a complete scrub. Clearly still average, but infinitely better than in those days.

Totally agree they should completely prioritise CBMM and **** off SBMM. It all evens out in the end, and it doesn't hurt even slightly for bad players to play good players now and again, and vice versa.

Really, when you think about it, it's just completely crazy. Bungie, if you really want competitive play then ffs, don't force it on everyone. Create custom games and ranked playlists so if you want to get sweaty and flex your muscles you can junp into a ranked game, and everyone else can play the social game they want to play, with as little lag as possible!
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The special issue is going to be common place in all 3's and Trials though so hardly unique to doubles. I saw far more Ice Breakers last night than Thorns

Yeah but in Salvage or Skirmish you can probably respawn in time to grab another box or worst case you get some at the first heavy.

In Doubles (and most likely Trials) it is exacerbated by the fact that the timer resets every round so the issue is compounded each time. That example I used showed they had no right to have special and it caught us off guard. Thorn popped up more than Icebreaker in my play time, but the sidearm combo popped up more than both in the first round.

If people want a mode that gets special usage right it is Inferno modes. It truly is the most enjoyable playlist when everything isn't halted every 3 minutes for a heavy break and Special becomes something that you need to use tactically/sparingly. I love Inferno modes and I just wished people played it more so I could find a game in it.
Can confirm Crimson doubles is the worst. I don't intend on going back to it this week as I got my shaders in the first 10-15 games I played.

Second game in we play two genuinely good players. Drop each of them within 15 seconds, so they shouldn't have special. Round 2 we both get sniped because the first guy to drop was running a sidearm on the first round. He didn't deserve special and we didn't get any either because we had won the round too quickly.

So we end up at a disadvantage because others bent the rules for special (which will now become common place in Trials so get used to it). Great thinking there Bungie.

Throw in copious amounts of Thorn and the fact that it would spawn us into Doubles matches with lag and it can GAGF. It sucks compared to Trials or even regular doubles.
it's funny how different the experiences can be. But I get you're coming from.

The only thing I'd say though is, you gotta play the game. The special thing you basically put yourself at a disadvantage. I know it might not be exactly what they had in mind, but until or indeed if they fix the ammo switch thing you either have to take advantage of it or deal with it I guess. I simply ran with icebreaker in the first round. That meant that by the time I got into position in a sniping lane I'd have at least one bullet; or more often I'd just run primary until round two or I died and switched to 1000k then, and have 9 round min.

Kind of sucks, but you have to play the game you have
Yeah but in Salvage or Skirmish you can probably respawn in time to grab another box or worst case you get some at the first heavy.

In Doubles (and most likely Trials) it is exacerbated by the fact that the timer resets every round so the issue is compounded each time. That example I used showed they had no right to have special and it caught us off guard. Thorn popped up more than Icebreaker in my play time, but the sidearm combo popped up more than both in the first round.

If people want a mode that gets special usage right it is Inferno modes. It truly is the most enjoyable playlist when everything isn't halted every 3 minutes for a heavy break and Special becomes something that you need to use tactically/sparingly. I love Inferno modes and I just wished people played it more so I could find a game in it.
totally agree with all of this. Inferno is awesome. It just sucks so few people are playing you can only play certain modes at certain times
it's funny how different the experiences can be. But I get you're coming from.

The only thing I'd say though is, you gotta play the game. The special thing you basically put yourself at a disadvantage. I know it might not be exactly what they had in mind, but until or indeed if they fix the ammo switch thing you either have to take advantage of it or deal with it I guess. I simply ran with icebreaker in the first round. That meant that by the time I got into position in a sniping lane I'd have at least one bullet; or more often I'd just run primary until round two or I died and switched to 1000k then, and have 9 round min.

Kind of sucks, but you have to play the game you have

Yeah I've adapted but it's still bullshit. I've already grabbed a pair of boots that boost sidearm ammo for round 1 of Trials. I'd still like it fixed as quickly as possible so we can play as intended.

totally agree with all of this. Inferno is awesome. It just sucks so few people are playing you can only play certain modes at certain times

Yeah, I'd been sleeping on the mode until Inferno Clash was the weekly about a month ago. Was the most fun I'd had in crucible for months.

Now I'm always just hoping that it will be back as the weekly so people actually play it.
Yeah I've adapted but it's still bullshit. I've already grabbed a pair of boots that boost sidearm ammo for round 1 of Trials. I'd still like it fixed as quickly as possible so we can play as intended.

Yeah, I'd been sleeping on the mode until Inferno Clash was the weekly about a month ago. Was the most fun I'd had in crucible for months.

Now I'm always just hoping that it will be back as the weekly so people actually play it.
what would be truly unreal would be playing inferno with a full fireteam, so you can really work on beating the opposition by good callouts and map control. Purist of pure gameplay. That would be so much fun. Unfortunately most people seem to not like inferno. There's a few of us guys who like it but probably more who don't.

I love it. If you want a ****ing adrenline burst play the inferno rumble that pops up. Wow boy oh boy that's fun. You are on ****ing tenterhooks though, it's so different to normal play. Sound becomes so important, as does map placement and knowledge and knowing when you have your back safe and only 180o in front of you.

Nothing better though in any inferno playmode when you manage to get behind someone who doesn't know you're there. **** that's fun

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Yep will give it a bash after the better half goes off to sleep. Prob round 9/930
alright let me know. I'll be balls deep in Doubles by then but if it's just Regicide you need to get through I'm sure Lenny and I can spare 10m to run through it with you! My gt is er5is
Cheers mate will do

If you're PSN, I'm McCoyPauley78. Happy to run it through with you, if you like. I'll be online about 9, 9.30pm tonight.

Just let me know, though, as I'm playing games other than Destiny at the moment.
Must be late 2017 then otherwise could just see another DB sans raid.

Funny they want to up the light level, any word on them fixing the absurd loot system from TTK?
There's no point to them upping the light level if they don't give meaningful content to give us a reason to upgrade.

I'm pretty sick of the loot treadmill being the way it is currently. So unless they're radically altering the way they handle end game rewards then there still won't be much impetus to play PvE
Prior to the holiday break we mentioned a second, larger update slated for Spring. That content release will feature a significant Light increase, a bunch of new gear to earn and equip, and new challenges for PvE players seeking some more fun experiences and replayability.
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