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  1. rodney hoo

    Medicare levy/private health insurance changes More proof how it ain't working.
  2. rodney hoo

    Political Cartoons Thread (International & National)

  3. rodney hoo

    Politicians having affairs- does it change your vote?

    If all that is now starting to be reported is true, he should face the courts and if found guilty should lose all parliamentary perks and pension.
  4. rodney hoo

    Polls Thread Mk III

    Maybe people are realising that a vote for one nation is a vote for the liberal party anyway.
  5. rodney hoo

    2017 New England By-Election - NATIONALS RETAIN

    Exactly ! This is how it should've been portrayed in the media, not the bull shit it's my private life. It was all done now so when the election is on it will be all forgotten.
  6. rodney hoo

    Political Cartoons Thread (International & National)

    Four great efforts in a row, all on the money.
  7. rodney hoo

    2017 New England By-Election - NATIONALS RETAIN

    Barnaby makes Jim Cairns look like a genius and we older people no how Jim went about it. By the way Cairns was crucified by the press for months.
  8. rodney hoo

    Unions need more power in Australia

    You must be a very lucky man, 200-300% more per fortnight for just changing to an EBA, and even getting $10g one pay packet, you must work for turdbull, his staff seem to get extreme pay rises while everyone else is battling for a buck. Good luck to you but most people were conned.
  9. rodney hoo

    Senate crossbencher Lucy Gichuhi joins the Turnbull government in shock numbers manoeuvre

    Unrepresentative swill, to many senators, still required but there should be a cut of minimum votes.
  10. rodney hoo

    Unions need more power in Australia

    You better check your facts, lot fake news in the above. 70g is a train drivers salary, you can't count over time.
  11. rodney hoo

    Unions need more power in Australia

    Turnbull had no trouble finding 24g per year for all his staff who all earn three times and more than the average train driver. Yes they do work overtime because the nsw government won't employ enough train drivers so there salaries can reach six figures but base rate is 70g, to live in Sydney...
  12. rodney hoo

    Mandatory detention of refugees (Stop the boats. 5k a head. Part 2)

    I'm glad you think we can send our military into sovereign countries on lies and deceitful bull shit, bomb the f..k out there countries and when people try and take there family,themselves to a country for new start your happy we lock them up. Maybe you should take yourself and family to Iraq or...
  13. rodney hoo

    Unions need more power in Australia

    Plus going into receivership, liquidation owing home owners, contractors and workers million of dollars only to start up again, sometimes before the first company has even been given a chance to survive. Build shit quality that's been signed off by dogey private certifiers who inspect nothing...
  14. rodney hoo

    Unions need more power in Australia

    Lots of the work force got conned by right wing governments and there media bosses how trading your working conditions for a few bucks extra an hour and then working 10/12 hour days for no over time and penalties. People are now working longer and all on casual rates, no holiday pay, sick pay...
  15. rodney hoo

    Unions need more power in Australia

    I'm not certain unions have anything to do with multinationals not paying any tax.
  16. rodney hoo

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long? This will be interesting. Can't believe that Turnstile hasn't been done over by this a lot more, but I guess it's a lot easier raiding Union offices.
  17. rodney hoo

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    Two days when it's gone on for two months and he's pillaged like labor would be day in and day out get back to me.
  18. rodney hoo

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    WTF I'd like to see this in the murduck press day after day, just like they would if it's the labor party. I'm not holding my breath, worst government of all time even makes Abbott look better, who would've thought.
  19. rodney hoo

    Real Estate MT: Prices, Capital Gains Tax (CGT), Negative Gearing, Foreign Investment, 'Bubbles' - 3 Lying in parliament as well, ah the turnstile government, let's keep keep kicking the poor and blacks no one will see what we are really up to.
  20. rodney hoo

    Up and coming polarising conservative - Andrew Hastie

    Peter Garret was no where near those two young men that died placing installation in roof spaces under bosses who did not provide a safe working environment and we had a royal commission. Howard got lot more blood on his hands re his wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and displacement of refugees that...
  21. rodney hoo

    National Broadband Network

    IMO labor always play to nice but the reason could be that to fix it up now would cost billions more and the lieberals would attack them re can't be trusted with money. The pay tv operator is the one who loses the most from high quality Internet.
  22. rodney hoo

    Vic Melbourne's Sudanese gangs

    I've seen Italian, Greek, Asian, sharps, skin heads and more gangs come and go over the last 60 plus years, its normally all blown up out of proportion by the liberal stooge media, just like reds under the beds is popular again. It's all the liberals have got is scare campaigns.
  23. rodney hoo

    National Broadband Network

    Crazy Tony was taking his orders from Rupert and the IPA. Turnball is just a turnstile to stay as prime minister.
  24. rodney hoo

    Is John Howard Australias worst PM ever ?

    Clearly worst and most devicive of all time.
  25. rodney hoo

    Is John Howard Australias worst PM ever ?
  26. rodney hoo

    2017 Bennelong By-Election - LIBERAL RETAIN

    Abbott started it and Turdball has completed it, we have now got back to the fifties, REDS under the BED. Be careful for a commo !
  27. rodney hoo

    Lights Out!

    It's good to see COALition moving forward in policy from twenties and thirties to the forties and fifties.
  28. rodney hoo

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    Kevin Andrews said for the sake of the party he would challenge,last year. I can see him having a go though turdbull is giving them every thing they want.
  29. rodney hoo

    Australia's white elephant

    We could borrow the money from Norway, there done very well with minerals/oil boom. We could stop propping up private health insurance companies as well.
  30. rodney hoo

    Malcolm Turnbull - How long?

    I gather you have been away, so we will start with the foreign debt just about tripling, back flips on superannuation policy, full time jobs at all time low, part times the go now, no tax reform on multi nationals etc. We went from a budget emergency to spend,spend,spend. We will be an adult...