Feedback Keep losing posts due to login timeout

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Senior List
Mar 19, 2008
AFL Club
Hi, I am a bigfooty gold member.

I have just lost another long post and I have had a gutful. I have lost so many posts on this site it is ridiculous.

This is because the site keeps logging me out after only 10 minutes or something, even though I am actively using it.

How are you supposed to write detailed posts if when you hit the "Submit new thread" button, it says you have to log in again, but then all you are left with is a blank page and no post? You can't go backwards to retrieve what you wrote, you can't hit reload, your post is just gone forever.

Like I said this has been a continous problem for me even when just generally browsing the website I keep getting logged out, it is a real pain but because of Lastpass I can login again quickly, but I draw the straw at losing posts because of this buggy login system.

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Thanks for doing that.

My other suggestion is that I cannot find where in a long thread at what point I posted a comment.

In some forums i.e. Whirlpool, it is easy for me to find where my post is, because there is a "goto" option that takes me to my own last post, or the page number is highlighted.

That feature would be really useful here as well, because this forum has more threads that I come back to visit over days, weeks, months then any other I use.

Something as part of My Bigfooty would be good, taking subscribed threads to the next level. At the moment it just tells you on what day you last posted, but as one day could have 10 pages, you really need a link that takes you to your last post.
In the thread list, where there are unread posts, you can click this button, which appears to the left of the thread title:


That will take you to the first unread post.
Yeah but a lot of the time the last part I read and the last time I commented are two seperate places.

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