NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Well would ya look at that m8, I too am now a comedy genius (apparently)! :tearsofjoy:

Where's Wally?
How did they influence the election results?

Who are the people that the Russians convinced to switch votes?

Which electorates do they live in?

It quite funny that people think people needed a few Russians to figure out what a corrupt POS Hilary was.

The DNC didn't mind some electoral interference when they rigged their own parties primaries.

And then paid for a fake dossier to impact the 2020 election.

Ok for me but not for thee is the DNC mantra.
Aren’t you supposed to be a ‘both sides’ guy? Funny how it never comes across that way.

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You really don't understand how the internet, social media (and its algorithms) work do you?

Literally hundreds of thousands of Americans following, consuming, liking and sharing Russian Propaganda, thinking it was 'official Republican sources'.

Senior Trump officials reposting, liking, sharing and commenting on Russian propaganda.

No less than 340 million shares of Russian misinformation and propaganda. 126 million Americans consumed material and misinformation spread by Russian operatives.

Just from Facebook alone.

Just 20 false election stories spread by the Russians, generated nearly 9 million shares, reactions and comments on Facebook alone.

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

The Russians spread deliberate false information to hyper partisan blogs on social media (Youtube, Facebook, Rumblr, Instagram, Reddit, 4Chan, 8kun etc), promoting Trump (and Putin) and denigrating Clinton and the Democrats. Those fake stories were seen by hundreds of millions of Americans, and shared to other users at least 340 million times, on Facebook alone (Instagram and Youtube were just as bad).

The Russians also spread anti-vaxx s**t, Qanon and Pizzagate s**t and other conspirational rubbish.

The above hundreds of millions of shares, generated hundreds of millions of likes, comments, flame wars, thread bans, blocked users etc and contributed to radicalization (that we all saw in the USA, with cities literally burning, and politically motivated mass shootings occurring regularly). Cults venerating Trump as a messianic figure (Qanon) with hundreds of thousands of followers spread up overnight.

It literally cooked people. Including many who post on this very subforum.

Watch this video (bookmarked at the relevant time):

The dude in the above video explains the phenomenon. Social media is deliberately designed to 'tailor' peoples experiences to their likes, dislikes and the detailed psychological profile of you the App company has of you. It pushes narratives on you, and entrenches certain perceptions, prejudices and biases.

People don't just read misinformation and propaganda anymore. Social media platforms themselves function as a tool that amplifies that misinformation and propaganda, and radicalizes and cooks people.

People to this day (heck, in this very thread) who have been exposed to Russian pro Trump propaganda are literally still regurgitating deliberate misinformation that 'they learnt on the internet' and is nothing more than Russian propaganda 'as facts'. Lebbo73 BlueE ParapMarkets etc do it all the damn time.

You ever wondered why hundreds of thousands of people believe in insane s**t like Qanon, or 'ivermectin cures COVID' or 'Biolabs in Ukraine' or 'The WEF/ WHO are trying to impose Socialism on us'?

A combination of 'doing their own research' and social media algorithms doing it for them (without them realizing its happening) is why.

So were the Russians trying to get Trump elected by running "United Muslims of America" on FB with 300k followers? Or the BLM groups, or organising Women's Marches, or promoting Bernie, or establishing pro LGBT pages?

Your own sources reveal this info but your rhetoric seems to consistently be that only RWers are the dumb-dumbs tricked by Russia and algorithms, while you (or anyone who agrees with you) are above this. You draw a line between the left and the right where one side is 100% correct and beyond manipulation while the other side is the opposite. This is the divisive attitude that the Russians want you to have.

In the 80s it was known that Afghanistan had serious issues with corruption and extremism, yet the American public were convinced that it was okay to spend billions of dollars arming the Mujahideen to the teeth to resist the red scare. With no forethought that it could be their own children sent to fight and die later on against the very same groups they were currently arming.

A few years ago it was the left leaning posters on SRP expressing the greater concern about the corruption and extremism in Ukraine, but that has since been revised - dare I say that some have been "literally cooked by the algorithms".

