FTA-TV Game of Thrones Season VII

Who will die next week?

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Thanks GreyCrow for the nomination!


You know what I've loved the most about this season? How much Ned Stark is still contributing to the story. His honesty and integrity to keep his word led to Jon to being honest at the pit, Arya and Sansa to remember his famous saying about their family, Theon's bravery to confront his men, and even Jon's secret that has kept him safe all these years at great cost.

Ned is such an important character and this episode really drove that home.

Also, shoutout to Aidan Gillen for seven seasons of being the OG villain, I'm gonna miss hating that dude.

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Really well poised going into the final stretch. 3 armies, with all the 'good guys' basically on the same side but facing wars on two fronts.

So Jaime and his Valyrian steel sword are heading North to join Jon, Arya, Brienne, and Sam. :thumbsu: Thought he was f***ed for a second there though, Cersei looked like she was genuinely considering it. She's so isolated now without Jaime though, surrounded by mercs and crazies.

Littlefinger's demise was so brilliantly done too, can't help but feel that Sansa has been setting him up for that since the BotB and was just waiting for her moment. Bran seemed more human this episode too.

Tyrion did not seem to pleased about Jon boy getting some Dany action...?

When you first see the behind shot, I was certain it'd be a heartbroken Jorah.

Aegon Targaryen 6th of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, the Hidden Prince, the Dragon from the North, the White Wolf, friend of the Free Folk, the Resurrected, slayer of White Walkers and ****** of Aunts.

Take that Stormborn, the Unburt, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, Khalessi of the Great Grass Sea and Queen of Meereen.

So much for "this is Jon Snow."

Where was Gendry?

Gone missing for a few more years. :drunk:

I think they do, they're not unaware that the Rhaegar is dead, Aerys and those in the Red Keep are dead and that the Queen and Viserys fled to Dragonstone.

Plus the Kings Guard are there protecting their King, otherwise they would have been duty bound for at least one of them to make for Dragonstone to protect Viserys.

Good point on the Kingsguard being at the TOJ, AeJon was far more important now, so clearly the marriage wasn't that secret (albeit all who knew died).

Final Poll Starburns_

#best poster in thread from

etc etc

Oh and forgot Seeds

I think we can come up with something better and less circle-jerky. :rainbow:
I was skeptical about Cersei's 'pregnancy', but it seems confirmed now.

Season 8 spoilers:

Cersei gives birth
Midwife holds child after she's delivered
Midwife is Arya in disguise
Kills Cersei
Delivers baby to Jamie

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Do people post here and post the same posts on reddit, or are people copying reddit posts and posting them here? I've seen multiple posts in the last few pages that are word for word copies of reddit posts.

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Lost (save for the final season as there aint no saving that shit), Coupling and Buffy (admittedly thats only cos i was rooming with three chicks ten years ago and they had nothing else on dvd worth touching).

LOST is one of my fave all-time
FACK the haters.

I liked Buffy and Angel too.

Just chill kent lol
Some closure about Ellaria and her daughter wouldn't have gone astray.

Also having 0 scenes with Yara since her parade through King's Landing.

Oh shit, imagine the mess in this thread if they somehow survive. :drunk: