Hird to have his say

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with Garlick and Woewowowowodin and West and Albert and the rest

I prefer the Gazelle to Dr Ageless, he reminds me of Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber, I prefer Dr Ageless to the oompa loompa.
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life replicating art replicating life

If he'd come out early and said I was rookie coach who was gullible and hoodwinked and stood down - his reputation would be in tact and most would think - "hell we all are naive and make mistakes at times"

That isn't what he did - he leaked and litigated like a drunk sailor for 3 years blaming anyone and everyone but himself

He drove the culture - his text messages reveal this

For him to lay the blame solely at other people's feet just highlights his narcism and lack of integrity

Then again he may not have been gullible or hoodwinked. Maybe...just maybe...he went into this with his eyes wide open.

He does have a history of PED use:
- fairly safe bet he was on them during his playing days (as a lot of other players would have been so no big deal from my end)
- was being injected with Hexarelin and whatnot as coach of EFC.

What we do know now about Hird is he was open and willing to inject himself with PED'S. Why wouldn't he be open to doing same to the players he coached?

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What I would like to know - following the whole nirvana of the fatal day which was James' birthday, poignant like, in 2013, where all sorts of exciting shit did or didn't happen between Vlad and Evans over a phone call, and James seizing this mini drama and leaking it to the HUN (to deflect attention from the increasingly damaging media about Essendon in general and him in particular) why does the CAS conclusion clearly state as uncontested fact that Essendon self reported in November 2012? What is going on with that? Why was anyone shocked to be sitting anywhere? Why the pinpoint moment in 2013 when all was revealed?
Is there any action pending against Hird?

Because the players, unfortunately, deserve the ban...

But Hird should be banned for life; and I hope to Christ that's a possibility.


Unhindered by contractual obligations or court proceedings, James Hird speaks exclusively to "Big Footy" about what really happened during Essendon’s disastrous 2012 season.

“Of all of the questions asked by fans in response to Tuesday’s shocking and unfair decision by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, one stands out: Were you actually coach of Essendon during the 2012 and 2013 seasons?

Today is my first chance to publicly answer this question, unconstrained by the contractual obligations a coach must observe and free of pressure applied by the AFL. I can finally offer a more detailed explanation to 34 young men and their families. Players who absolutely do not deserve this fate.

To put it simply, when I was offered the job of Head Coach at Essendon in September 2010, I didn’t take the job. At least not in any real sense. Sure, I was around the club a bit. I headed press conferences after most/all games. And I took full credit for wins, when we had them. But it’s a leap to say I was in any way in charge of the playing group.

Yes, I taught them about sacrifice, about love for the club, about hard work and trust. I told them about the importance of dying for the club and for the coach. Really, actually dying if necessary. I taught them about winning at all costs. And some hair colouring techniques.

I also demanded loyalty – total unquestioning loyalty. And in return I promised to get to know each and every one of the players personally, to find out what made them tick, what they wanted to achieve, what motivated them to be great players.

So as you can see, I was pretty hands-off.

In 2012 I hired Dean Robinson, and in turn Stephen Dank. I don’t intend to go through every detail of every interaction I had with them, lest I inadvertently give away useful information that sheds light on what actually took place that year.

We got Mark Thompson back in and he told me that the playing group were too small and would be thrown around like rag dolls by the top teams.
I said then, "I'll be buggered if we're going to sit around for five years waiting for these blokes to bulk up a bit" " I didn't say anything more other than "Mark and Macca conduct some drills"

But what I can say is that it was the club’s Sliding Doors moment. I’m not sure if you’ve seen the movie Sliding Doors? Basically it’s about how Gwyneth Paltrow misses a train, setting off two parallel realities, one where she catches her husband having an affair, the other where she doesn’t. In our case we set up a program to inject 34 players with human growth hormone. The similarities are undeniable.

(How different Essendon’s 2013-15 seasons would have been had that selfish arseh*le on the train held the door open for a few more seconds when I was trying to get back to Toorak one night after work. We can only dream).

So as it’s pretty plain to see, I wasn’t really coaching at Essendon in 2012. I ran the odd handball drill, offered a tip here and there about tanning. But that was it. Dean Robinson was in charge of our football club. And as a guy with an impeccable background as a rodeo performer, that made sense.

