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Snowy Hydro looking to get a two billion dollar expansion, enough power for up to half a million homes apparently. Great initiative by the government and will go a long way to securing our energy future.

I feel sorry for Malcolm though, this announcement could have been a massive boost for him if it was announced after the election...instead it comes after bringing coal into parliament.

sounds good but it was only 10-15 years ago we spent loads of money redirecting water from the scheme back into the river systems.

I don't have a view on this without further information but it seems strange that we can't make up our mind as to what is important. I guess this is what you get if politicians run our energy policy.

At the same time the electorate will say it isn't government that is F'ing up rather it is the market and or the opposite side of politics is doing the damage. I guess we can now not only say we get the govt we deserve but we get the power sector we deserve.

We need an independent RBA type office for energy and get politics out of the sector.

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We need an independent RBA type office for energy and get politics out of the sector.
AER have a solid grasp of the wholesale market (as necessitated by the way our retail network is structured), it wouldn't actually be too difficult to get this idea off the ground
Actually it is coming out now that Weatherill was actually invited. Frydenberg on Twitter is having a sook about it because he got owned and was shown up for being a failure as an energy minister.

Kudos to Weatherill, it is refreshing to see a politician to tell the truth even though it ripped Joshy a new one.

Frydenberg was always in a no win with this. The coalies of the Liberal alt right are stuck in 1967. They just dont see their is no investment in dirty big brown coal burners any more. Whether one likes it or not, investors see the writing on the wall. Geez even Turbull saw this yet allowed himself to be rolled by the alt right antiscience idiots.
You wonder why we have such poor leadership in this country when conservative dogma 'trumps' both science & economics.
What can Frydo say? They had their pants pulled down & about time too.
Frydenberg was always in a no win with this. The coalies of the Liberal alt right are stuck in 1967. They just dont see their is no investment in dirty big brown coal burners any more. Whether one likes it or not, investors see the writing on the wall. Geez even Turbull saw this yet allowed himself to be rolled by the alt right antiscience idiots.
You wonder why we have such poor leadership in this country when conservative dogma 'trumps' both science & economics.
What can Frydo say? They had their pants pulled down & about time too.

Corporate money in politics. Get rid of it.
It's been updated;

He is well known as the "Frydenslayer" after his complete obliteration of federal energy minister Josh Frydenberg after appearing at an AGL energy event to which he was not invited on march 16th 2017. His heroism resulted in the death of Mr. Frydenberg's dignity.

The AGL had known for a week that JW was going to be there, maybe they never let JF know.

When Frydenberg was asked whether the announcement he was there to trumpet in the garage “was designed to embarrass the state government”, we’d reached the point when truth would out.

“To be honest, I didn’t even know Jay was going to be here.”

Suddenly the strained suburban tableau made sense. An ambush! In genteel Adelaide of all places.

Except the ambush theory became a bit frayed when it became known later that AGL had known for a week the premier would be present at the festivities on Thursday.

A bit strange that the company would have neglected to tell Frydenberg his chief combatant was also popping by.

And it turns out AGL did tell Frydenberg Weatherill would be present. On Wednesday night. So the minister was warned. Which made the “I’m the victim here guys” protestation from Frydenberg somewhat thin.
AER have a solid grasp of the wholesale market (as necessitated by the way our retail network is structured), it wouldn't actually be too difficult to get this idea off the ground

AER are 50% of the way there. the reach has to go further with a non-political policy on quotas based on supply risk, price and CO2 with full consideration of capex, opex and take or pay contracts.

take or pay contracts remove the smoke screens and mirrors
Snowy Hydro looking to get a two billion dollar expansion, enough power for up to half a million homes apparently. Great initiative by the government and will go a long way to securing our energy future.

