Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 7: This Thread is for Reasonable ON TOPIC Discussion

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In the peak fortnight of the outbreak to date (25 August to 7 September), the COVID-19 case rate among 2-dose vaccinated people was 49.5 per 100,000 while in unvaccinated people it was 561 per 100,000, a more than 10-fold difference. The rates of COVID-19 ICU admissions or deaths peaked in the fortnight 8 September to 21 September at 0.9 per 100,000 in 2-dose vaccinated people compared to 15.6 per 100,000 in unvaccinated people, a greater than 16-fold difference.
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They made progress on an mRNA vaccine for SARS-COV-1? I'd be interested in your source for that.
Don't know if there was an mRNA specific one my point was they arent starting from scratch with anything that is available

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The lack of interest in India's stunning performance from the rabid pro-vaxxers suggests to me its more about compliance than the disease itself.
India got absolutely clobbered.

India got absolutely clobbered.

Positive test rate has collapsed from over 20% to just north of 1%.
During the First World War Australians as young as 14 gave false ages in order to join as soldiers. Today, parents are posting photos of their 14 year-old boy getting a vaccine.

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In Vic, Dan shut the schools when kids couldn't get it, but opened the schools now there's a strain they can catch and yet can't be vaccinated.

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he shut everything down with one case

now we open and avg 1200
LGA vax figures out tomorrow all the unvaxed areas still high in cases
The double vaxed will probably not get tested for a sniffle and spread it
not sure latest breakdown in case profile wonder how many under 12 now schools back
ok locked up a big chunk

add that 16-34 least vaxed and most mobile
Gina, not her real name, is married to a 61-year-old transport worker who is one of the small minority Victorians who refuses to have a COVID-19 vaccine, despite his wife and adult children all having had the jab.

In fact, he recently paid cash to an unknown medical professional for two falsified MyGov vaccination records.
It means he appears fully vaccinated to businesses through check-in apps.
“Everyone was filthy on him when he came home and told us that,” says Gina, who spoke to The Sunday Age anonymously about her sensitive situation.
She reported her husband to the Premier’s office, and is also toying with the idea of telling police about his falsified records.

“I don’t know if I want to go down the police line though,” she says. “I don’t want vaccination to be the breakdown of my marriage.”

With social gatherings back and Christmas just weeks away – her husband’s scepticism about COVID-19 vaccines is driving a wedge through the family. Gina has told him he can’t come to family dinners, but he’s adamant he will anyway – and sit solo at a table away from his family.

Gina’s been warning friends, family and even local businesses not to believe her husband’s claims about being vaccinated. But despite her exasperation, Gina says she isn’t planning to divorce him after 35 years.

A friend of mine broke off a relationship because his gf was adamantly anti-vaxx even to the point of losing their job and wanting to move interstate, and my wife has a friend who's going through relationship struggles because her husband refuses to get the vaccine.

I can understand vaccine hesitancy, but some of the opposition is next level. Differing views must be placing a strain on a lot of relationships.
A friend of mine broke off a relationship because his gf was adamantly anti-vaxx even to the point of losing their job and wanting to move interstate, and my wife has a friend who's going through relationship struggles because her husband refuses to get the vaccine.

I can understand vaccine hesitancy, but some of the opposition is next level. Differing views must be placing a strain on a lot of relationships.

I remember hearing something about politics being a factor in whether relationships work or not. I've known people that have switched sides because of their partner. My mate has gone from a hard core Labor supporter to a liberal voter. I would imagine it being the same with being anti vax or not. Someone either changes their views or the relationship could get strained.
A friend of mine broke off a relationship because his gf was adamantly anti-vaxx even to the point of losing their job and wanting to move interstate, and my wife has a friend who's going through relationship struggles because her husband refuses to get the vaccine.

I can understand vaccine hesitancy, but some of the opposition is next level. Differing views must be placing a strain on a lot of relationships.

You can understand it being a deal breaker, especially such a hot button topic with significant real-world consequences.

Have you and your wife considered setting up the pro-vax friends (I DGAF what happens with the other two)?
Are you sure about that?
that its not like blood pressure meds, or insulin, or anti depressants or blood thinners or beta blockers etc?

yeah, why does that confuse you?

heck me are posting propaganda from a known and exposed quack to make your point?

The mods should be taking this stuff down from this site and blocking the perpetrators. It doesn't help fuel considered discussion. It is nothing more than psuedo-scientific nutjobbery.

Do better.
that its not like blood pressure meds, or insulin, or anti depressants or blood thinners or beta blockers etc?

yeah, why does that confuse you?
I believe you just have to have someone shoot you with a shotgun cap (just the one) filled with invermectin, zinc, vits a, b, c and d to cure the old Covid cold.

"Magic Bullet" gets thrown around alot and im sure thats how it works.
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