So in a two horse race I 100% support Ukraine in this war. They are a sovereign nation being invaded by an uninvited aggressor. Just as Afghanistan were in the 80s. Does that mean we can't question the approach of "let's keep sending bombs into the region, that should create peace"? If your answer is yes, are there any other conflicts that the US involved themselves in that you think maybe they shouldn't have?
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You really don't understand how the internet, social media (and its algorithms) work do you?

Literally hundreds of thousands of Americans following, consuming, liking and sharing Russian Propaganda, thinking it was 'official Republican sources'.

Senior Trump officials reposting, liking, sharing and commenting on Russian propaganda.

No less than 340 million shares of Russian misinformation and propaganda. 126 million Americans consumed material and misinformation spread by Russian operatives.

Just from Facebook alone.

Just 20 false election stories spread by the Russians, generated nearly 9 million shares, reactions and comments on Facebook alone.

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

The Russians spread deliberate false information to hyper partisan blogs on social media (Youtube, Facebook, Rumblr, Instagram, Reddit, 4Chan, 8kun etc), promoting Trump (and Putin) and denigrating Clinton and the Democrats. Those fake stories were seen by hundreds of millions of Americans, and shared to other users at least 340 million times, on Facebook alone (Instagram and Youtube were just as bad).

The Russians also spread anti-vaxx s**t, Qanon and Pizzagate s**t and other conspirational rubbish.

The above hundreds of millions of shares, generated hundreds of millions of likes, comments, flame wars, thread bans, blocked users etc and contributed to radicalization (that we all saw in the USA, with cities literally burning, and politically motivated mass shootings occurring regularly). Cults venerating Trump as a messianic figure (Qanon) with hundreds of thousands of followers spread up overnight.

It literally cooked people. Including many who post on this very subforum.

Watch this video (bookmarked at the relevant time):

The dude in the above video explains the phenomenon. Social media is deliberately designed to 'tailor' peoples experiences to their likes, dislikes and the detailed psychological profile of you the App company has of you. It pushes narratives on you, and entrenches certain perceptions, prejudices and biases.

People don't just read misinformation and propaganda anymore. Social media platforms themselves function as a tool that amplifies that misinformation and propaganda, and radicalizes and cooks people.

People to this day (heck, in this very thread) who have been exposed to Russian pro Trump propaganda are literally still regurgitating deliberate misinformation that 'they learnt on the internet' and is nothing more than Russian propaganda 'as facts'. Lebbo73 BlueE ParapMarkets etc do it all the damn time.

You ever wondered why hundreds of thousands of people believe in insane s**t like Qanon, or 'ivermectin cures COVID' or 'Biolabs in Ukraine' or 'The WEF/ WHO are trying to impose Socialism on us'?

A combination of 'doing their own research' and social media algorithms doing it for them (without them realizing its happening) is why.

The Democrats still got the highest amount of votes.

The Russians didn't impact the elections at all.

Who ever was going to vote for Trump did.

Funnily enough those are the people who you claim were influenced by the Russians. The people who already supported Trump.

Whoever was never going to vote for him didn't.

The rest stayed away and didn't vote at all.

That's how it was.

No Russians convinced middle of the road centrist or independents of anything they didn't already know. Because none of these people are the conspiracy theory types. They don't have time for that shit on their lives.

That's why there are swing states, places where people aren't swayed by anything other than more local issues rather than overinflated rich politicians views.

You're parroting the same garbage all the Clinton losers spouted when she lost the unlosable election. They just couldn't get over the fact she lost because she's not even trusted enough to beat the likes of Trump.
That's because you're a one side guy.

I said I hate the Democrats unreservedly.

Vile history.

Up there with the Nazi Party of Germany.
Wrong, of course. Meanwhile we have you to thank for the intellectual breakthrough that the shocking ancient history of the Democratic Party is the most relevant issue for voters in 2024 (and no doubt beyond).
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So were the Russians trying to get Trump elected by running "United Muslims of America" on FB with 300k followers? Or the BLM groups, or organising Women's Marches, or promoting Bernie, or establishing pro LGBT pages?