I circulated the Essendon organisational structure today just to clear up any misunderstandings about reporting lines. But really, there shouldn’t be any surprises. As Head Coach I reported directly to Thomas Bellchambers.

So, in summary, who was really responsible for the injection program that led to 34 players getting suspended for a season? Quite simply, everyone else. The staff, the media, the AFL, and to some extent – let’s be totally honest here – you the members!

But was I in any way responsible, even in some small way? To believe that, you’d also have to believe that I had some kind of senior role, or at least some level of influence at the Essendon Football Club. And that is the stuff of conspiracy theories. You might have to speak to someone in the Windy Hill Car Park to know the answer to that, except they didn't have one at the time. Do you know how difficult it was to actually park near the ground? I spent most of my time at the Moonee Ponds Town Hall clearing up parking tickets. I had no time to do anything else!

Someone has to see the humourous side.

What I would like to know - following the whole nirvana of the fatal day which was James' birthday, poignant like, in 2013, where all sorts of exciting shit did or didn't happen between Vlad and Evans over a phone call, and James seizing this mini drama and leaking it to the HUN (to deflect attention from the increasingly damaging media about Essendon in general and him in particular) why does the CAS conclusion clearly state as uncontested fact that Essendon self reported in November 2012? What is going on with that? Why was anyone shocked to be sitting anywhere? Why the pinpoint moment in 2013 when all was revealed?
Correction - Essendon self reported concerns re injection program "sometime before September 2012" according to CAS chronology
Should start a thread....

Questions for Tracey
They were concerned about the audience response, so they've actually cancelled the event and pre-recorded the interview.

Just a brief extract;

TH; James, you were the greatest footballer Essendon has ever seen, a person with a hugely successful business and media career, a wonderful family man and yet in their time of need you were prepared to sacrifice so much to coach Essendon.
How does it feel to be left down by so many people you put your trust in?

JH; Thank you Tracy, but I don't want this to be about me, I'm not that sort of person.
It's the players and their families I feel most for.
But yes I always only wanted what was best for the Essendon football club and I helped in part to set up programs that were designed to make us the best team possible, but just as importantly the best people possible.

Sadly the protocols and measures that were put in place were not followed and so as much as I hate to say it, yes I was let down, as were the players and the club. We were let down by people I thought I could trust and I think it is terrible what has happened to the players and the club, both of which I care about deeply.

Ultimately as an individual you can only do so much to help others, and really at the end of the day that is all I was trying to do, but unfortunately others had their own agendas, including of course the AFL and ASADA, yet every day I wish I could have done more, but I am a trusting, enabling person and really my role was to coach the football team, not involve myself in areas where others have greater expertise

TH; Thank you James, a wonderful open and honest answer, which puts into perspective your role as coach of the football club.and the ridiculous notion that you were responsible for the supplements program at Essendon.
I fear Hird is having a break down. Incoherent. A bit rambling. Nonsequitous. He needs help. I'd suggest he, Francis and Hardie could get a 3 for 2 discount at the Mental Anomaly Retreat where Sheeds, Percy and Crackers spent some time.

Yeah, he's not handling the pressure hugely well.

That said, I think he'll avoid the puzzle factory.

Francis isn't mad, he's a common or garden variety Grandpa Simpson senile letter writer (Dear Mr President, There are too many states, please remove three. P.S I am not a crank).

Hardie isn't mad. He knows exactly what he's doing and in bis mind is successfully conducting intellectual guerrilla warfare against the neo-liberal order. His issue is that like Dank, he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, when in reality, that's never the case. No matter where he is. In fact, he's pretty thick.
What I would like to know - following the whole nirvana of the fatal day which was James' birthday, poignant like, in 2013, where all sorts of exciting shit did or didn't happen between Vlad and Evans over a phone call, and James seizing this mini drama and leaking it to the HUN (to deflect attention from the increasingly damaging media about Essendon in general and him in particular) why does the CAS conclusion clearly state as uncontested fact that Essendon self reported in November 2012? What is going on with that? Why was anyone shocked to be sitting anywhere? Why the pinpoint moment in 2013 when all was revealed?

puts the tip off in a different light, not so much a tip off as a heads up. the acc's going public get out there first and own the narrative.
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no we dont, we are assuming. You are assuming they intended to cheat from day 1, I am assuming they never intended to cheat but didnt follow due diligence.

