Where do you get your news?

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Feb 21, 2006
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Simple thread really - where do you get your news? With the credibility issues a lot of mainstream sources have as well as the proliferation of alternative media online many people are turning their backs on regular media for their daily news. But with so much out there it is difficult to know where to go for a reliable news source.

So where do you get your news? I still largely rely on The Age online for my news and supplement that with occasional ABC/SBS TV news. I'll read articles from other sites, I'll read John Pilger and William Blum when a new article comes out about once a month and very rarely will go to InfoWars.com to see what's on there though you have to sift through a lot of rubbish to find anything worthwhile. I also very rarely go to Green Left Weekly but like InfoWars.com it's more to find issues/incidents not reported in mainstream news and then will go elsewhere for the actual info on the situation.

I tried Crikey on a free trial but didn't really go there much and am not really prepared to pay for it considering I didn't find much there.

Another e-newsletter I get which I'll sometimes click through to the articles is FAIR but this is more a critique of media like Media Watch than news.

So where do you get your news? Are there any good sites you can recommend that I can check out? Could be different sources for local, national and global news.
This is going to sound dumb but I don't go out of my way to read the news. 95% of the news articles I read come from following links that friends put on Facebook. So the sources are different all the time, but the aggregation site is Facebook.

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I have a wind down each night on dailymail. Not the most reliable but they have some interesting/funny stories. I also like reading the comments
ABC News Online: For state and national news
BBC News Online: For international news
BigFooty/Reddit (linking to other sites): Sports, any other interesting tidbits floating around the net

If there's a particularly major news story, I'll watch the ABC on TV.
I get my news from a range of sites. Mostly because I have an unusual fascination with finding original sources, then regurgitated accounts.

Oddly most articles in both mainstream and "alternative" come from only a few sources.

And perhaps rather poetically most "alternate" news story's come from media outlets in countries that have suppressed local free press.
We only just recently got TV in our house after years of living without it. Holy crap, I almost forgot how bad it is. The news is rubbish and then the current affairs shows are even worse.

To answer the question, I'm also a facebook link follower, so a variety of sources. If a story interests me, I'll make an effort to read about it from a few different perspectives.

I visit there every now and then. Many incredible stories and articles.
That is an interesting site and one I will have a look at.

I think they key is to be wary of main stream media, but not go all Smiling Buddha and completely disregard everything and take as gospel what some guy posting as Tyler Durden on zero hedge says.

Slate is probably my favourite news source. From Australia I'll browse smh/age, ABC and SBS. The Guardian in the UK has some good reads. I don't really go to their web site but I seem to come across links to a lot of Huffington Post articles. Time was another magazine I used to get a lot but has really gone off the boil in the last 3-4 years.

Not so much news but I'll read a lot of National Geographic, New Scientest, Wired, Ars Technica, The Next Web, Mashable and Gizmodo.

I also subscribe to some interesting facebook feeds such as Collective Evolution, The Anti Media, True Activist, The Truthloader and Strike! Magazine. A bit like the main stream media there is some good stuff, and some shit to sit through.
I have the radio on at work most days, so radio news bulletins to cover most of the daily breaking stories.

I usually have a quick browse of various free news websites at lunchtime, Farfax, ABC, SBS, the West Australian - so if there's something that has video attached it's normally posted online there.

I also read & post here and at a couple of other forums, and glance in briefly a couple of times a day. If there is something happening there's already a thread on it somewhere on one of the forums with links to whatever news websites are running the story, and all sorts of copy & paste from Twiiter. Threads on forums can be much more up to date that the mainstream press, because it's a large number of people consolidating a wide variety of sources into one place.

By the time I get home I don't need to watch the TV news. Can't recall the last time I did, on any FTA station. Don't watch current affairs shows either. If something unusual or important happens on a current affairs show, it quickly gets reposted in a thread here on the SRP board. I can watch just that segment on the internet without watching the whole show.

Can't recall the last time I bought a physical newspaper in the morning to read of of yesterday's news.

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Jones can definitely be difficult to tolerate at times or for extended periods and as in another thread discussing him, I'm not convinced he's not COINTELPRO. But it can still be a good site to find out about an issue that's kept dark in the mainstream news and you can then google some other sites to find out the nuts and bolts of the issue.


Each to their own - there's things on there that I wouldn't necessarily know about if I didn't go there and it raises them for me to allow me to do further research. I take things I read on there with a grain of salt but just because their perception of the events can be skewed doesn't discredit the actual raising of the events themselves.

well, so so many conspiracy theorists when confronted with the outright nuttery of people like jones, rather than reflect on their own worldview and how it might also be a little nutty, will instead expand their nuttiness by describing jones as COINTELPRO or similar. just like when the boston bombers were found out to be 911 truthers and avid infowars fans, the narrative immediately became "false flag" for truthers/infowar warriors (rather than accepting the obvious fact that believing in nonsense can lead people to do stupid things).

Each to their own - there's things on there that I wouldn't necessarily know about if I didn't go there and it raises them for me to allow me to do further research. I take things I read on there with a grain of salt but just because their perception of the events can be skewed doesn't discredit the actual raising of the events themselves.

fair enough but it seems strange to make your work that much harder by having to research any and every claim made given the source is so unreliable. sometimes you just wanna brief overview of the daily news without spending an hour on corroboration, you know?
well, so so many conspiracy theorists when confronted with the outright nuttery of people like jones, rather than reflect on their own worldview and how it might also be a little nutty, will instead expand their nuttiness by describing jones as COINTELPRO or similar. just like when the boston bombers were found out to be 911 truthers and avid infowars fans, the narrative immediately became "false flag" for truthers/infowar warriors (rather than accepting the obvious fact that believing in nonsense can lead people to do stupid things).

There's another thread on here somewhere (started by Smiling Buddha I think) where this is discussed so I'll leave that discussion for that thread.

fair enough but it seems strange to make your work that much harder by having to research any and every claim made given the source is so unreliable. sometimes you just wanna brief overview of the daily news without spending an hour on corroboration, you know?

Oh I agree, and I will only visit it occasionally. The layout of the site, the amount of ads and the amount of rubbish articles on there make it difficult tor ead and not worthwhile.

Similarly his podcast, there is some very interesting stuff on there sometimes but only when he has interesting guests on. Again you take it with a grain of salt but there can be some pretty good info in there. The problem is its 3 hours every day and a LOT of it is his crazy repetitive ramblings which can be entertaining the first couple of times you hear them but get pretty old pretty quickly, especially with some of the alarmist and/or religious fundy stuff he can come out with.
ABC news at 7:00 a.m. over breakfast, Guardian and Twitter during the day, New Yorker each week.

For sport, tend to go specialist sites, including Cricinfo and BigFooty. These forums tend to have much better analysis of the sports I like - cricket and footy - than mainstream press.
SBS, ABC RT , The Guardian, DW Der Spiegel, Kyiv Post, Indian news and Chinese news, South Front, Colonel Cassad, Euromaidan Facebook.... and more

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