1. FreeTK

    Eagles 2020 season: Finals

  2. Hawkas1988


    The footy is...back? For how long who knows but with a new footy season comes a new Yabby Medal to be won. Once again the regulars will know how it works but for anyone new to this, we all get together and vote after each game, handing out 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 votes. You can vote as soon as the game's...
  3. Docker Gun

    Unofficial Preview 2020 Season Preview - A Season To Experiment With

    2020 - A Season to Experiment With. No-mater if we are soooo close to making finals, do a 2019 or scare the sh*t out of everyone (Good or Bad) this year will be a foundation block for the next decade ,be it good, bad or ok. This is our fixture which should make for some interesting Footy...
  4. wayToGo_

    2nds Peel Thunder 2020