Those fake accounts routinely posted shit like 'dont vote this year' pitched at black people and women (who tend to vote Democrat) and served to sow disinformation to Democrat voters and create flame wars.

Your own sources reveal this info but your rhetoric seems to consistently be that only RWers are the dumb-dumbs tricked by Russia and algorithms, while you (or anyone who agrees with you) are above this. You draw a line between the left and the right where one side is 100% correct and beyond manipulation while the other side is the opposite.

No I dont.

I'm saying the Russians are the ones favoring Trump, promoting anti vaxx and Qanon shit, shit about Hunter Bidens laptop, spreading disinformation about conspiracies, Trump, the Democrats etc.

They're pandering the shit you believe to be true and have been caught red handed doing it literally dozens of times. Multiple Trump team members have admitted having contacts with Russian operatives, and the FBI released a report detailing their influence campaign.

Maybe you only believe the shit they pander to be true by sheer co-incidence. But you, BlueE, Lebbo etc do also spend a lot of time on social media, getting exposed to the algorithm and the misinformation though.

I dont think it's a coincidence that you're all cooked to some degree.
A few years ago it was the left leaning posters on SRP expressing the greater concern about the corruption and extremism in Ukraine, but that has since been revised - dare I say that some have been "literally cooked by the algorithms".

'Left leaning' posters oppose Right wing dictators. That means Putin.

So in a two horse race I 100% support Ukraine in this war. They are a sovereign nation being invaded by an uninvited aggressor. Just as Afghanistan were in the 80s. Does that mean we can't question the approach of "let's keep sending bombs into the region, that should create peace"? If your answer is yes, are there any other conflicts that the US involved themselves in that you think maybe they shouldn't have?

When have I ever said the USA are the good guys? If you want to talk about being an 'uninvited aggressor' they're leading the race on that score, and by a significant margin.
The Russians didn't impact the elections at all.

That's not only demonstrably false, but it literally defies logic that you think a disinformation campaign that involved literally hundreds of millions of shares, likes and comments involving pro Trump disinformation on Facebook alone, didnt impact the election.

How many people got convinced the bullshit pandered by the Russians (vote Trump, Hillary evil, dont get vaccinated, Putin good!) among those hundreds of millions of people exposed do you think?

Before you answer Qanon has literally tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of believers. Every single one of them cooked by the algorithm into thinking shit that makes Scientology look rational.

The Russians used the exact same techniques advertisers use on Social media, and they piss trillions into getting the algorithim to cook people into buying shit, with clear data behind its success.

How do you think Meta and Google make money anyway?

Those fake accounts routinely posted s**t like 'dont vote this year' pitched at black people and women (who tend to vote Democrat) and served to sow disinformation to Democrat voters and create flame wars.
Okay so all the pro feminism, pro BLM, pro LGBT, pro Islam groups they pushed were actually just an effort to get these groups to not vote, not an attempt to simply sow division? When they organised the "Trump is NOT my president" protest, or the "United Muslims of America" demonstration outside of Trump tower, it was somehow a 4D chess move to help Trump? Holy-partisanship-batman.

I guess you're at least on the right board for spamming sources that you haven't bothered to read yourself!
Okay so all the pro feminism, pro BLM, pro LGBT, pro Islam groups they pushed were actually just an effort to get these groups to not vote, not an attempt to simply sow division?

No, they were both, and I said as much.

The Russians support Trump, and want America to burn (and to leave Russia alone to pursue her own interests in Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine and elsewhere).

The Russians are not out there helping the Democrats win elections. They're expressly and repeatedly propping up Trump, many of whose supporters now also think 'Putin good; leave Russia alone'.

Which is not a coincidence.

Im not making this up bro. The Russians are using social media algorithms and Troll farms to literally cook tens of thousands of people by spreading misinformation and radicalizing people.

I dare say you've interacted with a Russian troll in the past on 4Chan, Twitter, YouTube (their bots are prolific in the comments section) or elsewhere.
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“Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely,” Posobiec said as the event began.

