Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

Is Matthew Nicks the right coach for Adelaide?

  • Firmly yes (I love what I'm seeing)

  • Leaning yes

  • Can't decide either way

  • Leaning no (but don't sack him yet)

  • Firmly no (he should be sacked)

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I’m not talking about identical fields but a relative analogy of similar traits eg. Educating, counseling, tailoring individual needs relative to weakness/strength.

The other analogy being the outcome of results. If a student fails, you don’t just sack the teacher. Questions should be asked about what can be done to improve the failure rate. More importantly, is the teacher asking these questions and applying them?

You don’t sack a teacher automatically because you understand that a student failing could be due to a variety of factors outside of the teachers control. You also understand that what success means is very different for each child.

In the AFL there are very few factors completely outside of a coaches control. Even less at a well resourced club like ours. There is one single definition of success: winning. There are also only 18 jobs and countless of people who aspire to do the job.

If your suggestion is that we should be focussing on the process and not the outcome, what is the process that you see Nicks following that you rate highly?

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I liken a coach to that of a teacher. A coach isn’t about guaranteeing success, you need the students to follow suit. Like a teacher, he needs to help improving the herd, so ultimately they can graduate.

Have we gone backwards in 2024? Results now say “yes”. However, we need to look at projecting by the end of the season to properly assess, as form and injuries to players also have a say in results.

He’s paid like a senior executive, by results and full accountability for them
I liken a coach to that of a teacher. A coach isn’t about guaranteeing success, you need the students to follow suit. Like a teacher, he needs to help improving the herd, so ultimately they can graduate.

Have we gone backwards in 2024? Results now say “yes”. However, we need to look at projecting by the end of the season to properly assess, as form and injuries to players also have a say in results.
The backline and midfield has developed further so the list has moved forward in both these area and in particular the midfield but Nicks has still made the same mistake he did last year and even double down on them at the start of the year which has made playing catch up very difficult, everything needed to go our way with the Essendon non HTB call on the siren, draw against Brisbane and last 3 minutes stuff up against Collingwood.
I’m not talking about identical fields but a relative analogy of similar traits eg. Educating, counseling, tailoring individual needs relative to weakness/strength.

The other analogy being the outcome of results. If a student fails, you don’t just sack the teacher. Questions should be asked about what can be done to improve the failure rate. More importantly, is the teacher asking these questions and applying them?

I’m starting to think this is a parody troll account.
I’m not talking about identical fields but a relative analogy of similar traits eg. Educating, counseling, tailoring individual needs relative to weakness/strength.

The other analogy being the outcome of results. If a student fails, you don’t just sack the teacher. Questions should be asked about what can be done to improve the failure rate. More importantly, is the teacher asking these questions and applying them?

We all understand your point. Its a really good point. But at the same time, if a really poor teacher over time fails to produce any evidence they are improving as a teacher and their students continue to prove to be below average, then the teacher should be sacked. At some stage the blame shifts from the students to the teacher and we are at that point with Nicks. 5 years of average results with an excuse for each one; 2020 - I'm a rookie, Covid, they are teenagers, rebuild 2021 - I'm a rookie, covid, they are teenagers, rebuild 2022 - i'm a rookie and their teenagers, rebuild 2023 - I'm a rookie, they are teenagers, umpires, 2024 - I'm a rookie, they are teenagers, umpires.

Do we see the pattern?

Every year the same excuses are trotted out. I've even heard Nicks is a rookie this year by some fan groups. Last year we still had they are inexperienced teenagers thrown about. Its simply not the case.

Aside from McHenry, Sholl, Murphy our best 22 is actually pretty good. 3 players doesn't lose you games, but if the game plan is flawed, and the coach is not a tactically good coach on game day, it is going to make it very hard to win. We also have a strong over reliance on star players to win us games. I blame Rankine's hammy on Nicks. He has been over using Rankine to achieve results. Any player who feels pressure to perform above and beyond their natural game before they are ready will over compensate and do to much.

Nicks has to go.
Who would've thought that when you structure on a football field you create a shape amidst. It takes a true Post-Modernist to consume enough crayons to think that word has new mind-blowing meanings.
Shape and structure are completely different

ROB can shape a shot at goal towards the hot dog stand in Row G

We can structure our salary cap so that we're forced to pay players now at other clubs whilst winning the wooden spoon.

See the difference?

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Picking Lachlan Murphy for 70 games and putting him in the leadership group

That's a sackin
He wasn’t an instantaneous game day inspiration. He was a decision made early in the week, and he trained with the forwards in the sessions leading up to the game.
Modra was injured and Blight (who liked "to play a certain way", see video) originally considered sending Nigel Smart forward.
His choice of Ellen was brilliantly intuitive, based upon seeing Ellen kick 1.1 (Note: not a bag of 5 or 6; just 1.1) with South Adelaide years earlier :oops:, ie on a hunch.
"Maybe, just maybe", he thought.

To top it off, he moved Ellen back (to maintain "structure", see video). I'm not sure if he moved Ellen forward again, but Ellen kicked 3 of his 5 after half-time. My guess is Blighty said to him:
"Tell you what, if you get the chance to wander forward if the time is right, see if you can and kick a couple more?" :laughv1:.

I found these two; please watch because they are brief but illuminating:

There's so much I love about what Blighty did.
Not only did that move work, it must have had tremendous shock value. Imagine the shock/panic (maybe amusement?) by Alves et al in the Coaches' box and the confusion in the St. Kilda backline of seeing Ellen start forward. They weren't the only ones:
I still remember watching Ellen heading to full forward and saying what the hell is Blighty doing ?
Funny things:
1) Alves was named AFL Coach of the Year, even though Blight took the Crows from 12th to the Flag in one season.
2) the Crows kicked 14 goals straight after half-time!
"It was the Monday of Grand Final week when Blight approached Allen as he was warming up for training with his Adelaide teammates.

“We were kicking the footy around and Malcolm causally walked up to me and said I’m going to play you at full forward for the Grand Final this week’,” Ellen told AFLPlayers.com.au almost 20 years later to the day.

“I was pretty rapt but was still taking it all in so I mustn’t have reacted the way he was expecting. As he walked away, he turned and said ‘so you’ve got a game this week’.

Given the Crows had won their Preliminary Final bout and Blight rarely changed a winning side, Ellen had assumed his spot was safe. However, he was left slightly rattled by Blight’s words.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have been so confident,” he recalls.

Stoked and surprised, Ellen would be replacing Tony Modra, who had gone down with a knee injury in the Preliminary Final, as the Crows main target.

It would be the first experience at full forward in the then 24-year-old’s AFL career and there was no bigger stage to make his goal-square debut."
Bearing in mind also that the Lions and Pies are both in fair dinkum form, and looking similar to their 2023 version now.
John, mate, seriously?
Brisbane (13th, when we played them, hardly "fair dinkum form") were decimated by injury and a shadow of their 2023 GF selves.
Collingwood (8th when we played them) had 3 of their 2023 GF top-22 out injured as well.
Nicks gets no credit?
What, for 0-1-1 from the two games you mentioned, or for our 0-4 start, or for the current 3-6-1 mess?
No credit, from me.