Movie Avengers - Endgame

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I agree with those saying the movie was disappointing. I still liked it, but I didn't love it or think it was the best superhero movie ever. That's because I didn't get what I wanted, however. If you didn't care that the Guardians and co didn't show up until very late in the film and aside from a few throwaway lines were just there for the fight scenes, then you wouldn't be disappointed.

As someone who wanted to see more of the once in a lifetime mega cast together hanging shit off each other and fighting together, though, I was disappointed the unsnapped didn't return earlier in the film. I know the Russo's would've had to change the plot to do that, but to see them maybe halfway through or 2/3's through was what I wanted. You had this one chance to do it, and it never happened. I know we got that in IW but I wanted more of that; to see Drax interacting with Hulk and so on would've been awesome.

I would've preferred if the Hulk sacrificed himself to bring back BW when he did the snap (if that was possible, maybe it's irreversible even if you have all six stones) so BW could be a sequel. I also would have preferred if it was impossible for Stark to do the snap, so the alternative would be for Captain Marvel to fly away with the stones and keep them from Thanos, while the rest had to defeat the army without snapping them away. Between that evil wizard guy and Thanos' other high ranking fighters, we could have seen some more epic fights.

Nebula dealing the killing blow to Thanos would've been sweet, with Iron Man, Cap, and Thor stringing something together to weaken him. One thing I'm glad about, though, is the screentime Nebula got in the film and the way they used her. Kudos to my celeb crush Gillan because she was brilliant in this. Asguardians of the Galaxy is going to be awesome. All well and good to say this in hindsight. Still a good movie, in any case.
Easily the best Marvel movie so far. There was a good balance of personal scenes, group conversations and action. Largely the story held up and to give so many characters decent screen time was a big achievement.

A few quibbles/questions

Why didn't they go back in time and kill Thanos before he was dangerous? (Apart from that there would have been no movie)

I was glad Captain Marvell wasn't in it much. But both times she appeared she acted as Deus Ex Machina. Would have preferred she wasn't in it at all.

As usual in these movies a characters superpowers vary for dramatic effect. Eg Captain Marvel at one point is crashing through a giant spaceship - nek minut, she's losing a wrestling match with Thanos. Thor goes from drunken slob back to godlike via a lightening bolt.

How did Thanos and all his associates and army get from 2014 to 2019?
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I agree with those saying the movie was disappointing. I still liked it, but I didn't love it or think it was the best superhero movie ever. That's because I didn't get what I wanted, however. If you didn't care that the Guardians and co didn't show up until very late in the film and aside from a few throwaway lines were just there for the fight scenes, then you wouldn't be disappointed.

As someone who wanted to see more of the once in a lifetime mega cast together hanging shit off each other and fighting together, though, I was disappointed the unsnapped didn't return earlier in the film. I know the Russo's would've had to change the plot to do that, but to see them maybe halfway through or 2/3's through was what I wanted. You had this one chance to do it, and it never happened. I know we got that in IW but I wanted more of that; to see Drax interacting with Hulk and so on would've been awesome.

I would've preferred if the Hulk sacrificed himself to bring back BW when he did the snap (if that was possible, maybe it's irreversible even if you have all six stones) so BW could be a sequel. I also would have preferred if it was impossible for Stark to do the snap, so the alternative would be for Captain Marvel to fly away with the stones and keep them from Thanos, while the rest had to defeat the army without snapping them away. Between that evil wizard guy and Thanos' other high ranking fighters, we could have seen some more epic fights.

Nebula dealing the killing blow to Thanos would've been sweet, with Iron Man, Cap, and Thor stringing something together to weaken him. One thing I'm glad about, though, is the screentime Nebula got in the film and the way they used her. Kudos to my celeb crush Gillan because she was brilliant in this. Asguardians of the Galaxy is going to be awesome. All well and good to say this in hindsight. Still a good movie, in any case.

Hell yeah they need to make this movie now
Easily the best Marvel movie so far. There was a good balance of personal scenes, group conversations and action. Largely the story held up and to give so many characters decent screen time was a big achievement.

A few quibbles/questions

Why didn't they go back in time and kill Thanos before he was dangerous? (Apart from that there would have been no movie)

I was glad Captain Marvell wasn't in it much. But both times she appeared she acted as Deus Ex Machina. Would have preferred she wasn't in it at all.

As usual in these movies a characters superpowers vary for dramatic effect. Eg Captain Marvel at one point is crashing through a giant spaceship - nek minut, she's losing a wrestling match with Thanos. Thor goes from drunken slob back to godlike via a lightening bolt.

How did Thanos and all his associates and army get from 2014 to 2019?
1. Can't go back and kill Thanos, as they said, that's movie time travel, time travel in this film was trying to be more scientific, you can't change your past by going back in time. Going back in time and changing anything only creates an alternate timeline. If they were to go back and kill Thanos pre-snap, that creates a universe where the Snap doesn't happen but doesn't change THEIR universe. All they could do was use the past as a resource to obtain the stones (and in the process creating multiple new timelines, like Loki and interactions with historical people) and use those stones to change their future - i.e undoing what Thanos did.

