Buggering off for three months

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Where are you off to Striker? Forgive me if you've mentioned it numerous times before, memory doesn't serve me as well as it used too!

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Where are you off to Striker? Forgive me if you've mentioned it numerous times before, memory doesn't serve me as well as it used too!
I shall let a great YouTube video do the talking.

I've decided it's not worth bothering during the remainder of the off-season here either. I figure the only sure way to resist the temptation to involve myself in any more of those idiotic threads about us is to take a big step back - hence why I've not been on for about a fortnight now.

The garbage issued forth in such high volume by the ever-so-vocal, wildly hypocritical and thoroughly dishonest lynch mob arrayed against us around this place is so toxic that even as bloodyminded as I am, I've decided there's no point engaging. Whether passively reading or actively responding, both seem equally bad for one's mental health.

The pretence that somehow we're the only club where there are grounds to suspect tanking, the continued attempts to rewrite the history of the last 15 years on this issue, the abuse directed at the club and us for standing up against it, all the mindless and irrelevant trolling both about our players and others within the club (including the bizarre claims about Neeld that still seem to pop up over and over), and about us as posters on this site, especially me it seems, perhaps because I've been more vocal and made myself a more visible target.

Or the repetition of all manner of bullshit about the club as though simple repetition turns it into fact, the vulture mentality amongst various grubs who have this desperate desire to see our club killed or otherwise crippled, the amazing vendetta many of the aforementioned grubs have pursued against Stynes, and the vilification directed at him as part of that vendetta, now he's dead and can't defend himself.

All on the main board, and seemingly without serious action taken by those charged with moderating that board - except for that moment when it reached a new peak of insanity with that "ban W33" troll thread, at least. That seems like the only point where those responsible decided a line had been crossed :eek:

Probably wouldn't have stuck around as long as I have during this off-season in any case if we hadn't had Viney and the various trading choices taking place, and this whole tanking witchhunt... I wish I'd just chosen to step back once that began in earnest.
And since I live in Brisbane and the shite reported/fictionalised about us by so-called 'journalists' like Wilson doesn't seem to reach the media here, while I'm not bothering to follow this stuff on BF, I don't have to see it at all, thank goodness!

PS- By the way, while I'm talking about this, I'm seriously thinking perhaps we should set up a new sub-section within this place for general AFL discussion, where fans of other clubs who aren't part of this vocal and essentially unmoderated group of MB trolls could come and participate with us. Certainly would provide a more pleasant and intelligent alternative to the main board as it is now.
W33, I've given up posting on the main board for now. It's so damn negative. Nobody is discussing anything there, it's just a place where people who have no intention of changing their opinions go to vent their existential rage. There are too many people there anyway for any kind of rational discussion of anything, too many voices - which means it usually descends into a series of wisecracks and pithy insults designed to put others in their place. There are times when I think there are some real sociopaths on this forum.

So yes, I would welcome having the option to discuss general AFL matters in a smaller scale on our own board with some limited guest participation. Having the option to redcard trouble-makers would make an instant improvement over the main board. I agree that it has become an essentially unmoderated cesspool of extreme and malevolent commentary and opinions. Wasn't that bad when I joined 3 years ago.
MB is an 'legitimate' version of the Bay right now. Amazing the shit that people get away with there.

I like that sub-forum idea. Probably need another mod, but if you enforced legitimate discussion and forced actual posts rather than two-line crap about 'hurr cheat' and the like it'd work well.

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MB is an 'legitimate' version of the Bay right now. Amazing the shit that people get away with there.

I like that sub-forum idea. Probably need another mod, but if you enforced legitimate discussion and forced actual posts rather than two-line crap about 'hurr cheat' and the like it'd work well.

Just not the way it goes though unfortunately. For every decent poster there are 4 trolls and you just can't escape them no matter what you do.

I'd love to have good discussions with other posters but I don't even bother going on to the main board anymore and I haven't posted in the Bay for years, or read what's on there for that matter. Why would you bother though? Why would you try and even defend your club against a bunch of trolls or kids who have nothing to offer anyone at any time? Simple answer is you wouldn't.

I hear you W33 but I think if you choose your targets you'll be alright. I learnt here long ago that it simply isn't worth your time to venture out on to other AFL boards for discussions as, 9 times out of 10, it's wasted time and within 5 posts it ends up being a shit fight.

I'll be around a bit over the next few months but, once the draft is done, not much happens anyway. Once February rolls around things will start to pick up, although I'm glad the mods get a few months off - been a nightmare this year I reckon!!
Just not the way it goes though unfortunately. For every decent poster there are 4 trolls

No mate, it just seems that way, because of the obsessive, compulsive - and as Ando said, sociopathic - nature of those who target us on the MB. It's virtually always the same people. But despite that fact, they still get free rein within that board regardless.

Great to see there's real support for the new sub-forum concept already. And yeah, it certainly could work well. That group of trolls could easily be "screened out" and plenty of other decent posters from various clubs could be invited in - there are many who would make for good regular contributors. I know certain other supporters from outside our board have already been thinking about such an idea.

Aside from anything else, it'd also further boost overall traffic on our board, making for an all-round positive outcome if it can be done...
No mate, it just seems that way, because of the obsessive, compulsive - and as Ando said, sociopathic - nature of those who target us on the MB. It's virtually always the same people. But despite that fact, they still get free rein within that board regardless.

