When will Ballantyne stop being an embarassment to football?

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how is the freo culture. they struggle with their own identity let alone their culture.

i am confused are they south freo, east freo or claremont.

they changed the jumper and logo. tried to change the song. the new logo is a rip off of the saints and carlton logos.

youve then stolen some other clubs coach, FB and runner. what club steals another clubs runner!!!!

Maybe they can steal some premiership cups from other clubs too..

Lock your trophy cabinets ;)
No he falls to the ground as if he has been shot

Mooney is irrelevant just like freo will be in prelim final week

The support you are showing for this scumbag epitomises your club

Goes down faster than Mackie seeking a 50 m penalty?

LMFAO at the Geelong fans who suddenly hate diving (you know # 20 on your team?)......what next bitching about someone ducking their head for free kicks?

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The little shit ruined my enjoyment of what was an excellent match.

It was still a great game. Both teams went in hard and the skills were quite good.

Ballantyne was a bit of stain though.
how is the freo culture. they struggle with their own identity let alone their culture.

i am confused are they south freo, east freo or claremont.

they changed the jumper and logo. tried to change the song. the new logo is a rip off of the saints and carlton logos.

youve then stolen some other clubs coach, FB and runner. what club steals another clubs runner!!!!

24.. 25... 26!! wooden spoons uuh uuh haaa.

Geelong do indeed have a culture of respecting those who deserve such.
Like Chapman acting like a petulant child and first rate sore loser.
Yeah, great culture.:rolleyes:
Suck up Geelongs rectum some more now.
Sounds like you guys are getting ahead of yourselves...again. Oh and you have Zac Dawson.

Bad signs.

Winning is a bad sign? OK - hope to see a few more black cats and broken mirrors then.

Who's getting ahead - you are the guys bitching about getting beaten and blaming an angry garden gnome.

You lost - deal with it snookums, on that performance -Hawks are going to tear you a new one.
The little shit ruined my enjoyment of what was an excellent match.

I wouldn't say ruined but it did get a bit tiresome having my viewing of a tough physical contest constantly interrupted by Ballantyne turning to jelly whenever he was in an umpire's vision.
Geelong do indeed have a culture of respecting those who deserve such.

Now I've heard it all. An eagles supporter talking about culture.

Didn't the AFL have to send a retired judge into your club to determine whether your "culture" was so bad that you should be de-registered and stripped of your tainted premiership? WCE - a shining example of culture. No wonder Judd was so keen to get out.
24.. 25... 26!! wooden spoons uuh uuh haaa.

Like Chapman acting like a petulant child and first rate sore loser.
Yeah, great culture.:rolleyes:
Suck up Geelongs rectum some more now.

Which instance of Chapman's supposed acting as a petulant child are you referring to? Chapman has no history of such, unlike Ballantyne. Even if there were an instance in this case, it's debatable, and somewhat understandable given Ballantyne's disgraceful shenanigans.

I'll leave the sucking of rectums to those who wear purple, as such actions are typical of them.
Coward and cheat. Petrie and Thomas did a few horrible flops at the Bombers game after they start the niggle. I think the umpires need to go to video to check off the ball stuff and get the instigator. Also clear divers need to be handed serious suspensions.

Big talk from a team that includes Angus 'Olympic gold medalist diver' Monfries
Oh **** me you handbagger flogs are whining whores. Your whole team for the last 5 years have got involved in niggle tactics and the minute the roles are reversed you guys snap like spoilt child. When you flogs slide the meltdown will be epic. 0-2 coming up

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Now I've heard it all. An eagles supporter talking about culture.

Didn't the AFL have to send a retired judge into your club to determine whether your "culture" was so bad that you should be de-registered and stripped of your tainted premiership? WCE - a shining example of culture. No wonder Judd was so keen to get out.

Relevance? What has the Eagles got to do with this? Your comment is a typical attempt at deflection to draw attention away from the disgraceful conduct of Ballantyne.
Winning is a bad sign? OK - hope to see a few more black cats and broken mirrors then.

Who's getting ahead - you are the guys bitching about getting beaten and blaming an angry garden gnome.

You lost - deal with it snookums, on that performance -Hawks are going to tear you a new one.

Its not the winning that's bad. Its expectation of "september dreams" as you put it, on the back of that one win. ;)

Our boys know how to win when it matters. We'll leave Freo to celebrate in trivial minor round wins.

Hard to be mad at Freo, theyre a cute little team. Kind of like the Hollywood gossip column, it sometimes gets your attention and occasionally quirky but never important
Oh **** me you handbagger flogs are whining whores. Your whole team for the last 5 years have got involved in niggle tactics and the minute the roles are reversed you guys snap like spoilt child. When you flogs slide the meltdown will be epic. 0-2 coming up

you sure you wanna pencil it in just yet? Maybe 8th times a charm yeah?
Fremantle fans applaud him for his "effectiveness",

but if they had to choose between having Fyfe or Ballantyne in the team, they would all choose the former, because he can do EVERYTHING that Ballantyne does without having to be a little rat.
There was nothing hard about what Ballantyne dished up. It was childish and something that's more akin to be found in a schoolyard. You have a strange idea about what's hard. If Ballantyne was so hard, he wouldn't be putting on the disgraceful shenanigans of soccer players. Then again, when one wears or supports a team that has purple as their team's main colour, the bar as to level of hardness only just manages to get above the level of the floor.

Enright did the right thing - why shake the hand of someone who's contemptible and isn't deserving of respect.

If ballas is childish, then what does it say about the flogs that consistently get sucked in by it?:eek: That they are as stupid as children to fall for it constnatly?:eek:
Fremantle fans applaud him for his "effectiveness",

but if they had to choose between having Fyfe or Ballantyne in the team, they would all choose the former, because he can do EVERYTHING that Ballantyne does without having to be a little rat.

So your contribution is that Freo fans rate Fyfe over Balla?

Hold the presses.
tbh, if ballantyne played for carlton i'd probably love him.... hard as that is to say.

One of my Freo mates told me this last season when I said how much I disliked the way Ballantyne plays.

"If he played for your mob you'd love him"

And it got me thinking, I don't think I would. Firstly we have 2 of the best small forward in the league, we don't need a third. Our smalls earn their gametime through speed, skills and smarts, not through diving and milking frees.

Our 'equivalent' of Balla is Mitch Robinson in that he gets under the opposition skin but he doesn't play for free's or take dives, he just goes in hard every single time and doesn't need the umpires to bail him out when he gets himself into shit with another player.
If ballas is childish, then what does it say about the flogs that consistently get sucked in by it?:eek: That they are as stupid as children to fall for it constnatly?:eek:

if someone is pinching, kicking and punching you the natural reaction is to whack them. Of course if people like Ballantyne werent protected by surveillance he'd never do these things. Cant imagine him surviving in the game back in the 80's. Imagine a hobbit like that doing that shit to guys like Dipper and Lockett. He's a coward. Other players could do the same but most have more dignity and sportsmanship than that
Relevance? What has the Eagles got to do with this? Your comment is a typical attempt at deflection to draw attention away from the disgraceful conduct of Ballantyne.

Struggling to see the relevance? You can't see the irony in a WC supporter giving advice about culture? You are a little overdramatic aren't you. There was nothing disgraceful in what Ballas did. He plays within the rules - correct me if sledging and/or getting in the face of your opponent is breaking the rules.

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