2. When Post-Snap Nebula went back to 2014 the Nebula from 2014 got her wires mixed up and Thanos picked up on it. They went to where she was, captured her and sent 2014 Nebula back to Post-Snap Earth instead of Post-Snap Nebula. From there, Nebula used the Quantum-Teleporter-Time Machine to bring Thanos' ship from 2014 to Post-Snap Earth (2023 or whatever) where they fought the Avengers etc etc.
As someone who wanted to see more of the once in a lifetime mega cast together hanging shit off each other and fighting together, though, I was disappointed the unsnapped didn't return earlier in the film. I know the Russo's would've had to change the plot to do that, but to see them maybe halfway through or 2/3's through was what I wanted. You had this one chance to do it, and it never happened. I know we got that in IW but I wanted more of that; to see Drax interacting with Hulk and so on would've been awesome.

There was an interesting one or two lines from PP that hinted at something that could have been made , or could still be made, along these lines.

He mentioned the dark place and how he was talking to Dr Strange? and suddenly he is back talking to Stark (if I have that correct? ) so there seems to be this whole area the Unsnapped were
I enjoyed it. I didn't feel like I saw an epic swansong of a decade plus cinematic universe that 'moved' me or whatever.

Probably liked Infinity War a lot better too, but I don't envy the task at what the Russo bros had to do here.

All I know for sure after watching that is that Chris Hemsworth is a goddamn movie star. He's basically the next Tom Cruise. Won't ever win an Oscar, but he'll bring in the box office and generally be lauded for his performance even if the movie sucks.

A strange choice to spend so much time with Nebula, who low-key is like the most important character in the film.

Killing Thanos early meant that when we went back to him, he never felt as imposing as he did in Infinity.

The mini heists worked and it didn't. The come full circle moments for Thor, Cap and Iron Man in those moments kinda dragged and probably my least favourite parts of the film. Feel like if you wanted to make their ends truly mean something to the fans, it'd would have happened in a standalone film. Shoutout to Natalie Portman for getting dem checks for literally getting out of bed.

Quantum Realm stuff...I mean sure. There was no want for me to try and understand it, so you just go with it. Probably a million things you could poke hole at, but what's the point?
just watched it the 2nd time. The baby was well behaved, so it didn’t ruin it. Crowd much better than 730 Wednesday. No clapping and that crap.

Chick scene in battle seemed okay on second viewing, 1 thing I do want to know though.

Who killed proxima midnight?

Giant man got the monster
Ebony Maw got snapped
Corvus glave got taken out by the wakanda head of kings guard

But I missed proxima death?
Just saw it without reading anything beforehand and can say I was very satisfied. Great movie and I'd put it second to TDK for comic book movies. 3 hour movie but the time just flew by.
just watched it the 2nd time. The baby was well behaved, so it didn’t ruin it. Crowd much better than 730 Wednesday. No clapping and that crap.

Chick scene in battle seemed okay on second viewing, 1 thing I do want to know though.

Who killed proxima midnight?

Giant man got the monster
Ebony Maw got snapped
Corvus glave got taken out by the wakanda head of kings guard

But I missed proxima death?


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just watched it the 2nd time. The baby was well behaved, so it didn’t ruin it. Crowd much better than 730 Wednesday. No clapping and that crap.

Chick scene in battle seemed okay on second viewing, 1 thing I do want to know though.

Who killed proxima midnight?

Giant man got the monster
Ebony Maw got snapped
Corvus glave got taken out by the wakanda head of kings guard

But I missed proxima death?

wasn’t really a fan of Ebony being killed by Okoye, happened too easily I felt. Was hoping that it would’ve been by Dr Strange or Stark.

But I guess I was just hoping for more involvement by Strange in the final battle (along with Thor who was terribly under-utilised).

Speaking of the Order, I don’t recall seeing Cull in that battle. He was probably there but missed it, will have to keep an eye out for him in the next viewing.
wasn’t really a fan of Ebony being killed by Okoye, happened too easily I felt. Was hoping that it would’ve been by Dr Strange or Stark.

But I guess I was just hoping for more involvement by Strange in the final battle (along with Thor who was terribly under-utilised).

Speaking of the Order, I don’t recall seeing Cull in that battle. He was probably there but missed it, will have to keep an eye out for him in the next viewing.

Was stomped on by Giant Man fairly early
Clearly some mods in here dont know what spoilers are and arent.

Plot points are a spoiler.
How a movie makes you feel or whether you think it is funny or emotional is not a spoiler. Its your own subjective experience.

How long do we have to use spoiler tags? It's stifling discussion.

Shirley, people who haven't seen the movie yet are avoiding this thread. Or are not that keen.
remember when thanks ship arrived at hq and was not as big. How did it shrink? I know they had one pym particle sample but u know

Yeah, I have no idea. Can anyone else explain? There was one Pym Particle that past-Nebula used to come back. Then somehow Thanos had his ship shrunk AND brought forward with no other available Pym Particles?
wasn’t really a fan of Ebony being killed by Okoye, happened too easily I felt. Was hoping that it would’ve been by Dr Strange or Stark.

But I guess I was just hoping for more involvement by Strange in the final battle (along with Thor who was terribly under-utilised).

Speaking of the Order, I don’t recall seeing Cull in that battle. He was probably there but missed it, will have to keep an eye out for him in the next viewing.

he was squashed by giant ant man i think
Yeah, I have no idea. Can anyone else explain? There was one Pym Particle that past-Nebula used to come back. Then somehow Thanos had his ship shrunk AND brought forward with no other available Pym Particles?
i think we all assume that happened, but does the ship have technology required to work with the particle?

i think he didnt care about how to get back as he just wanted stones

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