Great to see there's real support for the new sub-forum concept already. And yeah, it certainly could work well. That group of trolls could easily be "screened out" and plenty of other decent posters from various clubs could be invited in - there are many who would make for good regular contributors. I know certain other supporters from outside our board have already been thinking about such an idea.

Aside from anything else, it'd also further boost overall traffic on our board, making for an all-round positive outcome if it can be done...

I'm not so much talking about those who target us but posters in general - I wouldn't mind talking about other issues and other clubs in a good way and have some hearty discussion with other posters, but 9 times out of 10 it degenerates in to complete rubbish and, you're right, too many get away with WAY too much.

And I don't even expect people to agree with things our club has, or has supposedly, done, I'd just like to see GOOD discussion. It's such a rarity these days.

Plus I hate those posters who smash us with glee on the other boards and then turn up in here talking nice and trying to side with us and give us a "mature" point of view when you could look at their last 50 posts that have been laying into us on every thread they can get their grubby little hands on. Those posters shouldn't even be welcome on here for any form of discussion under any circumstances. I don't mind if people don't agree with us, it's those than constantly have a crack at any opportunity. It's pathetic.
I wouldn't mind talking about other issues and other clubs in a good way and have some hearty discussion with other posters, but 9 times out of 10 it degenerates in to complete rubbish and, you're right, too many get away with WAY too much.

That's the heart of the issue, yeah. And as I say, it's invariably the same people causing the trouble.

I don't know about such shenanigans involving other clubs so much on the MB - it mostly seems to be about us.

Plus I hate those posters who smash us with glee on the other boards and then turn up in here talking nice and trying to side with us and give us a "mature" point of view when you could look at their last 50 posts that have been laying into us on every thread they can get their grubby little hands on. Those posters shouldn't even be welcome on here for any form of discussion under any circumstances. I don't mind if people don't agree with us, it's those than constantly have a crack at any opportunity. It's pathetic.

People like DOS/DOP/SLF, you mean. And I totally agree. You've summed them up very well.

But as I say, there are many others who are genuine and don't play such hypocritical and dishonest games, who contribute well on a consistent basis without that trolling, who'd be great to be involved in regular discussion within a new forum of this kind.

Shame is SLF used to be a decent poster, and someone I had plenty of respect for... now he looks like a cautionary tale.

And I don't even expect people to agree with things our club has, or has supposedly, done, I'd just like to see GOOD discussion. It's such a rarity these days.

It can be done mate. Once we have a new sub-forum such as this, without that assortment of obvious flogs from TLC and other blatant axe-grinders always poisoning the well, I'm sure the quality of such discussion will improve dramatically.
Unlucky, I got pretty decent weather in DC around the end of december. it was 3-5 degrees every day which was bearable. Make sure you go up to georgetown for a dinner/drinks of a night time. It's quite a nice place.
Unlucky, I got pretty decent weather in DC around the end of december. it was 3-5 degrees every day which was bearable. Make sure you go up to georgetown for a dinner/drinks of a night time. It's quite a nice place.
I'm actually staying in Georgetown. Of all things, I'm stuck - the guy I'm travelling with is in hospital and is hopefully being discharged tomorrow, but until he does and we start to get him right I can't go anywhere.

It was really good early in the week; Tuesday was 17 degrees (!) and was just sensational, got some amazing photos.
I'm actually staying in Georgetown. Of all things, I'm stuck - the guy I'm travelling with is in hospital and is hopefully being discharged tomorrow, but until he does and we start to get him right I can't go anywhere.

It was really good early in the week; Tuesday was 17 degrees (!) and was just sensational, got some amazing photos.

You obviously went and checked out all of the monuments and museums?

That was one off the most enjoyable places I went to in the USA.
You obviously went and checked out all of the monuments and museums?

That was one off the most enjoyable places I went to in the USA.
Most of them - I need to still hit Arlington and the Jefferson/MLK/FDR ones, but I'm still in DC til at least Wednesday, so I've got time.
Going to post this in here for Striker475 as I don't want to derail the other thread.

Ventured into the Bay and found the thread you lost your head in and it's nothing short of gold, and in a good way. I scrolled through some of the posters within that thread and it contains the serious bottom feeders of BigFooty as a whole. I can understand you losing the plot.... maybe not as much as you did but I guess there is only so much some people can take when faced with the dribble that is served up on some parts of this site. I'm sure you'll wake up tomorrow and regret it but you can't help but feel cracking the shits at some of those plebs is worth it in some way or another. More power to you big fella. :thumbsu:
Going to post this in here for Striker475 as I don't want to derail the other thread.

Ventured into the Bay and found the thread you lost your head in and it's nothing short of gold, and in a good way. I scrolled through some of the posters within that thread and it contains the serious bottom feeders of BigFooty as a whole. I can understand you losing the plot.... maybe not as much as you did but I guess there is only so much some people can take when faced with the dribble that is served up on some parts of this site. I'm sure you'll wake up tomorrow and regret it but you can't help but feel cracking the shits at some of those plebs is worth it in some way or another. More power to you big fella. :thumbsu:

At first I thought oh no, he's lost it. Posted some crap one liners to try and derail other posters as I thought he was embarrassing himself. Then after reading his posts more closely, I realised the posts were simply awesome. Nobody was spared, particularly North and their small man syndrome. Inspired ranting. :thumbsu:
I figure it's better to get pissed at people on the internet, so they can't hit you back, rather than at people in the real world. Whatever. They'll squeal meltdown, but it was worth it.

I don't know whether to say thank you or not?
And I definitely took it too far the next day, but that was more for a laugh.

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