I feel sorry for Malcolm though, this announcement could have been a massive boost for him if it was announced after the election...instead it comes after bringing coal into parliament.
It could have been great for him if he announced it a weeks after the SA debacle, instead the Libs showed their true colours again nailing their colours to COALS mast.
Malcolm had his chances to lead, to admit there is a real need for a price on carbon, which he easily could have after Tony Abbott's aborted attempt at leading. He had his chance to take control of the Same Sex Marriage predicament, again after Tones self destruction. He had his chance to lead the
renewables charge rather than kowtow to the far right wing nutcases who put the moron Abbott in power in the first place.
He flinched...he shit himself and he disrespected his own beliefs for power.
I am sick of these press conferences with their fluro jackets.

The need is immediate not in five or some years time as is the cost reduction or control which neither Mal nor Josh answered.

This is what you get when you privatise essential services.

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Forget turnballs little war of words that press conference today has sent the government packing into the corner in damage control. i mean how do they come back from that?
Forget turnballs little war of words that press conference today has sent the government packing into the corner in damage control. i mean how do they come back from that?
It was an epic arse kicking for Frydenburg and the Libs.
Frydenburg and Turnbull have been furiously googling terms like photo-voltaic. It's hilarious these gormless arseclown now expect the electorate to believe they were all over this, only hours away from suggest the same solutions before their thunder was stolen.
Frydenburg should resign in shame.
About time you all woke up.

Both parties have stuffed the energy market and now the gas market is going the same way. Playing sides re this just lets these clowns get away with it by setting us against each other. Neither side has a policy, a plan or a vision. Its no good saying lets go renewable without planning for its short comings in the design of the National Grid. At this point, renewables are unreliable and expensive and unless you want to cripple the economy eg Sth Australia, proceed with caution.

Wetherall is a classic example, made terrible policy decisions based on ideaology without considering the facts. Andrews is now crippling Victoria and this will have a knock on effect to the rest of the country, especially SA as Hazelwood goes off line with no replacement for years. Bad policy, bad economics, bad leadership.
About time you all woke up.

Both parties have stuffed the energy market and now the gas market is going the same way. Playing sides re this just lets these clowns get away with it by setting us against each other. Neither side has a policy, a plan or a vision. Its no good saying lets go renewable without planning for its short comings in the design of the National Grid. At this point, renewables are unreliable and expensive and unless you want to cripple the economy eg Sth Australia, proceed with caution.

Wetherall is a classic example, made terrible policy decisions based on ideaology without considering the facts. Andrews is now crippling Victoria and this will have a knock on effect to the rest of the country, especially SA as Hazelwood goes off line with no replacement for years. Bad policy, bad economics, bad leadership.

So it's 'both sides' but you single out the alp for criticism

They have their faults but the other side is s bought an paid lobby group for one industry which coincidentally share as its name

Yel Malcolm professes to be neutral on
The issue. NBN anyone?
So it's 'both sides' but you single out the alp for criticism

They have their faults but the other side is s bought an paid lobby group for one industry which coincidentally share as its name

Yel Malcolm professes to be neutral on
The issue. NBN anyone?

It is both sides.

An independent body like the RBA is required along with a media ban preventing politicians discussing the energy sector is required. Politicians use certain issues to create relevance for themselves and the more they meddle, the more F'd up the issue......the more relevant they become.

We have seen this with the boats and immigration. We have seen this with health and education (slightly different reasons). We have seen this in energy.

Yet the RBA has been solid as a rock.

The politicians need to back off and leave it to experts rather than popularity contests to undermine the nation and the economy.
It is both sides.

An independent body like the RBA is required along with a media ban preventing politicians discussing the energy sector is required. Politicians use certain issues to create relevance for themselves and the more they meddle, the more F'd up the issue......the more relevant they become.

We have seen this with the boats and immigration. We have seen this with health and education (slightly different reasons). We have seen this in energy.

Yet the RBA has been solid as a rock.

The politicians need to back off and leave it to experts rather than popularity contests to undermine the nation and the economy.

The energy market is in the private sectors hands.. how's that working for us? Our natural resources getting shipped overseas at bargain basement prices and we are paying premium dollars here?? Is that the governments fault?

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