Corona virus and other pestilences. Poxes ‘n stuff. Part 6.

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The vaccinations are the reason for the increased Australian mortality rate. I'm a debt collector. There's been 4 people in their 30s that I've been collecting from that have all died in the last 12 months. Prior to Covid nobody I was collecting from died in their 30s!

This is also a situation which cannot be ignored. While vaccinations appear to be working, we do seem intent on ignoring any side effects

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Remember how myocarditis was denied as a vaccine side effect until it was reluctantly acknowledged? Expect similar for excess deaths.
No it was actually acknowledged pretty early on, once the real data started coming in, as were blood
clots with AstraZenica.
Still, much higher risk from the actual infection itself.

However I look forward in years to come for a massive review in Australia and os, of how the pandemic was managed, including any vaccine side effects. Also a big review of how disinformation and confused messaging created issues with handling the pandemic in an optimal manner.
I hope we learn much before the next pandemic.
One has to ask how repeated illness and high proportion of absences in teachers and students has affected learning this year. Any thoughts?

How lack of available teachers due to illness resulting in class sizes doubling or children spending days in libraries or halls left basically to their own devices instead of learning in classes. Thoughts?

One also might ponder how repeated covid19 infections might affect cognitive function in children going forward as it does in some adults. Thoughts?

Yet with the freedom caucus it’s always about blaming the lockdowns or distance learning.

School of the air kids and kids home schooled through parent choice do just fine.I accept they have better supports.

Of course it was hard on parents too.

Children of essential workers etc still attended school.

Of course teachers found it hard. There was little time for preparation or skills training to support families remotely and they had to learn and adapt on the run.
And there would have been stressed parents who left their kids in front of tv all day.

Overseas children in places that kept schools closed fared no worse than ones who kept them open.

Of course teachers were stressed. They carried an enormous burden as did healthcare workers .

Blaming the lockdowns, masks, vaccines, temporary school closures for every negative outcome is just a ploy of the anti mask anti everything crowd.

A novel virus was rapidly spreading and evolving and they had to make decisions quickly.

They were well aware of what SARS1 had done years before.. high death rates and survivors with chronic illness 10 years later. Imagine if SARS2 has similar long term outcomes .

It has borne out that children have been a massive driver of infection spread since schools re opened.

Of course lots of mistakes were made.There was no perfect solution but the freedom crowd wail and hand wring as if their let it rip demands would have had better outcomes.

This reply right here shows how black and white you perceive situations when the reality is that there are a million shades of grey in between. Further to that, anyone you disagree with you box into a stereotype that is the complete opposite of your position which only further adds to that black and white dogma of yours.

I have plenty of opinions on the above statements you've made. That being said, it is absolutely futile discussing it with someone who is unwilling to see that there is more nuance than an "all or nothing" approach when it came to covid management in 2020 and 2021.
Expect similar for excess deaths.

Half the excess deaths are attributed to COVID itself, and there’s also been a spike in the 75+ age cohort, attributed to cancer, diabetes and dementia.

Delays/cancellations in surgeries, treatments, routine tests, cancer screenings (I personally had my colonoscopy rescheduled from December to March), and the absence of face-to-face consults (Telehealth) and GP’s refusing to see anyone who might be potentially infective are all potential red flags.

Beyond that, they’re looking into it.

Worth remembering that cardiac arrest, heart disease and other vascular problems (stroke) have been the biggest killers of Australians for decades, so they’re not about to leap to conclusions.
This reply right here shows how black and white you perceive situations when the reality is that there are a million shades of grey in between. Further to that, anyone you disagree with you box into a stereotype that is the complete opposite of your position which only further adds to that black and white dogma of yours.

