Essendon/Hird v ASADA Trial - Day 1

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It's very hard to shake the mentality of a cult.

It's frightening to read these posts and think these idiots actually passionately believe what they are saying.
No, no they dont..these idiots (hypocrites actually) dont believe passionately in truth and fairness in court or in the media. They believe in their own eliteness and specialness and that they are exempt from the standards they expect of other coaches and players.
Seriously, can you imagine if this was Nathan Buckley and Collingwood..or Malthouse and Carlton?? Holy crap the amount of foaming from these same truth and justice fighters would fill all the oceans of the world.
Passionate supporters my ass..nothing but plain hypocrites.
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Hird dominated today with a best on ground performance.

Even though it was just reaffirming what we already knew (AFL forced us to do the press conference, Andy D tipped off Evans and the AFL threatened Hird (most likely with expulsion from the Hall of Fame) into accepting their trumped up sanctions) it was nice to hear it repeated under oath.

Hird is the only one that can hold his head up high throughout this whole saga. Can't wait for him to be back.

LOL.... so thats why he bowed to the AFL and went against his own principles? Got to keep his ANZAC medals as well I guess :D
Probably reading into it but I thought it was interesting how little and hird weren't sitting anywhere near each other.
Hird is a "persona non grata" at the EFC due to his current suspension, and not in the court in an official capacity as an EFC employee, instead, as an aggrieved, private citizen. Hird is not meant to fraternise with servants of the EFC until his suspension has concluded.
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I'd say most posters want the AFL exposed so this type of behaviour never happens to their club. If it happened to an opposition club, they'd probably rub their hands with glee.

This is what most EFC supporters don't get...EFC are in the position they are NOT because of the AFL but because they got done cold in an investigation by ASADA.

ASADA were onto you. They brought the ACC into it. You were always going to get done because of Dank. The AFL tried to stage manage the outcome to EFC's (and primarily the AFL's) benefit but failed miserably.

Lets be clear's not the AFL's fault that EFC are in the position they are. And nor is it ASADA's. Your coaches and James Hird are not victims. The players may well be the victims in all this but too early to tell.

But yes I think you will find most supporters don't care if the AFL and Demetriou in particular collect some collateral damage along the way. And they should for the way they conducted themselves.
No it was because he was told if he accepted his paid time in france then the players would be fine.

Of course. It was about the players. I guess he donated his holiday pay to the players to help get them through this injustice
Hire Dank who the AFL hired at the gold coast....along with robinson.

The fact is essendon were so far behind a lot of other clubs sports science programs its not funny.

Geelong/sydney/collingwood/Fremanatle had been pushing the boundaries before us.
Evans did go along with the coverup by the way...

12 afl clubs had sport science programs without adequate governance and controls.

Sorry but on what basis are you throwing out these comments? Now it's also Fremantle into the mix. And Sydney have been included purely because it's now fashionable to have a crack at them.
Question number two for your AFL sources: How many people from the club did Ziggy Switkowski interview to come up with his findings? Because I was told two and apparently neither of those people were in the footy department. Is it possible that Ziggy's report was part of Demetriou's PR campaign?

Question number three (you won't need to ask Gillon for this answer): At what point will it dawn on you that you've been a puppet in this whole affair and its going to threaten your livelihood. Hird is saying things under oath at the moment that call into question whether you've been reporting a story or just being another one of those "communication specialists" that the AFL refuses to pay properly. Does that make you worry from a professional integrity perspective?

Can someone photoshop Ziggy being backed over by the Hird bus. Maybe have the remnants of Evans legs and arms poking out from under the bus.

And it's good to see EFC are fighting the good fight re professional integrity of the AFL competition. The moral beacons of the sporting landscape.
Hird dominated today with a best on ground performance.

Even though it was just reaffirming what we already knew (AFL forced us to do the press conference, Andy D tipped off Evans and the AFL threatened Hird (most likely with expulsion from the Hall of Fame) into accepting their trumped up sanctions) it was nice to hear it repeated under oath.

Hird is the only one that can hold his head up high throughout this whole saga. Can't wait for him to be back.

Hird hasnt been this bad for the dons since 2001 grand final, he knows he shouldnt be playing but stuff it he will play anyway
AD probably did know. But the ACC never told him officially. The cryptic nudge nudge wink wink that was admitted to doesn't constitute officially being told. It's open to conjecture what nudge nudge wink wink could mean. AD would have known mid 2012 that EFC was under the scope.

It's still irrelevant to this court case. The whole world could have known, it still doesn't change the legality of an investigation.

What was Vlad even tipped off about given apparently Essendon did nothing wrong

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I believe the substances were more about trying to aid recovery than performance enhancement.
But looking at the 2012 season in isolation there was zero performance enhancement, as the team performed poorly and we could barely field a team at the end of the year.

Who gives a shit if they were for recovery or performance when they were ****ing banned? The self justification you guys tell yourselves to sleep at night is laughable.
so can anyone recap 77 pages for me?
Wow... Some serious character assassination of Evans on the Bombers board...

Thought he was actually a very good President and was on the right track of getting EFC off with minimal penalties. Once thrown under the bus by Hird his minions are stomping on his dead body.
I read the Essendon board comments on that. Seemingly it was Evans 50th recently and Vlad, Gilligan etc were there living it up. The impression that gives which I can understand bombers fans may have, is that Evans has agreed to back up the AFL rather than support the Hird version of events. This is consistent with Hirds view that Evans and the AFL wanted Hird as the fall guy.
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