“We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here,” he said, gesturing to the crowd and holding up his fist.

Trump’s closest allies in Congress have also indicated they would be willing to throw out the rulebook for him. Senator J.D. Vance and Representative Elise Stefanik, both reportedly on the shortlist for Trump’s running mate, have said they would have carried out a coup on January 6, 2021, to keep Trump in power.
You are so full of crap.

No, you're just an idiot, who's been cooked by social media:

President Joe Biden announced Sept. 9 a series of proposals to combat the COVID-19 pandemic more aggressively, including plans for a new rule requiring employers with 100 or more employees to mandate that their workers be vaccinated or undergo weekly testing.

Biden Orders Vaccination Mandates for Larger Employers, Federal Workforce

You never had to be vaccinated. All you had to do was submit to weekly COVID testing.

Plus, it only applied to Federal employees, and Companies with more than 100 people.

Get it yet mate? The US Government did not implement or impose any mandatory vaccinations.
That's not only demonstrably false, but it literally defies logic that you think a disinformation campaign that involved literally hundreds of millions of shares, likes and comments involving pro Trump disinformation on Facebook alone, didnt impact the election.

How many people got convinced the bullshit pandered by the Russians (vote Trump, Hillary evil, dont get vaccinated, Putin good!) among those hundreds of millions of people exposed do you think?

Before you answer Qanon has literally tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of believers. Every single one of them cooked by the algorithm into thinking s**t that makes Scientology look rational.

The Russians used the exact same techniques advertisers use on Social media, and they piss trillions into getting the algorithim to cook people into buying s**t, with clear data behind its success.

How do you think Meta and Google make money anyway?

So zero proof it impacted the results of the election then.

Zero proof that it had any impact on undecided or independent voters because they are the only people who matter in this case.

Your spiel was like reading the same kind of conspiracy garbage you like to put it there you rail against.

Disinformation works both ways, only matters when it's coming from one side though yeah?
So zero proof it impacted the results of the election then.


No, Meta, Google, X and other social media sites have reams of data on how effective the algorithm is convincing people to believe shit, buy shit and so forth.

They literally track your every move on the platform, construct psychological profiles of you, check on what sites you visit, measure your engagement time with content and much much more. They then use this data, to target advertisements to you, with proven rates of success in getting you to purchase shit via click throughs. This data is then presented to Advertisers who then give Meta billions of dollars to sell shit to unsuspecting dupes who don't understand how the Internet works.

Where do you think Meta's income comes from?

There is ample evidence on the effectiveness of Social media algorithms to channel people down rabbit holes and get them buying shit, or entrenching behaviors and beliefs in people. Google, Meta, Apple, Samsung etc would not exist without that evidence.

Between January 2015 and August 2017, Facebook linked 80,000 publications to the Russian company Internet Research Agency through more than 470 different accounts. At the same time, a total of 50,258 Twitter accounts were linked to Russian bots – fake accounts programmed to share false information – during the 2016 election period. The bots are responsible for more than 3.8 million tweets, about 19% of the total tweets related to the 2016 US presidential election. Approximately 80% of these bots behaved in a way that supported Donald Trump, mostly using the hashtags #donaldtrump, #trump2016, #neverhillary and #trumppence16.

Fact check US: What is the impact of Russian interference in the US presidential election?

Literally near 20 percent of all Tweets relating to the 2016 Election were from Russian Bots spreading deliberate misinformation, encouraging Black Americans not to vote (and pretending to be Black Activists), selling misleading and fake stories about Clinton, and promoting the cause of Donald Trump.

1 in 5 election Tweets was Russian disinformation. Along with literally hundreds of millions of Facebook interactions.

These are not just Advertisements. They're targeted ads, and deliberate misinformation, in viral news stories that flood peoples feeds, in a manner tailored to the individual user, convincing them that the fake news is real.

