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  • Users: IAMDASH
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  1. I

    Scam White Collar Crime

    This type of crime is underrepresented on this board. Given that another $60M Ponzi has just reared its head in Victoria, let's discuss White Collar Crime here!
  2. I

    Taj Mahal

    What are the Taj's best albums?
  3. I

    2014 AFL Media Personality of the Year

    goes to... Justice John Middleton :thumbsu:
  4. I

    The Hard Ons

    Well if we are going to have a Mr Floppy, we better bloddy well have a Hard Ons too! Saw them Saturday night at The Corner. Awesome! Keish not a bad frontman too.
  5. I

    Food/Supplements Whey Protein Isolate

    I have been using Musashi iso8 lean WPI forn the the past few year's but is no longer available. It has been relaunched as Musahsi Lean WPI. Probably the exact same product but might be time for a change. Can anyone else recommend a lean WPI? Number One requirement from me is that it must...
  6. I

    Selling shares online - advice required

    I have 60K tied up in shares that I need to offload quickly. 3 x blue chip stocks. I called e*trade who said it would cost me $29.95 per transaction = $90 total. NABtrade quoted 0.11 percent which = $600. Am I missing something here. i really have no idea on brokers so any advice would...
  7. I

    Dropbox and itunes library

    Can I do this on Dropbox: Upload all my mp3 files to dropbox from my Macbook, then download them to my work PC. Will this work? Any other options. I have no idea about technology:confused:
  8. I

    Mark Bunn

    Found this and thought it may interest the old Royboys here: Mark Bunn
  9. I

    Ry Cooder

    If you were to buy one Ry Cooder album to start, what would it be? Opinions please...
  10. I


    Neil Rogers was talking about this RRR last night: The Abberent Years I'm looking forward to picking up a copy. Has anyone seen feedtime live?
  11. I


    A great gig at The Corner Hotel last night. They deserve their own thread on BF. Mark Arm is an impressive frontman. Rock!
  12. I

    Flemington Carnival Live Streamng

    Can anyone provide a link? No TV here and want to watch online if I can
  13. I

    Tex Perkins & The Dark Horses

    New album out this week I believe. Anyone got it yet? Any good? Shows next weekend at The Thornbury Theatre.
  14. I

    Radio Birdman

    Anyone got a copy of the new Live in Texas album?
  15. I

    Spencer P Jones

    Couldn't find a thread dedicated to Spencer so here we go. I have just purchased Sobering Thoughts. Anyone got this album yet? Fait Accompli has been a recent purchase also and it is a bloody top album. Anyone have an opinion on his best work?
  16. I

    Ace Frehley - Anomaly

    Ace has a new album out next week (15-09-09). I loved his KISS solo album. Check out this cheesey clip to promote it. E2tWsNqnfpk First release in 20 years. Feedback on album is not too bad.
  17. I

    The Harmonica

    This small and simple instrument can make a great blues or rock song even greater. What are your favourite cuts that feature the harmonica? I'll start: Won't get you loved - Nick Barker and The Reptiles (featuring Chris Harris on harmonica)
  18. I

    Delightful Rain

    Check out this link: Absolute quality
  19. I

    The Darkness - It's all over

    ...across England listening to the BBC with Dave Grohl as guest DJ. They played him "I believe in a thing called love" and he was like what the ***** was that. My response was similar when I first heard the song too. Became my anthem for the trip. Anyway was probably never going to last was it?
  20. I

    Rage - 07/10/2006

    Radio Bidrman are guest programming Rage this Saturday night. There's also a tribute to Robbie "Rocket" Watts. Looks like a night in Saturday night.
  21. I

    The Drones - Gala Mill

    Has anyone heard this album yet?
  22. I

    Developing an alternative income source while holding a full-time role

    All, I thought I'd float this on the bigfooty boards to see if I can get any constructive input or feedback. I am currently employed in a media role where my workplace structure is pretty flexible and if I manage to work efficiently and constructively, I often have a lot of downtime...
  23. I

    Converting mp3 to wma - desperately need help!

    Can anyone help me. I urgently need to convert mp3 to wma. I have MAC OS X 10.4.5. I have all my music in itunes in mp3 format but need to convert it to wma. Not sure what other info you need to know to possibly help me but I don't think I can do this in itunes? and will possibly...
  24. I

    Off Ya Cruet!

    Know there are some massive fans of the Psychos on this board regularly so maybe they can fill me in. I've fallen outta the band a little bit of late hence nearly ran off the road tonight when I heard they've got a new album titled "Off Ya Cruet". Neil Rogers played a track on RRR at about 8pm...
  25. I

    Cosmic Psychos

    Just wanted to pay my respects... "You drove me up the wall I aint no spider"
  26. I

    Dropped in to say "Go Roys"

    I am currently residing in the UK so don't have much chance to access this site so just thought I would drop by to say "Go Roys" and wish you all well. I miss the memories on this site. Cheers
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    I am currently residing in the UK and in early July have the chance to see motorhead in early july in Sherwwod Forest. I need to know what people think are their best albums as they have released plenty so I can get some ammunition before i head to the gig. I have heard that "No sleep till...
  28. I

    Rock, and a roll of cash

    This appeared in todays Melbourne Age, Enjoy.... Rock, and a roll of cash January 22 2003 Picture: JANE ROCCA Melbourne is experiencing a rock revival, driven in part by that most enduring of bottom lines - money. Jane Rocca reports. It's 9pm on Wednesday at Revolver...
  29. I

    Hadyn Bunton song

    Did anyone else here this 774 3LO the other week. What a bloody beauty. Made me stick out my chest with pride. Hopped in the car and was driving home from the Melbourne Writers Festival where I had just heard Martin Flanagan and John Harms talk about the great game. If listening to them was...
  30. I

    Kingswood Country - Ted Bullpit

    I am trying to find a picture of Ted Bullpit from Kingswood Country (those of you old enough may remember this show). I have searched the net with no luck. Anyone know of a site that may have one?