I have plenty of opinions on the above statements you've made. That being said, it is absolutely futile discussing it with someone who is unwilling to see that there is more nuance than an "all or nothing" approach when it came to covid management in 2020 and 2021.
Aww so sorry that you are so upset at a different viewpoint
eXpErImeNtAl vAcCiNeS!!
A vaccine that was created, tested, designed and manufactured in 12 months for an unknown virus. Pharmaceutical companies have never been unethical and governments granted legal immunity so they could never be held responsible for serious and fatal side effects. Keep telling yourself they are safe and effective sowoke.
Some not surprising figures in today's weekly case numbers. Unofficially SA infection is up 33% on last week's figures. Tasmania is up 44% while NSW and Victoria are up by 24% and 20% respectively. Queensland and the NT recorded modest falls in infection.

SA Figures are unofficial because SA Health have employed a cunning delaying tactic. Apparently they figure if they sit on their figures until after 6.00 pm the numbers might magically fall. Could it be they the SA Government is delaying the figures to avoid scrutiny in the afternoon and the evening news services? No, that is conspiracy theory on my part.

Overall Australia recorded 40,233 new cases in the past week which is 19.69% up on last week.

The SA figure for 4 Nov has been confirmed at 3,797 although it is not up on the SA Health web site yet. I have just seen Chris Picton on Seven News telling people not to visit Aged Care facilities or Hospitals if they have Covid symptoms. Sound advice but I reckon the Health Minister should have gone further and advised people with symptoms to test and stay at home!
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Was at a conference for 3 days and now I've come down with something. Could it finally be the ronas?
Was a little bit intrigued that literally zero attempt went into any kind of social distancing. Just 200 people jammed in a big room around tables with crap ventilation.

I'll do a test maybe tomorrow as it seems RATs are very unreliable early.

Feel crap.
Was at a conference for 3 days and now I've come down with something. Could it finally be the ronas?
Was a little bit intrigued that literally zero attempt went into any kind of social distancing. Just 200 people jammed in a big room around tables with crap ventilation.

I'll do a test maybe tomorrow as it seems RATs are very unreliable early.

Feel crap.
Wear A Mask GIF by Art and Fact
Was at a conference for 3 days and now I've come down with something. Could it finally be the ronas?
Was a little bit intrigued that literally zero attempt went into any kind of social distancing. Just 200 people jammed in a big room around tables with crap ventilation.

I'll do a test maybe tomorrow as it seems RATs are very unreliable early.

Feel crap.
Masks are no longer mandatory in RACFs. Hospitals won't be far behind.

Hugely beneficial to the residents who finally feel like they are being treated like humans again.
Was at a conference for 3 days and now I've come down with something. Could it finally be the ronas?
Was a little bit intrigued that literally zero attempt went into any kind of social distancing. Just 200 people jammed in a big room around tables with crap ventilation.

I'll do a test maybe tomorrow as it seems RATs are very unreliable early.

Feel crap.

I thought for sure I’d finally copped it at a confirmation ceremony a couple of months ago. All the symptoms. Swab was tested for everything and it was confirmed Rhinovirus. Filed alongside confirmed RSV in 2020.

So the streak continues.
Was at a conference for 3 days and now I've come down with something. Could it finally be the ronas?
Was a little bit intrigued that literally zero attempt went into any kind of social distancing. Just 200 people jammed in a big room around tables with crap ventilation.

I'll do a test maybe tomorrow as it seems RATs are very unreliable early.

Feel crap.

Sorry that you feel yuck. Excuse my ignorance, but unless you're eligible for antiviral medication due to your age or a pre existing comorbidity, what is the point in getting tested?

I mean, you're going to isolate anyway and stay at home whilst you feel this way, and if on the rare chance that you require further medical attention at a hospital, even if you tell them you've tested positive to covid they're still going to do their own PCR test to re-confirm anyway.
Sorry that you feel yuck. Excuse my ignorance, but unless you're eligible for antiviral medication due to your age or a pre existing comorbidity, what is the point in getting tested?

I mean, you're going to isolate anyway and stay at home whilst you feel this way, and if on the rare chance that you require further medical attention at a hospital, even if you tell them you've tested positive to covid they're still going to do their own PCR test to re-confirm anyway.

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