No Oppo Supporters The ASADA Thread... from a Tiger perspective

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One thing i will say.... l'm not standing up for Hird, but his health looks shit. He's aged about 20 years. Now thats his own fault, but l dont like watching anyone deteoriate, no matter who they are.

Before anyone says it... quite aware that no regard was taken in respect of the players.
I'm sure you can take something to fix that...
The irony watching #CultofHird fans praising him for not giving up the fight, but then saying that if he goes they will quit the club.

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Judging by the lack of Hird mentions at the B&F it's fair to say the club isn't looking at keeping him around. In fact I'd suggest tonight Bomber and the board will be meeting post B&F to thrash out his contract for the next 2-3 years as head coach.
A few years ago I was on the booze and ended up part of McVeigh's bucks night in the Gold Coast , was a cracking night TBH. It was at a time when Knights was under pressure and conversation with a few present lead to questions about what Knights was like . All thought he was a cracking bloke who was trying to bring some equity amongst the playing group which some bigheads didn't like . All players present were very good genuine level headed blokes . Funnily enough not one of the Drugos blokes who were present are still on their list . I suggest they didn't fit the new bighead Hird regime where he expected everyone to treat him like god .
A few years ago I was on the booze and ended up part of McVeigh's bucks night in the Gold Coast , was a cracking night TBH. It was at a time when Knights was under pressure and conversation with a few present lead to questions about what Knights was like . All thought he was a cracking bloke who was trying to bring some equity amongst the playing group which some bigheads didn't like . All players present were very good genuine level headed blokes . Funnily enough not one of the Drugos blokes who were present are still on their list . I suggest they didn't fit the new bighead Hird regime where he expected everyone to treat him like god .
Did you have any Orange juice?

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Judging by the lack of Hird mentions at the B&F it's fair to say the club isn't looking at keeping him around. In fact I'd suggest tonight Bomber and the board will be meeting post B&F to thrash out his contract for the next 2-3 years as head coach.

Posted this in the HT Board. I just heard the crowd at the Crichton Medal awards chanting for Bomber Thompson, and Thompson stated he wants to stay on as senior coach. Looks a done deal as far the members as Bomber are concerned, it's now up to the board to rubber stamp it.
okay, but thats completely irrelevant to why the backdating is irrelevant for the EFC players - you are essentially saying they should lose leniency because while they supported the investigation, others didn't

As for EFC, they maintained their innocence, so that wasn't a delay (you are entitled to advocate your innocence outside of North Korea). Their injunction was after the investigation was concluded. As for evidence, you are assuming they hid stuff. Its openly conceded by all that their records were shit, and Dank (if you believe him) maintains all records are at EFC.

So essentially you are saying the players don't deserve the same backdating as Cronulla because they maintained their innocence like the cronulla players, and EFC had shit record keeping.
No, my opinion is completely irrelevant to what will happen and no amount of debate about my opinion will change that.

I'll lay it out for you as simply as I can, I honestly don't care. I hope every player that is found to have taken non-approved substances gets suspended for 2 years. I hope if a number of players are found to have taken non-approved substances as part of a performance program, Essendon Football Club are suspended from being a part of the competition for running a doping program. I don't think the players are as innocent as people are making out, and they are 100% responsible for the substances that go into their body. A cheat is a cheat, and they can get out of the game I want to enjoy without questioning whether players are performing a certain way due to an unfair advantage. If Essendon cheated, I don't care what the impact will be to the game, the impact will be worse by letting them play. **** them for thinking they are better than anyone else, **** them for ruining our game and **** their club for ruining the careers and lives of these players.

Assuming they're guilty of course :)
No, my opinion is completely irrelevant to what will happen and no amount of debate about my opinion will change that.

I'll lay it out for you as simply as I can, I honestly don't care. I hope every player that is found to have taken non-approved substances gets suspended for 2 years. I hope if a number of players are found to have taken non-approved substances as part of a performance program, Essendon Football Club are suspended from being a part of the competition for running a doping program. I don't think the players are as innocent as people are making out, and they are 100% responsible for the substances that go into their body. A cheat is a cheat, and they can get out of the game I want to enjoy without questioning whether players are performing a certain way due to an unfair advantage. If Essendon cheated, I don't care what the impact will be to the game, the impact will be worse by letting them play. **** them for thinking they are better than anyone else, **** them for ruining our game and **** their club for ruining the careers and lives of these players.

