Mysterious bottle from Mexico sets off alarm - Baker and McKenzie

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Not sure why people are saying that its becasue the word Mexico is used that its bad. Like that the article is suggesting that Mexico is bad.

It is relevant becasue how many of you go to other countries to get drugs prescribed to help your various conditions?

Occansionlly you here about people with special conditions going to the US becasue there is a specialist over there who deals with their unique problem or Sweden and so on.
How many do you hear fly to another country (one not known to be at the forefront of muscular dystrophy) to get drugs prescribed for them?
That is where it is interesting that Mexico is mentioned as AFAIK it really has no special interest in treating the disease.
If there were no investigations about players in the interim report, the afl statement would have declared that it was out of scope or that the aspect of players is not covered yet.

Instead it said that there was nothing in current evidence to suggest a violation has occurred.

If there was sufficient evidence, asada would have passed it on by now and infraction notices issued.


No ASADA's own policy states no individual person will be indentified until after infraction notices are served.

The AFL very carefully worded a statement that the current charges are based only on the evidence in front of them (the Interim Report) and ASADA themselves have publically announce their ongoing investigation and the charges against the EFC giving by the AFL are two separate things.

They have also said that potential infraction notices may still be issued based on the ongoing ASADA investigation.

Please try and keep up, just because the AFL may know at this point who did what and when does not mean they can or will press charges until it all becomes official. Otherwise the EFC will try and worm they way out if it like they are with the current AFL Section 1.6 charges.

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So essentially from reading the article, ASADA already knows about this and have investigated it.

Exactly right. As they don't know what was in it - how can they charge the players involved.

There is no WADA rule about injecting unknown substances.

However - do you think a club recklessly injecting drugs (randomly and without records) into players that are used for MD, dementia and obesity is a good thing for the code? That is why the club is being charged.

Infractions require specific information as to whom got what.

This whole "The players haven't been charged therefore the club is innocent" line is horseshit.

The club well may be innocent, it may have very good reasons for injecting unknown substances into their players. That is what the hearing is for.

And if they can't explain what the substances are, then what the hell were they putting into their players bodies for?

That is wrong on so many levels.

But yeah, Essendon are the victims in this.

FWIW - I don't think Hird, Reid or anyone else (still at the club) is responsible for the Mexican drug. I would suggest it is highly unlikely they knew anything about it.

However Hird at least did know about thymosin, AOD and ubiquonone.
Not sure why people are saying that its becasue the word Mexico is used that its bad. Like that the article is suggesting that Mexico is bad.

It is relevant becasue how many of you go to other countries to get drugs prescribed to help your various conditions?

Occansionlly you here about people with special conditions going to the US becasue there is a specialist over there who deals with their unique problem or Sweden and so on.
How many do you hear fly to another country (one not known to be at the forefront of muscular dystrophy) to get drugs prescribed for them?
That is where it is interesting that Mexico is mentioned as AFAIK it really has no special interest in treating the disease.

Its not that Mexico is bad, hell i was born in Spain :p. its just, have you ever eaten a chicken in Mexico ? If you have, regularly you would notice you have some very large breasts. There steroid laws are really lax over there
Feel sorry for the players but I'm now in favour of relegating EFC to VFL for 2yrs. Putrid behaviour if this is substantiated.

Why feel sorry for the players? If this is true then they were either
lied to blatantly by the club and not told what the substances really were, in which case i find their blind backing of the club in this aftermath baffling


They know exactly what they were given and are helping the club cover their tracks in which case they deserve to get the book thrown at them as well.
A lot of this strains credibility ; picking up a drug that a patient has left behind and using it on another patient ? Can't think of medical professional that would stand for that, or a patient that wouldn't sue the bejeezus out of the practitioner responsible.

To me this, like a lot of stuff that's leaking from the interim report , smells like a cover story one which is falling apart due to problems with logic and consistency.

And one of the primary rules of scandals, is it's the cover-up that gets you.
Morning footy lovers, just thought I'd post a link to an interesting read on supplements and in particular a few new "flavours". I realise it isn't from Mehico, and for all I know it might not even contain AOD9604 or any of the other compounds levelled at Essendon. I'm aware I will cop some flack for this, but thought it would be a good read on the topic of supplements

And it will probably end up banned at some point.

The market moves so fast. Jacked was banned in Oz, it will come back in a new formula that is three times stronger and so it goes. If you are a professional athelet you would never take anything that is not approved by WADA. The grey stuff like AOD was, can become black and its retrospective so you are in big trouble.

I myself would just go HGH if I was that desperate.
If this was your own GP / professional doing this to you, tell me you wouldn't be beside yourself with rage and be wanting to see his/her head on a spike for injecting you with something they can't even tell you what's in it let alone what it could do to you. You didn't ask to be a lab rat.

The more information that appears, the more the Hird Reich is shown for being untenable, let alone unethical. Not surprising for someone who "did whatever it takes" in his playing career.
It was brought in by a guy who had muscular dystrophy. And left on a shelf in a hyperbaric chamber. Where it was magically injected to some EFC players. A $60k bill was sent from the chamber to EFC.