They intended to use, from day one, substances banned under the WADA code to rapidly improve their size and power.

That's cheating.

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Apologies if I've misinterpreted your post, but the way I read your post I think you're giving Hird and the football dept far too much leeway.

You did in a big way to assume I would give Hird and football department leeway. They were pathetic to have such unprofessional standards across the board. Everything about that time and even how Thompson got given a job there simply walking on the training tracks tells me enough about how they got themselves into so much trouble down the track by acting so amateurish. Have no sympathy for the mess they got themselves into.
The chickens have come home to roost and many of them do not like the sound of it.
What I would like to know - following the whole nirvana of the fatal day which was James' birthday, poignant like, in 2013, where all sorts of exciting shit did or didn't happen between Vlad and Evans over a phone call, and James seizing this mini drama and leaking it to the HUN (to deflect attention from the increasingly damaging media about Essendon in general and him in particular) why does the CAS conclusion clearly state as uncontested fact that Essendon self reported in November 2012? What is going on with that? Why was anyone shocked to be sitting anywhere? Why the pinpoint moment in 2013 when all was revealed?
Actually the CAS findings say something about September 2012 I think. I picked it up too, but someone else thought it was a typo.

Edit. Just see you picked that up.
Hard to ask a serious question when you're busy fellating the interviewee!

Its going to be bunch of Dorothy Dixers giving Jimmy a platform to say its not his fault and everybody is innocent and the AFL, ASADA, WADA, the government, the public and the members are all corrupt...oh and I mention its not my fault.

Should just do the interview tonight...as a sketch on SNL

I'm hoping that the crowd will let their displeasure be known if it turns out to be a fluff piece.

The interview is in Sydney, so it shouldn't be an audience full of cultists.
Yeah, he's not handling the pressure hugely well.

That said, I think he'll avoid the puzzle factory.

Francis isn't mad, he's a common or garden variety Grandpa Simpson senile letter writer (Dear Mr President, There are too many states, please remove three. P.S I am not a crank).

Hardie isn't mad. He knows exactly what he's doing and in bis mind is successfully conducting intellectual guerrilla warfare against the neo-liberal order. His issue is that like Dank, he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, when in reality, that's never the case. No matter where he is. In fact, he's pretty thick.
But didn't Hardie design those consent forms (protecting the Club from the Players)? That is, in service of said order?
Francis: you may well be right. Bored at home. Glory days type fellow. Shit writing style. Permanently menstruating.
I'm hoping that the crowd will let their displeasure be known if it turns out to be a fluff piece.

The interview is in Sydney, so it shouldn't be an audience full of cultists.

If the interview is a fluff piece, does that mean we can call Tracey a fluffer? (Don't google that at work ;))
What I would like to know - following the whole nirvana of the fatal day which was James' birthday, poignant like, in 2013, where all sorts of exciting shit did or didn't happen between Vlad and Evans over a phone call, and James seizing this mini drama and leaking it to the HUN (to deflect attention from the increasingly damaging media about Essendon in general and him in particular) why does the CAS conclusion clearly state as uncontested fact that Essendon self reported in November 2012? What is going on with that? Why was anyone shocked to be sitting anywhere? Why the pinpoint moment in 2013 when all was revealed?
you have read my line on that. like onanism, on multiple levels. They were prompted to do the onanism by a fantasy of that girl from baywatch pamela anderson
Proper Gander
blackcat said third person
I believe it like Evans and Robson self-reported on their own volition. I believe it like Hird being in a very good place once he got to tell his side. I believe it like I believe Spike's vitamin c. I believe it like I believe Luke Darcy. I believe it like I believe Andrew Demetriou. I believe it like the integrity department is about ethics not orwell. I believe it like I believe Justin Charles took boldirone at Footscray just to get over his injuries. I believe it like I believe Robbo.
They intended to use, from day one, substances banned under the WADA code to rapidly improve their size and power.

That's cheating.

I feel like the fact that it's now 4 years ago has kinda distanced us a bit from this. If we got this verdict (or say.. a positive test) in late 2012/early 2013 we'd all be saying "ah of course"

The signs were all there. The gloating from the fans about how much bigger their boys looked. The turnaround from a team that lost to Carlton the previous year to sweeping them aside like ants. The seemingly unprecedented amount of soft tissue injuries.
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