Those Tweets (along with the aforementioned Facebook and Instagram stories) plus YouTube, Rumblr, Reddit, MSN, 4Chan and other sites reached literally hundreds of millions of Americans, with the algorithm tailoring the individual content of each of those victims with 'news' articles that literally painted a totally fabricated picture of reality, tailored to that persons individual interests.

People got cooked by this process.

If you think they didn't, you're literally the most naive person I know (and also likely cooked). You're like Lord Nelson with the telescope up to his blind eye claiming not to see the Spanish Armada.

Your spiel was like reading the same kind of conspiracy garbage you like to put it there you rail against.

It is a conspiracy!

Specifically, it was literally a Psy-Op ordered by the Kremlin, and conducted by Russian agents, with the plan being to use Social media algorithms to cook people in the USA with disinformation and to radicalize them, get Trump elected, and to sow discord in the USA.

The fact you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears still, despite overwhelming evidence you're wrong, including Trump and the Republicans admitting it occurred, plus the FBI, CIA, ASIS, MI5, Interpol etc, plus numerous people being literally charged with being involved in the plot, plus the companies themselves admitting it, plus independent researchers studying it, and literally petabytes of data showing it, just tells me you're either an idiot, or you've also been cooked, or both.

The Russians influenced the election, and radicalized people. Those same people that support Trump now also overwhelming also support Putin and Russia, and oppose Ukraine.

Because the Russians told them to.

BlueE and Lebbo73 are both heavy users of social media sites (not just this one) are both clearly cooked by the above process, and have also repeatedly reposted tweets and links to Russian bots and propagandists on this site (effectively making them default agents/ stooges of the Kremlin).

In other news, despite being Australian, both men also think (Putin good, Ukraine bad, there was no election interference by the Russians, Trump good, Biden corrupt and bad, Hunter Bidens laptop!, Qanon/ pizza gate is real, vaccines dont work, take your ivermectin, Heil Putin!) as well, and they started thinking this around 2016, right when the Russians started posting the exact same narratives online for the algorithm to push onto people.

Obviously that's just a co-incidence though. They were just 'doing their own research'.
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No, Meta, Google, X and other social media sites have reams of data on how effective the algorithm is convincing people to believe s**t, buy s**t and so forth.

They literally track your every move on the platform, construct psychological profiles of you, check on what sites you visit, measure your engagement time with content and much much more. They then use this data, to target advertisements to you, with proven rates of success in getting you to purchase s**t via click throughs. This data is then presented to Advertisers who then give Meta billions of dollars to sell s**t to unsuspecting dupes who don't understand how the Internet works.

Where do you think Meta's income comes from?

There is ample evidence on the effectiveness of Social media algorithms to channel people down rabbit holes and get them buying s**t, or entrenching behaviors and beliefs in people. Google, Meta, Apple, Samsung etc would not exist without that evidence.

Fact check US: What is the impact of Russian interference in the US presidential election?

Literally near 20 percent of all Tweets relating to the 2016 Election were from Russian Bots spreading deliberate misinformation, encouraging Black Americans not to vote (and pretending to be Black Activists), selling misleading and fake stories about Clinton, and promoting the cause of Donald Trump.

1 in 5 election Tweets was Russian disinformation. Along with literally hundreds of millions of Facebook interactions.

These are not just Advertisements. They're targeted ads, and deliberate misinformation, in viral news stories that flood peoples feeds, in a manner tailored to the individual user, convincing them that the fake news is real.

Those Tweets (along with the aforementioned Facebook and Instagram stories) plus YouTube, Rumblr, Reddit, MSN, 4Chan and other sites reached literally hundreds of millions of Americans, with the algorithm tailoring the individual content of each of those victims with 'news' articles that literally painted a totally fabricated picture of reality, tailored to that persons individual interests.

People got cooked by this process.

If you think they didn't, you're literally the most naive person I know (and also likely cooked). You're like Lord Nelson with the telescope up to his blind eye claiming not to see the Spanish Armada.

It is a conspiracy!