And what happened to the poor bugger with muscular dystrophy? some sod uses his medicine instead of him!
where are all the essendon supporters in this thread? where?
If this is true and they have evidence then my take (and I LOVE Essendon) is that al four charged should be sacked immediately and we lose draft picks and points for the next 2 years. I am embarrassed to be an Essendon supporter
Its not that Mexico is bad, hell i was born in Spain :p. its just, have you ever eaten a chicken in Mexico ? If you have, regularly you would notice you have some very large breasts. There steroid laws are really lax over there

Shit, I'm sending the misses on a holiday real quick!:p

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If this is true and they have evidence then my take (and I LOVE Essendon) is that al four charged should be sacked immediately and we lose draft picks and points for the next 2 years. I am embarrassed to be an Essendon supporter

A reasonable Essendon supporter who is not blinkered. Congratulations
A quick google search reveals the drug used to treat Muscular Dystropy is Prednisone, an synthetic corticosteroid drug that is particularly effective as an immunosuppressant drug. It is used to treat certain inflammatory diseases (such as moderate allergic reactions) and (at higher doses) some types of cancer, but has significant adverse effects. Because it suppresses the immune system, it leaves patients more susceptible to infections.
Some of it's side affects are:


Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, may help improve muscle strength and delay the progression of certain types of muscular dystrophy. But prolonged use of these types of drugs can weaken bones and increase fracture risk.

Disgusting if they used this drug on healthy young men.

If this is the same stuff then that's fantastic news for me! I still have half a bottle left over from the vet after my dog died. She was on Prednisone for treatment of aggressive cancer.

So, there's still about 25 tablets left... can someone give me the number to Essendon Admin so I can "offload" these bad boys please ;)
If this is the same stuff then that's fantastic news for me! I still have half a bottle left over from the vet after my dog died. She was on Prednisone for treatment of aggressive cancer.

So, there's still about 25 tablets left... can someone give me the number to Essendon Admin so I can "offload" these bad boys please ;)

just take the label off
Its not that Mexico is bad, hell i was born in Spain :p. its just, have you ever eaten a chicken in Mexico ? If you have, regularly you would notice you have some very large breasts. There steroid laws are really lax over there

Cyclist Phillip Neilsen and 5 Mexican soccer players escaped bans because they were able to prove that the clenbuterol in their systems came from meat - farmers inject their cows with steroids so they grow meaty not fatty.
If this is the same stuff then that's fantastic news for me! I still have half a bottle left over from the vet after my dog died. She was on Prednisone for treatment of aggressive cancer.

So, there's still about 25 tablets left... can someone give me the number to Essendon Admin so I can "offload" these bad boys please ;)

Just get yourself an ABN and let them come to you.

If this is the same stuff then that's fantastic news for me! I still have half a bottle left over from the vet after my dog died. She was on Prednisone for treatment of aggressive cancer.

So, there's still about 25 tablets left... can someone give me the number to Essendon Admin so I can "offload" these bad boys please ;)

Jimmy, front AFL 360 & undergo a polygraph test. No questions barred.
After all you have nothing to hide?

Ironically, he's no doubt on anti-anxiety medication given the way his year has been going and sedatives are a known way to beat a lie detector test.

Makes it easier to tell a believable lie by regulating heat rate and blood pressure, and less likely to noticeable involuntary tics. Theoretically, its probably why essendon fans are lapping it up, if youre already inclined to believe him, or want to believe, seeing a calm, well spoken person face a barrage everytime he leaves for work gives the impression of "Well, it cant be that bad - Hirdy barely seems to raise an eyebrow over all this.".
Shit, I'm sending the misses on a holiday real quick!:p

Hey, where's your sig from? :p I remember hearing it many years ago, and I've been misquoting it ever since...
Who are you are you trying to fool?

You don't care about Essendon players, you care to see them penalised no matter how much the facts sway to the contrary, to see Essendon gragged through the mud at all costs, your desire to see the Bombers fall has transitioned off the field because you've failed to do it on the field, this goes for a lot of supporters of other clubs. The entire last 7 months and the months thereafter are nothing but a pack of rabid biased dogs clutching at every piece of negative thread waiting for a bone to be tossed.

You can cut the crap now, we're not stupid.

Someone may as well, as Essendon supporters don't seem to give a sh1t about their players as long as they get off on a technicality. Says alot about the character of Essendon supporters.

All that's been reported the last 7 months is what has happened. Not to mention the internal Ziggy report, or have you conveniently forgot that. We found what a rotten club you are using your players as guinea pigs in what was described as a "pharmacological experimentation". That's all ok though it's "What ever it takes". and when you get caught you try to weasel your way out of it through the legal system rather than being men and taking your medicine as you should. Feel proud!

I hope you feel proud of your club because as sure as eggs we have no respect for Essendon or their delusional, dopey supporters. Just a dirty stain on the game. Too weak to accept the truth

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