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Grand Uncle Horace today I am finding myself with a little spare time in between readings so I will be boiling some butternut pumpkin until Al dente, then amalgamating it with a delicious concoction of mascarpone, sage and white pepper. Then I will proceed to fill some oddly shaped pasta with the mixture and make a nice white wine, garlic, spinach, mushroom cream sauce and it is very likely that I will be forced to bite anyone who comes near my plate.
I managed to get some nice photos of the garden the other day MP_ on the only sunny day I can remember since…forever.
Vegis are trying hard, we had to put sand around the fruit trees the ground in just so wet. Seeds completely useless this year, just rotting before they sprout.

Still it’s getting there, slowly but surely.
Thats my fav rose underplanted with garlic





Our soil here is very clay so it becomes bog quickly.

I do love me some garden pr0n 🤤

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Grand Uncle Horace today I am finding myself with a little spare time in between readings so I will be boiling some butternut pumpkin until Al dente, then amalgamating it with a delicious concoction of mascarpone, sage and white pepper. Then I will proceed to fill some oddly shaped pasta with the mixture and make a nice white wine, garlic, spinach, mushroom cream sauce and it is very likely that I will be forced to bite anyone who comes near my plate.


oddly enough I am slow roasting butternut pumpkin. Am glazing it with golden syrup chilli oil and a little vinegar. When cooked to softness I’ll blitz with some grated ginger, lots of butter and just enough veg stock to make a mash. Prior to serving I will stir through some cabbage slow cooked in olive oil and garlic and a gargle of white wine. Topped with spring onion and chopped crispy bacon. Will serve in big bowl gouge a well in the middle and add a lump of butter.

oddly enough I am slow roasting butternut pumpkin. Am glazing it with golden syrup chilli oil and a little vinegar. When cooked to softness I’ll blitz with some grated ginger, lots of butter and just enough veg stock to make a mash. Prior to serving I will stir through some cabbage slow cooked in olive oil and garlic and a gargle of white wine. Topped with spring onion and chopped crispy bacon. Will serve in big bowl gouge a well in the middle and add a lump of butter.
Outstanding. The dreary weather is certainly lending itself to comfort foods.

And chilli oil, my goodness chilli oil.

I think I need to find a chilli oils anonymous support group as I’m truly infatuated with all things chilli oil.

Whether it be homemade or from a good Asian grocer I am completely hooked, I use it on everything, well, most things.

Mrs VG is rendered catatonic at the sight or smell of a peppercorn so I must add heat separately to my dish.
Outstanding. The dreary weather is certainly lending itself to comfort foods.

And chilli oil, my goodness chilli oil.

I think I need to find a chilli oils anonymous support group as I’m truly infatuated with all things chilli oil.

Whether it be homemade or from a good Asian grocer I am completely hooked, I use it on everything, well, most things.

Mrs VG is rendered catatonic at the sight or smell of a peppercorn so I must add heat separately to my dish.
I LOVE chilli oil, I’m trying to grow a devils tongue that I found half dead at a country market and that’s gonna go in a few gallons of oil. It’s a very hot fruity chilli.
Alas it looks sick, even in the hothouse it struggled, it’s just too damm cold and wet this year.
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Yes, I am one of those people who started baking bread in lockdown
Now I can’t stand supermarket bread anymore and the family won’t touch it. My starter is 3 years old now and I feed him every day like a lunatic.
But it’s just so good.

Here’s a loaf that’s I’m just starting to proof now. I don‘t go the insane lengths some people do, my process is far more simple.


It’s like anything home grown or home made, you just can’t go back to mass produced garbage.
I LOVE chilli oil, I’m trying to grow a devils tongue that I found half dead at a country market and that’s gonna go in a few gallons of oil. It’s a very hot fruity chilli.
Alas it looks sick, even in the hothouse it struggled, it’s just too damm cold and wet this year.
Mrs VG thinks I have a problem. She’s not wrong by the way, the list is long and entertaining, but it’s next level when it comes to hot stuff.

I found this really good chilli oil from a local mercato nearby, it’s a bit pricey, but all the good stuff is.
I wouldn’t be averse to having it distributed intravenously, it’s that good.

If I’m in a rush I just heat up peanut and canola oil until it’s raring hot, and mix it into a pre-prepared bowl of chilli flakes and garlic, it does the trick if I’m in need of a fix.
Mrs VG thinks I have a problem. She’s not wrong by the way, the list is long and entertaining, but it’s next level when it comes to hot stuff.

I found this really good chilli oil from a local mercato nearby, it’s a bit pricey, but all the good stuff is.
I wouldn’t be averse to having it distributed intravenously, it’s that good.

If I’m in a rush I just heat up peanut and canola oil until it’s raring hot, and mix it into a pre-prepared bowl of chilli flakes and garlic, it does the trick if I’m in need of a fix.
I’m gonna experiment with chilli bread this week, I’ve been wanting to try it for ages. The way I’ll do it is add chilli oil to it in the kneading process and sprinkle some fresh on top half way through cooking. Dunno yet, I’ll find out what works.
Chilli oil pasta is also a fav here for a quick meal, it’s damm good.

I grow and dry my own chillies every 2 years, that gives me 2 big jar fulls. You can’t beat it.
I’m gonna experiment with chilli bread this week, I’ve been wanting to try it for ages. The way I’ll do it is add chilli oil to it in the kneading process and sprinkle some fresh on top half way through cooking. Dunno yet, I’ll find out what works.
Chilli oil pasta is also a fav here for a quick meal, it’s damm good.

I grow and dry my own chillies every 2 years, that gives me 2 big jar fulls. You can’t beat it.
Can confirm that chilli bread has multiple layers of awesomeness.

And that is pretty much how my mum used to make it when she was still with us, but she used to wog it up and hide a few cubes of mozzarella, Caciocavallo or whatever else she had lying around to use up.

She would mix the chilli oil through and dust the top with flakes and sometimes garlic. Drooling.
Can confirm that chilli bread has multiple layers of awesomeness.

And that is pretty much how my mum used to make it when she was still with us, but she used to wog it up and hide a few cubes of mozzarella, Caciocavallo or whatever else she had lying around to use up.

She would mix the chilli oil through and dust the top with flakes and sometimes garlic. Drooling.
I had a look around google and this one looks good to try, I can use my starter too for extra flavour.


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I have a pretty sick banana tree in my back yard. And some pumpkin vines that grow out of control after a bit of rain
Pumpkins are amazing to grow. I’d love a banana tree if they develop one that likes arctic weather 🙄
Pumpkins are amazing to grow. I’d love a banana tree if they develop one that likes arctic weather 🙄
Oh I know what you mean. I think the bananas are ready to cut down as they have grown so much from all the rain the last couple of weeks they have pulled the whole branch down to the ground. I've been told they fo their final ripening once they are cut off.

The pumpkins would be cool if they didn't take over the entire backyard like a weed after about a week.

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