Specifically, it was literally a Psy-Op ordered by the Kremlin, and conducted by Russian agents, with the plan being to use Social media algorithms to cook people in the USA with disinformation and to radicalize them, get Trump elected, and to sow discord in the USA.

The fact you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears still, despite overwhelming evidence you're wrong, including Trump and the Republicans admitting it occurred, plus the FBI, CIA, ASIS, MI5, Interpol etc, plus numerous people being literally charged with being involved in the plot, plus the companies themselves admitting it, plus independent researchers studying it, and literally petabytes of data showing it, just tells me you're either an idiot, or you've also been cooked, or both.

The Russians influenced the election, and radicalized people. Those same people that support Trump now also overwhelming also support Putin and Russia, and oppose Ukraine.

Because the Russians told them to.

And still no proof that this great number of independent or undecided voters were swayed.

That's what we're talking about yes?

And again, where is the evidence these people who have no alignment to any party were swayed?

All you seem to be referencing is the people who were voting for Trump no matter what. That's who reads the crap you're waffling on about.

The people who ultimately swing vote are voting on policy far more than the party hacks are.

You're like a Hilary shill, the Russians stole our elections! 😂
And still no proof that this great number of independent or undecided voters were swayed.

There are literally posters on this site (an AFL football site), based in Australia that do nothing other than post about 'Hunter Bidens laptop, Biden bad, Trump good, Putin good, Ivermectin good, vaccines bad' along with links to Russian bots on Twitter and YouTube videos.

Or in other words, they've been clearly cooked by the Russians.

What makes you think they're alone?

And again, where is the evidence these people who have no alignment to any party were swayed?

The biggest impact was with Black voters (who tend to vote Democrat) and undecided voters, with the Russians telling them to stay home and not vote because 'Hillary Clinton has died and been replaced by a body double' or 'She cant be trusted to do the right thing' or 'both candidates bad' etc.

Generally speaking people don't change political allegiances, and the psy-op did little to change that.

What it did do is deeply radicalize and polarize people. People who then went on to engage in flame wars online, before taking to the streets to burn down American cites, engage in the odd mass shooting, and finally storm the Capitol on Jan 6th.

All you seem to be referencing is the people who were voting for Trump no matter what. That's who reads the crap you're waffling on about.

No, I've clearly (and unambiguously) stated that the Russians also heavily targeted Democrats and undecided voters (mainly Black Americans). I literally said as much in the post you're quoting here (that you obviously didn't read, likely because you're cooked into only seeing the world one way), and I'll do it again now:

When Russian agents used social media to sow chaos among the US electorate, they tried all kinds of tactics. They posed as leftwing social justice activists and rightwing defenders of the Confederate flag. They made memes, bought ads, shared fake news and posted opinions from fake users on all sides of hot-button American issues.
But one theme dramatically outpaced the rest: race.
According to two reports prepared for the US Senate intelligence committee, by far the “most prolific” efforts were made to target black Americans. According to one report, Russia’s Internet Research Agency “created an expansive cross-platform media mirage targeting the black community, which shared and cross-promoted authentic black media to create an immersive influence ecosystem”.
Analysts found that Russians used social media “troll farms” to “confuse, distract, and ultimately discourage” black people from voting for Hillary Clinton. They aimed to do so by describing the Democratic candidate for president as too similar to the Republican, Donald Trump, or by using bogus claims such as Clinton accepting donations from the Ku Klux Klan.
Over five years, such efforts were expansive: researchers reported 10.4 million tweets, 1,107 YouTube videos, 116,205 Instagram posts and 61,483 unique Facebook posts from Russian operatives. Much of the material was intended to inflame anger among black Americans about skewed rates of poverty, incarceration and the use of force by police and thereby, in the words of one report, to “divert their political energy away from established political institutions”.
The Russians obviously view the USA as their greatest enemy and rival. They clearly do NOT want a strong USA; they want the USA fractured, divided, fighting among itself and out of world affairs, so Russia can do what she likes with impunity.

The Russians also pushed hard for a Trump Presidency.

Consider those two sentences above together for a second, and you'll understand why the Russians did what they did.

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