Assuming they're guilty of course :)

finally some honesty. While I disagree (and have disagreed) with the "shoot them all and let god sort them out" crowd, at least they wear those colours proudly. Your claim about ASADA being less inclined to backdate therefore is less based upon the facts you originally claimed, and your want for blood.

Thats cool, its your view, and at least we know it now :)
From the Essendon Board:

The year back as head coach has made Bomba hungry for more.. I think the board were happy for Hird to come back, but only with Thompson still at the club.
It looks like he has now given the club a choice... Hird or me and the club look set to go with Bomba.
I ******* feel for Hird.

And that just about sums up Hird's position. A revolution's afoot at the EFC.
finally some honesty. While I disagree (and have disagreed) with the "shoot them all and let god sort them out" crowd, at least they wear those colours proudly. Your claim about ASADA being less inclined to backdate therefore is less based upon the facts you originally claimed, and your want for blood.

Thats cool, its your view, and at least we know it now :)
Are you pro-Essendon or pro-Hird? I've learnt from the Essendon board it's one or the other. :p
Are you pro-Essendon or pro-Hird? I've learnt from the Essendon board it's one or the other. :p

lol, I'm actually pro-process/governance/due diligence and all that guff people here hate :D. I have and always was a fan of a full and independent investigation, and I'm still pissed the AFL muddied the waters to prevent that.

On whos in the right today, I go back to what I said on the appeal. The only reason I saw any logic in it was that EFC owed everything to the players to do all they could to support them in fighting the charges and/or minimizing the impact of sanctions. The club betrayed the players by playing russian roulette with a reckless supplements program.

Now however the players have apparently said enough, they want to finish this one way or the other. Right or wrong (in terms of could they win an appeal), EFC has done the right thing by bowing to the wishes of the players. For Hird to ignore this, and fight on for his own rep is selfish and stupid.

At the end of the day the case was only going to buy time, ASADA would re-interview afterwards. Does this mean a new injunction? Does this mean the reply on the SCN's now gets pushed out to 2015? If the players want it ended, and Hird adds another year to this process, he is basically ignoring and spitting on their wishes. Yes he can argue he has a right to justice, but the players have a much bigger right to demand it the way they want.
finally some honesty. While I disagree (and have disagreed) with the "shoot them all and let god sort them out" crowd, at least they wear those colours proudly. Your claim about ASADA being less inclined to backdate therefore is less based upon the facts you originally claimed, and your want for blood.

Thats cool, its your view, and at least we know it now :)
Hmm, no. You actually couldn't be more wrong. For all your pro-process/governance/due diligence that you're spouting maybe you should apply that to your own actions and not draw assumptions about things people say using whatever preconceived bias you have, seems rather hypocritical.
lol, I'm actually pro-process/governance/due diligence and all that guff people here hate :D. I have and always was a fan of a full and independent investigation, and I'm still pissed the AFL muddied the waters to prevent that.

On whos in the right today, I go back to what I said on the appeal. The only reason I saw any logic in it was that EFC owed everything to the players to do all they could to support them in fighting the charges and/or minimizing the impact of sanctions. The club betrayed the players by playing russian roulette with a reckless supplements program.

Now however the players have apparently said enough, they want to finish this one way or the other. Right or wrong (in terms of could they win an appeal), EFC has done the right thing by bowing to the wishes of the players. For Hird to ignore this, and fight on for his own rep is selfish and stupid.

At the end of the day the case was only going to buy time, ASADA would re-interview afterwards. Does this mean a new injunction? Does this mean the reply on the SCN's now gets pushed out to 2015? If the players want it ended, and Hird adds another year to this process, he is basically ignoring and spitting on their wishes. Yes he can argue he has a right to justice, but the players have a much bigger right to demand it the way they want.
We're the players aware of the substances by names that were being injected into them?
If they didn't then they all are counselled and Inserviced on what to do and who to contact if any doubts arise on their first day by the AFL
There was also player neglect on protocol and procedure by assuming and trusting medicos and staff
Yes all of the above is insignificant to the mass incompetence and lack of duty of care by Hird and medicos
Why did some players refuse to partake in the program and others proceeded with it?
I agree with everything you and DrMike have pretty well said ,but IMO there was also player neglect to AFL protocol unless the AfL are hiding something which as you stated they muddied the waters in many ways
Judging by the lack of Hird mentions at the B&F it's fair to say the club isn't looking at keeping him around. In fact I'd suggest tonight Bomber and the board will be meeting post B&F to thrash out his contract for the next 2-3 years as head coach.

My question is if a player gets suspended will he walk? He declared he would.
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