Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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Yet again the dotard Biden's stupid Ukraine War has seriously damaged US standing and ability to engage with the world.

It used to be the US just boycotted the ICC. It even has legislation guaranteeing itself immunity (to be backed up at helicopter gunship-point lol) and even though standing with Russia in that "the rules don't apply to us" corner wasn't great optics, it made sense.

Then they decide they can inflict a "strategic defeat" on Russia in Ukraine and suddenly they're all for the ICC.



Are they going to share the same enthusiasm for the ICC to go after Israelis? Of course not.

The rest of the world will again go these Westerners are just hypocritical liars. Again and again.

China doesn't lecture us and pretend, it just does deals.

What remained of US international prestige has been poured down the drain over who controls Kramatorsk, generationally stupid mistake.
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France is directly supply Ukraine with weapons. Is Russia supplying the New Caledonian independence movement with weapons?


Whenever you use a picture or GIF, everyone knows its as good as posting "Yep, my intellectually bereft Team America Yay worldview has been utterly exposed yet again, and I have no actual words to construct an argument to rebut this point, so I'm doing this to try and shut it down lol."

You used to be smart man, what happened?
Whenever you use a picture or GIF, everyone knows its as good as posting "Yep, my intellectually bereft Team America Yay worldview has been utterly exposed yet again, and I have no actual words to construct an argument to rebut this point, so I'm doing this to try and shut it down lol."

Uh Huh Yes GIF
Nah, there was no foul play involved here. This is just regular old incompetence.

There were three helicopters in the convoy, and two made it back fine. But there's been plenty of footage posted of the weather conditions they were flying in and there's no way 30 year old poorly maintained Bell-212 helicopters should have been operating in those circumstances. Especially when you consider the US blockage on military equipment means Iran has been maintaining those aircraft with third party pieces for years now.

Yeah, Lord knows why they chose to fly those things in such horrific conditions.

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Or... Ukraine destroying the ships and planes that have been deploying the missiles that hit Kyiv is a sensible defensive move.

You begin from the position that Ukraine decides where and when those weapons are fired - I'm not so sure.

We know the counter offensive was planned and employed by NATO advisors, in many cases directly against the advice of senior Ukranian commanders like Zalzuhny.

The mental gymnastics that go on with some of you in here to make everything either be good for Russia or bad for America never fails to astound me.

Yeah, but that's not what happens.

I'll post that it is a nice hit, they've destroyed X/Y/Z but question where it sits in the greater scheme of the war.

Its YOU who asserts that every sunk ship is a game changer, or that the war is purely about Good Ukranian Jedis v Evil Russian Stormtroopers and only began on Feb 2022.

As for mental gymnastics, your efforts on Azov will never ever be topped, you've won the gold medal for mental gymnastics with a perfect 10 there.
Very few, in fact.

Reports are that there's been "only" in the vicinity of 10 to 20 Mig-31s equipped to deploy the Kinzhal missiles.

"Reports" hmmmmm.

Reality is every time a Mig31 takes off within Kinzhal range Ukraine goes into a full scale air raid alert.

Mainly because they decided to transition to outfitting the Su-34 to carry them instead, as a means of minimising the losses of that platform they'd been experiencing in Ukraine.

Good article about it here (based on Chinese analysis, before you dismiss it as US propaganda);

Interesting article.

Kinzhal is also launched by the Tu-22 of which the Russians have dozens and Ukraine has no means of defending against.

As I said earlier, I strongly doubt Ukraine decides where to target with the ATACMs.
You begin from the position that Ukraine decides where and when those weapons are fired - I'm not so sure.
Source confirming your suspicions?

We know the counter offensive was planned and employed by NATO advisors, in many cases directly against the advice of senior Ukranian commanders like Zalzuhny.


Its YOU who asserts that every sunk ship is a game changer, or that the war is purely about Good Ukranian Jedis v Evil Russian Stormtroopers and only began on Feb 2022.
Cite examples.

As for mental gymnastics, your efforts on Azov will never ever be topped, you've won the gold medal for mental gymnastics with a perfect 10 there.
Cite examples.
The proof that we've chained ourselves to a doomed, rapidly becoming former superpower is just running thick and fast lately.

It's been one thing for the last 8 decades to choose the technologically superior ally and overlook all their human rights abuses, now Australia is in a position where we are allied to a morally bankrupt country which is most certainly going to be left far behind on any technological front which matters.

Neoliberalisation has eaten the West out to being a hollow core and there's no hope of competing into the future...

Welsh starts by comparing the creation of EV charging stations in the US and China. The US government spent $7.5 billion in subsidies; the Chinese government spent $10 billion roughly. Total stations produced by the $7.5 billion program: seven stations.

• Total EV charging stations in the US: 186,200. 

• Total in China: seven million, of which 2.2 million are public.

Then he makes his larger point, that the neoliberal system in the US is designed not to produce.

[Y]ou can’t run industrial policy or a war economy under neoliberalism. It’s impossible. …

Washington spends 7.5 billion for 7 charging stations. This isn’t just incompetence, this is corruption. Yes, China and Russia have corruption. Lots of it. It is nothing compared to American and European corruption, not even on the same scale. In China, especially, most corruption is “honest corruption” — you can take a slice, but you have to actually deliver. If X number of homes or charging stations are to be produced, you’ve got to produce them.

The underlying problem is not competition from China but neoliberal financialization. Finance capitalism is not industrial capitalism. It is a lapse back into debt peonage and rentier neo-feudalism. Bankers play the role today that landlords played up through the nineteenth century, making fortunes without corresponding value from capital gains for real estate, stocks, and bonds on credit and from debt leveraging—whose carrying charges increase the economy’s cost of living and doing business.

Neoliberalisation has eaten the West out to being a hollow core and there's no hope of competing into the future...

After the fall of the Soviet Union the US should easily have instituted a century long Pax Americana and associated Golden Age.Instead they listened to ECONOMISTS, broke their own society and artificially hastened the rise of the one power that could challenge them in China.

The ICC warrant against Israel marks the formal de jure end of US hegemony.

The crushing Russian defeat of Ukraine/NATO this northern summer will demonstrate the facts on the ground.
After the fall of the Soviet Union the US should easily have instituted a century long Pax Americana and associated Golden Age.Instead they listened to ECONOMISTS, broke their own society and artificially hastened the rise of the one power that could challenge them in China.

The ICC warrant against Israel marks the formal de jure end of US hegemony.

The crushing Russian defeat of Ukraine/NATO this northern summer will demonstrate the facts on the ground.
So much for the end of history.
What a horrible outlook for our children when the hands of their future rest in the hands of power hungry zealots the world over. Diplomacy is dead. We are in the age of self interest once again, where the horrors of global feudalism have been forgotten and the might of the sword rules supreme. All it would take right now to drop in to all out conflict is for China to seize their opportunity and take Taiwan and their semiconductor industry (the real goal). We are on the precipice, hopefully calm heads prevail.

Sorry for the rant.
What a horrible outlook for our children when the hands of their future rest in the hands of power hungry zealots the world over. Diplomacy is dead. We are in the age of self interest once again, where the horrors of global feudalism have been forgotten and the might of the sword rules supreme. All it would take right now to drop in to all out conflict is for China to seize their opportunity and take Taiwan and their semiconductor industry (the real goal). We are on the precipice, hopefully calm heads prevail.

Sorry for the rant.
The people running those Taiwanese semi conductor factories are already moving them to the US.

US production is sposed to start in 2026. So if China goes Taiwan it will probably be before then.

I wonder we'll finish this rebuild in time...

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