Bomber players could walk if they can prove a breach of contract

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Not really breaking news, and this was said a long time ago.

Common sense really. Somebody breaches a contract, it can be nulled & voided?

Just Herald Sun trying to look important

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Not really breaking news, and this was said a long time ago.

Common sense really. Somebody breaches a contract, it can be nulled & voided?

Just Herald Sun trying to look important
But until this year it was a messy case for the players to prove now it is a lot easier.

The Federal Court case is not just about infraction notices and Cronulla style penalties. When you look at the prospect of multiple players walking out on the club for absolutely nothing Essendon are scared stiff. Just think players confidence in club is shot, club stands by Hird, players go screw you he put us in this shit so we're walking out goes Ryder, Heppell, Hooker, Stanton, Winderlich, Hocking, Howlett and a few others. Essendon's only compensation is they've just freed up a heap of salary cap room, down side though is lose the core of their team, have to rebuild with only the same level of draft picks as everyone else. Attracting free agents will be a nightmare because only the pure money hungry players would go because they know they will be sitting on the bottom of the ladder for most of the next decade.

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Every Monday when I go home
I settle down to prime-time limbo
When all the boys are gathered around
Shoutin' "Caro's on TV"!"
And though the roaches are thick on the ground
Somebody goes to close our window
Keep the noise of the city down
Get a dose of integrity

Every week, in every home
She's got wholesome news for the family
I believe, I believe, in what she says
Yes I do
I believe, I believe, at the end of the day
Her magazine'll get me through

Caro's tongue never touches her lips
She could always be my godmother
And though the desktop hides her hips
My imagination's strong
She's the sweetest thing I've ever seen
I'd like to take her out to dinner
But when I think about the places I've been
I'd probably hold my fork all wrong

Every day and every night
She's the only one we can depend upon
I believe, I believe, in what she says
Yes I do
I believe, I believe, at the end of the day
Her magazine'll get me through

To every housewife through the land
There is no-one else they can depend upon
How could I not believe what Caro tells me to

Every day and every night
She's the only one we can depend upon
How could I not believe what Caro tells me to
How could I not believe what Caro tells me to
How could I not believe what Caro tells me to
How could I not believe what Caro tells me to

Yes it's true, what Caro tells me to

Not sure what your point is, Michael Warner is on the back page of the Hun with the same story. But nah, there's nothing to see here, right?
Expect "poor innocent players who accepted bans but were only protecting their financial security and the welfare of their family" to become "evil self serving grubby turncoats!"
The ridicule from the Essendon supporters will be immense.

But they don't give one stuff about the players health, the long term effects, they just expect the players to accept anything done to them in the club name and deal with the effects.
The ridicule from the Essendon supporters will be immense.

But they don't give one stuff about the players health, the long term effects, they just expect the players to accept anything done to them in the club name and deal with the effects.
All I've seen from opposition supporters is an outpouring of concern for the well being of those involved. Of course.

Get off the moral high horse.
Well who knows what way it can go. According to that WADA article a few days ago, it can go either way. If the players knew what was being administered or to a degree what was happening, would make it harder to get out of the contract.

Remember AFLPA don't know what ASADA have either, so they could possible be only seeing what they have been told from Essendon & the AFL (who are trying to sweep it under the carpet)
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