Plibersek - Opposition arse clown

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Why should anyone give a shit about a dead issue like Israel/Palestine when it has become no more important to Aust than small african nations not getting along with each other. Poiintless distractions are her specialty...such as minority group crap like gay marriage. Sure beats looking like an ass in her own portfolio.

Perhaps put her on the spot and ask her about India/Pakistan or how the China/Pakistan deal will effect trade politics in broader Asia and/or with India....she'd be like "derr, lolwot, huh, please explain, Pakiwho ?, can you give me a week to brush up ?"

Still fishing for something to help climb a rung on the party ladder and will suck up and pander to any minority group for a headline or vote.

Proven useless baggage that has always been known as the downside to quotafemmes...irrelevant career pollie number 65742.

Tell her to stick to her shadow portfolio, and do the same as she's always done...nothing whatsoever. It is embarassing watching her constantly step into piles of manure then rely upon others to clean the shit off.

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I reckon she's doing this for one of two reasons (or both):
  1. She's under threat in her own seat from the Greens and so is pushing for that vote.
  2. She's acting as a stalking horse against Shorten, for somebody else.
The shit diplomatic postings are ALWAYS highly sought after as they come with a promotion.
Yeah I know that I used to go to png a bit and interacted with the hc or impregnable fortress as it is but even that hadits upside if you get out of moresby. Gaza or where ever hasno redeeming features plus the Israelis are likely to drop bombs on it
Peter van Onselen warns Plibersek could split Labor:
If Labor listens to its deputy and the national conference votes in favour of a binding vote on gay marriage, the major party of the Left in this country could split. Certainly the conservative elements of the party will cross the floor and risk expulsion. If they are kicked out, then a split will soon follow…
The Left faction, of which [Plibersek] is the most senior member, is growing in strength internally. It dominates the ranks of the lay membership, which now has an equal say with the parliamentary party when electing federal leaders. Plibersek is playing to her natural constituency… Many within the Left wouldn’t mind a party split that saw the Right weakened with departures....
Shorten has had to use his authority to try to quash the Plibersek push ahead of national conference. Not that Shorten has as much political capital internally right now as he would like, a point I suspect isn’t lost on Plibersek, whose supporters behind the scenes continue to push her case as a future leader.
Peter van Onselen warns Plibersek could split Labor:
If Labor listens to its deputy and the national conference votes in favour of a binding vote on gay marriage, the major party of the Left in this country could split. Certainly the conservative elements of the party will cross the floor and risk expulsion. If they are kicked out, then a split will soon follow…
The Left faction, of which [Plibersek] is the most senior member, is growing in strength internally. It dominates the ranks of the lay membership, which now has an equal say with the parliamentary party when electing federal leaders. Plibersek is playing to her natural constituency… Many within the Left wouldn’t mind a party split that saw the Right weakened with departures....
Shorten has had to use his authority to try to quash the Plibersek push ahead of national conference. Not that Shorten has as much political capital internally right now as he would like, a point I suspect isn’t lost on Plibersek, whose supporters behind the scenes continue to push her case as a future leader.
lol This is great-Did Pete co write this with Andrew Bolt and had Tone as advisor?
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Plibersek is now 80% encrusted with the virulent, terminal ivy disease commonly known as green creepery.

Greencreepery tentacles have just reached out from Tanias bod and touched Billy Shorten and he will be all but strangled by the next election believe you me.
Plibersek is now 80% encrusted with the virulent, terminal ivy disease commonly known as green creepery.

Greencreepery tentacles have just reached out from Tanias bod and touched Billy Shorten and he will be all but strangled by the next election believe you me.
guru think it is tanya

what if Malcolm takes the seat from Tones.

He has to appeal to the doctors wives and pro-gay marriage homosexuals in his electorate?
lol This is great-Did Pete co write this with Andrew Bolt and had Tone as advisor?
was Van Onselen an advisor before he did his phd and off to sky? who were the Perth tories, or torys. like the execrable tom switzer with brendan nelson.

i think i even prefer the young ALP advisors in the Rudd iteration
I reckon she's doing this for one of two reasons (or both):
  1. She's under threat in her own seat from the Greens and so is pushing for that vote.
  2. She's acting as a stalking horse against Shorten, for somebody else.
dont see her a patsy for (2.)

which is not the same as "I don't see her as a patsy". It is, "I dont see her as seeing herself as a patsy".

if my mom likes her, it cant be a positive thing.
Plibersick cannot be PM.
The nation has had enough of left wing feminist anal campaigners.
See Gillard

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guru think it is tanya

what if Malcolm takes the seat from Tones.

He has to appeal to the doctors wives and pro-gay marriage homosexuals in his electorate?

It is like watching a sequel to John Wyndham's Day of Triffids unfold before our very eyes.
Peter van Onselen warns Plibersek could split Labor:
If Labor listens to its deputy and the national conference votes in favour of a binding vote on gay marriage, the major party of the Left in this country could split. Certainly the conservative elements of the party will cross the floor and risk expulsion. If they are kicked out, then a split will soon follow…
The Left faction, of which [Plibersek] is the most senior member, is growing in strength internally. It dominates the ranks of the lay membership, which now has an equal say with the parliamentary party when electing federal leaders. Plibersek is playing to her natural constituency… Many within the Left wouldn’t mind a party split that saw the Right weakened with departures....
Shorten has had to use his authority to try to quash the Plibersek push ahead of national conference. Not that Shorten has as much political capital internally right now as he would like, a point I suspect isn’t lost on Plibersek, whose supporters behind the scenes continue to push her case as a future leader.
The Coalition hasn't moved further to the Right as spewed out on this forum. The real truth is that a Labor moved further to the Left!
Plibersick cannot be PM.
The nation has had enough of left wing feminist anal campaigners.
See Gillard
So you'd be happy with a third rater like Bishop who made such a mess of a shadow portfolio of substance she was summarily given the tijuana.

Can't wait for her to assume the leadership in the wake of the Mad Monk's disaster. Bring on the election.
You can't be serious. Anyone that sides with the Greens on policy decisions has shifted to the Left!

So the Farmers who side with the greens over fracking are now 'lefties'?

How do you view the farmers decision to want to protect their own land & the water profile on it from the gas companies who want to exploit someone elses private property & potentially render the land useless for future productive purposes.?

Whose side are you on, & why?

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