The Terrorism Files - 2015, 2016

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How about Muslims kids walking out on our national anthem this week? I see your point but i still dont see why a country have to adapt to your needs instead of you adapting to the local customs? if you are refugee the country is doing a big favour to you by granting you the right to work and live. None of Islamic countries are doing that.You might argue that Turkey and Lebanon is doing it but that is a farce, those are all concentration camps and they have no right to live and work there. :)
The opposition is not just Muslim. Compulsory daily singing of the National Anthem is anathema to many Australians - who often consider themselves to be secular and eschew nationalism. We had to sing it as schoolkids and it was just a laugh, although the new anthem is at least not paying homage to a distant queen. Still, it is an indoctrination process that some welcome - others, for their own good reasons, reject it. Christians loom large amongst them.
"Mark Schloneger, a Mennonite pastor and an alum of Goshen College - which recently decided to forego the singing of the national anthem at sporting events - described how his religion's teachings on separation of church and state lead to the decision to skip the anthem."

The J.W's (whom I also respect despite being an atheist!) "Patriotic songs express the same fundamental ideas that are embodied in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. And since there is no Scriptural basis for the nationalistic pride that has so divided our world, we do not join in singing songs that extol any earthly nation.—Acts 17:26; John 17:15, 16."

And more than just the one school/denomination seems to share those sympathies. They CHANGED the wording!!!....
"In a move that outraged parents' groups have labelled "disrespectful", some 50 Christian schools of mixed denominations have replaced the second verse of Advance Australia Fair with the lyrics, which begin, "With Christ our head and cornerstone, we'll build our nation's might", for school assembly renditions.
The contentious version was penned 23 years ago by Sri Lankan immigrant Ruth Ponniah, 75, who now lives in Sydney, as part of her local church's bicentennial celebrations and is now sung in schools including the Penrith Christian School, St George Christian School, Westmead Christian Grammar School and Bethel Christian School in Mt Druitt."

Personally, I am not mad on singing it, but resent the idea that I would HAVE to just because of some vague and ludicrous ideal that the nation is some sort of paragon to be worshipped. I am 4th generation Anglo-Aussie and "rejoice" in the place. But, it ain't perfect and if I had a fundamental belief opposed to the NA, I would also refuse to sing. Likewise, if they made it compulsory. "Young and FREE"!!??

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The death toll was originally estimated at 22, but MSF said at least 30 staff and patients were killed when they came under "relentless and brutal aerial attack" from the US gunship circling above.The attack began at 2:00am on October 3 and lasted more than an hour, despite frantic efforts by MSF staff to alert the US, NATO, the UN and other authorities to end the assault."Patients burned in their beds, medical staff were decapitated and lost limbs, and others were shot by the circling AC-130 gunship while fleeing the burning building," the report said.

What do you rekon Malifice, they knew someone they wanted had been wounded and were finishing the job?

The americans have a weird sense of humor, here they talk about peace and disarmament of the world, yet here they are wiping out a whole race of people.

What do you rekon Malifice, they knew someone they wanted had been wounded and were finishing the job?

I lean towards yes. Best case just an awful screw up. But I doubt it. That hospital would have been plotted in to maps and GPS as a no-go (it wasnt a mobile hospital where you could maybe excuse them).

My thoughts are there was someone in there that the spooks wanted that badly they called it.
war cri
I lean towards yes. Best case just an awful screw up. But I doubt it. That hospital would have been plotted in to maps and GPS as a no-go (it wasnt a mobile hospital where you could maybe excuse them).

My thoughts are there was someone in there that the spooks wanted that badly they called it.
war crime????
Perhaps you think what China is doing in the South China Sea is a good move for the world? Care to explain why? Perhaps you think Putin is a top bloke? Care to tell us all what you like about him?
all the Republican Presidential candidates and Hiliary Clinton share your view on this. Congratulations.
My thoughts are there was someone in there that the spooks wanted that badly they called it.

Lets be brutally honest, shit happens in war. This hospital was manned by volunteers, who are educated people, with experience of being neutral in war zones, who have no excuse for not knowing what the Americans are like. The assassination of a president in Rwanda, as he was negotiating a peace deal between the tribes, was done by CIA trained and armed forces. History also tells us that key accidental killings of human rights observers and neutral journalists in Iraq have been done either by americans or militias under their control. Yasar Arafat was a stabilizing moderate leader in Palestine with a profile, his death by plutonium poisoning was positive for Americans. This volunteer medical unit know who the biggest terrorist is, they have to take some responsibility for their fate. They can't claim they were doing it to save lives. If they want to save lifes, there's plenty of places desperate for help where Americans are not doing that shit at will, where they can save more lives and go back home to their families

I like that Rambo clip I linked, I saw that movie as soon as it came out on VHS. I know it is actually true, but its so arrogant of them to make a movie lying so blatantly to their own people about what they're doing in Afghanistan, lying so blatantly about another culture, it's so hard to believe. Technically that's terrorism.

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These guys don't hold back.

In the wake of the rise of ISIS, intrusive new measures to combat extremism including mass surveillance, the Orwellian ‘prevent duty’ and even plans to enable government censorship of broadcasters, are being pursued on both sides of the Atlantic, much of which disproportionately targets activists, journalists and ethnic minorities, especially Muslims.Yet the new Pentagon report reveals that, contrary to Western government claims, the primary cause of the threat comes from their own deeply misguided policies of secretly sponsoring Islamist terrorism for dubious geopolitical purposes.
nine out of ten people killed by drones weren’t the intended targets – Snowden stressed that Washington doesn’t target individuals with its drones, but rather phones.“And they don’t know whether the terrorist is holding the phone or whether his mother is holding it. And this is why so many drone strikes go wrong, why so many wedding parties get hit,” he said.
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